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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. Mike, I'm with you. We're going to Port Aransas or other parts down that way and maybe even further South. Just going to let my Son's birthday come and go, then we are gone. Herman! I was kidding and I'll bet Carl knew it! But thanks.
  2. Story: I was in VN and my oldest was in 1st grade. Spent the first half of the school year here then went to Central Mass. for the remaining school year. One day he came home just a cryin' to beat the storm. My wife asked what was wrong and he said the the teach put a pointed cap on him, sat him in a corner and all the children were laughing and the teacher called him a dunce. My wife asked him what he did wrong and he said, "I call her Ma'am. " She marched down to the school and confronted the teach and gave her the what-for-all on Southern upbringing and if he had not call her Ma"am or a man Sir he would have been in more trouble than sitting in a corner. An understanding was made and it was explained to the other 1st graders the next day. End story. Dunce! Think not. Retired Colonel and a Lawyer.
  3. I'm gonna get in my boat with 4 wheels and go somewhere, and soon.
  4. Sir! Darren is either a good ol' Southern gentleman or former military.
  5. If you do the research it takes 3 hours of cooking alcohol to reduce it to 5%. One hour reduces the alcohol to 35% and 2 hours to 25%. Ok, I'll research it again. Here is one link: Food Network Another: Idaho State University Times vary And: What's Cooking America So in my humble opinion, alcohol does not burn off completely when cooking food. Myth busted! p.s., lots more links if you search for: "does alcohol burn off when cooking" without quotes.
  6. With TSD you don't have to fund a different bank account but a safe practice would be to open up a second checking account and just populate it with $500 or so when you need to. My bank allows a second checking account free, and many banks will allow you to do that. Just a much safer practice to have a separate account.
  7. Ray, I'd like to tell you that you could cook with it and burn off the alcohol, but that is a myth. So, find a central meeting place that we can all converge on and we'll get rid of it for you.
  8. Did a post get deleted? I would not have posted based on an August post.
  9. Mike, we are in the same email circle! Hee hee!
  10. Not in all states and I travel in all states!! I don't have fuel limits on my TSD card. This thread is old!
  11. I have one that went with the old 2008 Winne, then Harvey came and took the 2008. Carryout is programmed for DISH and has been in my shed since 2017. It also may see the landfill. OR, I could just take it with me on trips for that time when I'm blocked by trees. Doesn't happen often, but has happened a few time over the years, well, even with the Carryout. p.s., great little antenna, fully automatic and gets all 3 of DISH satellites and their HD channels. If you program it for DirecTV it will not pick up HD.
  12. Bill, I don't care if it is the middle of summer, that water is cold!!
  13. Well, this evening we had the kids over for some Texas Hold 'em, and of course provided the food. Earlene did the salad, I did the baby back ribs. Y'all come on down some time. We also had some scalloped potatoes, brownies and home made raspberry yogurt.
  14. Darn! I did something right. My 2015 awnings are motorized and have rain sensors. When it rains they automatically dip and when the wind blows a little stiffer than what they are set for they automatically come in. (Just harassing a little😈. Good thing to do.) For some reason I'm not going to get into, I tilt mine also. (As Carl said!)
  15. Agree with Carl, Safe-T-Plus is a great product. I had it on my 2008 and I'll be getting it on the 2015 as they now have Safe-T-Plus for IFS steering. Mention my name for no discount. 🙂
  16. Welcome aboard! I'm the sane one in this group.
  17. I've been using a Traeger Silverton for a little over a year and enjoy it. The coach has a Weber Q1200 and if the Traeger portable had been out when I bought the Weber I would have gone with the Traeger. My son has a bigger traeger and just recently purchased a Blackstone and I am impressed for a house grill. I have not researched any of their models but his is very impressive. Last evening he did Fajitas. Sauteed the onions and peppers, pushed them over to the side with just a warmer burner on, put on a tub full of cut chicken in one row and a tub full of beef in the other row and cooked them at the same time. Looked like a professional restaurant grill.
  18. My wife has more news feeds on her iPad that I never miss the news!
  19. We are Sun Birds also and are typically gone from the heat May-June through Oct-Nov time frame. We also hunkered down for the summer. DW was climbing the walls so in November before thanksgiving we when to Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, TX for 10 days. While there we followed the same protocols that we did here at home. Wear masks, social distancing, and ordered our food an brought it in or cooked at the RV. We were just as safe there as we were at home. RV's are spaced apart, we sat in our chairs outside and talked to people strolling by and more than 6 foot distance. It's doable. We both had our first vaccine shot on 1/4. DW had a sore arm for a day and I had no problems at all. Second shot will be Feb 1st. We are still practicing the same protocols and will most likely do so after the second shot.
  20. I don't remember any of those. Probably because I don't want to remember them!
  21. Hey y'all, I had the Texas Mega Million winning lottery numbers in my hands tonight. Then they went and drew the balls and posted the numbers. Wasted money, but a good time had by all. On the other hand, I did have 3 of the winning numbers. All on different lines of course.
  22. Mine is mounted on the windshield in the center of the coach at dashboard level. Small little thing but records on a micro-mine sd card. Quality is exceptional but it is only forward looking. I wish I could remember the model/manufacturer. The cable runs along the channel of the windshield and is out of view with my Cig Lighter receptacle below the driver's window. Not intrusive at all. Many come with long cables and even extensions can be added. Mine is about 2 x 3 x 3/4 inches in size. If I go to the storage area in the next few days I'll try and remember to get the model # if you have not found one suitable by then.
  23. Don, can you explain the picture --- just kidding - got a good chuckle out of it.
  24. Take another look at Progressive. We have had it for years and in 2017 Hurricane Harvey totaled our 2008. Progressive policy said I would get what I paid for it and Progressive did pay me what I paid for it. Well worth any money I had put into the insurance policy.
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