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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. I had a Kwikee step motor go bad. Winnebago wanted over $200 for the motor. I found the exact same motor on-line for $79. I don't have that information with me but if anyone is interested then when we get home I'll get the information.
  2. Another problem is that we always remember the bad things but don't remember the good things. Most that post regarding CW are mad at them and post the negatives. Those that have positive things to say usually do not post. I used CW once back in 2008 and the experience was very good. I don't live close to a CW so I use other local RV repair services.
  3. Please tell me the officer did not clock you driving a motorhome.
  4. Hey two Bill's, Yep some of those C'rats had some old dates on them. Surprisingly the cans were always intact with no rust showing on the outside. I wonder why they can't make metal that way now-a-days. Spent first 200 days at C-1. Only two of us Marines there most of the time. It was a FSB (Fire Support Base for you non-knowers) and manned primarily by the Army and ARVN's. Army would have 8'inch and 175's and every once in a while the Marines would rotate in with 105's and 8'inch. I think my hearing loss is attributed to the time I was walking through the compound and was about 20 feet behind a 175 when they pulled the lanyard. I jumped so high I thought I had to tuck my feet up my rear. My last 5 months was on Hill 55.
  5. You are posting so I'm glad you are alright. Maybe calling the dealer or manufacturer will give some insight as to present day value.
  6. Not so bad when you go out in the 'ville and get a big bag of rice to cook up with every meal for mixin'. That and some tobacco sauce and it was all palatable. I liked the ham cakes. I'd scrounge the cans of bread from others that didn't like the canned bread, poke a couple holes in the top and put a few drops of water on top, set it on a fire and the bread would come out like it was just out of the oven. Slice and put the ham slices and cheese and it was a nice sandwich. (Of course hot sauce, and a little rice on the side)
  7. And c4 is great for heating C-Rats. (VN '68-69)
  8. We just finished a ride up Hwy 410 in Washington to near Mount Rainier. The falling rock signs were all over the place and typically followed by a "Rough Road" sign. They fix the roads that are damaged by the rock fall with asphalt but the don't do a good job of smoothing it out. It is quite a rumble strip. Maybe later on in time a good road crew will go in and fix them right. Building a bunker in VN there was a 6-8 foot boulder or more in the way. A piece of C4 about the size of a thumb was used and it pulverized the boulder. EOD placed it just right. Must be the shock wave?
  9. Bill, I live 21 miles from LaPorte Tire (when I'm not traveling) and I have used them for replacement tires. Cliff is very easy to work with. I believe they have a Michelin National Account and I used the FMCA program once. Last year there were no Michelin in any ones inventory so I switched to the TOYO M154.
  10. Verizon Warns huge data plan to switch or else. Verizon overhalls its data plan. Verizon doesn't seem to be the less expensive way to go anymore. According to the article, there 24Gb plan is $110 a month. I have AT&T 30Gb plan for $70 a month for my MiFi. Problem is we cannot turn it off when we re not traveling but we typically go out every month and this trip will be 4 consecutive months.
  11. I'm just thinking out loud here, but would a piece of "inconspicuous" tape on the windshield be a possible solution? When the tape reaches the outer line you would still need to judge 9 more inches. Like I said, just thinking out loud.
  12. You mentioned race cars. Are you profiting from racing and do you have decals from sponsors, etc., on your vehicles. If so you may be determined in some states to be a commercial vehicle and in that case you will have to stop at all the weigh stations and conform to commercial laws and require a CDL. Most of the time it is going to be determined by the officer of the law watching you go buy and what mood he is in. If you are not legal in your state you will not be legal in most other states.
  13. The thermostat control uses a vacuum type pump to open and close the AC/Heater door. If there is a crack in the line or "other" it can cause warm air to come in. It is usually located under the front "hood" and looks just like an old time windshield wiper vacuum. There should be one line going to it, usually green but could be read. Check for any vacuum leaks. Cheap fix if found.
  14. Happy to hear it is fixed Michael. Way to go. Blake, I live in Texas City and presently on the West Coast and at Fort Lewis Fam Camp, WA and it is 62˚ right now. We left Texas to get away from the heat and we succeeded.
  15. Earlene's idea of roughing it is no Walmart within 5 miles. It's a different form of camping.
  16. Kander2015, Running WOT (Wide Open Throttle) up grades will cause the engine to run up in temperature. Slow it down, drop down a gear and try and maintain 2000 rpm. Here is something I do when I see a long or steep grade coming. I'll push down on the accelerator until I reach my cruise control speed, then I take it off of cruise control. At this point I never move my foot on the throttle I just let the engine do all the work and on occasion I help it by down shifting an extra gear maintaining that 2000 RPMs. I have run up to 217˚ and as soon as I slow down and down shift to maintain 2000 RPMs the temperature starts dropping.
  17. Okay Carl, I got it the first time. Hee hee! Gremlins at work again.
  18. Most of us tow so a one night stop would require un-hooking. Not a problem, but not convenient either.
  19. Carl, I wish I had YOUR money so I could get out from under it and by a Prevost - but then one day I asked my wife, "Do you know the difference between a Prevost and our motorhome?" Of course she responded that she didn't so I said, "The cost to repair it." They both break down. Here is another problem that we had (have)(had)(have - etc.) with the jacks. After sitting for a little bit (hour) it would dip down to the drivers side. The repair place worked and worked and worked and finally installed 3 new jacks after finding that the seals needed being replaced on the old ones. (Can't replace seals on our Kwikee jacks without torching them.) We would take it out of the shop, go on a little trip, and put it back in the shop when we returned. This time we left on May 14th and go figure the jacks are holding. However, the one jack they did not replace shows hydraulic oil around the pad so it is leaking now also, but the jacks are holding. One of the things that can cause the jacks to not hold is sand, dirt, rust, etc., getting between the seal and the piston. Power Gear said to take a baster, stir up the pump holding tank, take a sample using the baster and use a paper towel to strain the sample. If there is any foreign objects on the towel to flush the system. Hmmm! I wonder what that would cost. Yep! A motorhome is a hole in the road that one keeps pouring money onto. Sort of like a boat in the water.
  20. Sorry I did not see this or other posts sooner. Yes, it is still a problem. Since 2010 I have had problems with the jacks. First the jack alarm would sound going down the highway. Drove Earlene up the windshield, I just tuned it out. Went to the factory service center and spent 10 days there. Last day they said they fixed it. got in it and checked it out and ding, ding, ding, ding - not fixed. Had two technicians sitting around with a service writer and I asked if they had check to see if there was 1500 psi on the pump port. The service writer looked at the technician and the technician said, "We don't have a gauge!" Are you kidding me. This is the factory service center. Oh well - off we went and I fixed a switch on the controller to shut off the alarm. To this day I still use that switch. One of these days I'm going to the Power Gear location and let the "fix" it. Other problems with jacks also. Had a major problem with the full slide and it pulled the rack it was supposed to slide on out of the floor, first year we had it. Just put in a new motor on the 12'+ slide(little slide). Other than that, running good. When we were at Guarantee RV in Junction City, OR getting the big slide repaired there was just about every make/model RV awaiting some type of repair. There were 20 electric hook-up sites and 20 boondock sites and every one was full awaiting some type repair. So yes, those high-priced RV's are just as prone to breaking down as any. Roger, Carl is always right. If you don't believe me, just ask him. :-) He's just like me, and if you don't believe me just ask my wife.
  21. Wow! 200 psi will make you stand up real fast! 55 years and I don't know how I put up with her this long. That is my side of the story and I'm sticking to it. She has another side but it's not true. (She doesn't read this forum - lucky me.)
  22. I have a 2008 Winnebago Destination and I have had problems with it since purchased new. It's just an on-going saga. Unfortunately I purchased a model in its first year of production. We enjoy the interior layout and cabinetry but not the repair bill even with GS which has been great. We wish we had purchased used.
  23. Call Winnebago service center. Their phone techs are pretty good at giving you some leads to look into. I have a Winnebago. Had problems with the jacks for quite some time. Don't remember if jacks and brakes are connected but my slides are. If the brake is not set I cannot operate my slides so it may be possible that Winnebago added the jacks to the warning system. Phone calls don't cost anything.
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