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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. But then the states would not make any money on licenses and arrests of people carrying without licenses. You need to be careful of any state you travel through and be aware of their laws. Yes, the federal law allows a person to pass through a state with firearms but if you stop for fuel or anything else you are not "passing through." Be careful. Know the law.
  2. I just tried it using the Dashboard to get to it. I put in my city and it gave me the names of people who are registered.
  3. That's funny!! log in using the URL "community.fmca.com" Just type that in the URL or bookmark it and you should be good to go.
  4. wayne77590


    Oh wow! Same Herman. Prayers are with you.
  5. My back yard is adequate but bring your own chairs.
  6. YEAH! My withdrawal pains have eased considerably. Now I can talk to my many friends that run around in my computer.
  7. Just don't log out and all should be fine. Don't delete cookies either. Joe, Hope I helped but you may have struggled and did it all by yourself, eh?
  8. Joe's having a difficult time following my instructions. See, I told you so!
  9. It is what it is, and then it is what you make of it. Glad to see you are back Ray - congratulation on following my instructions - not everyone can do that .
  10. Well, I didn't get booted out, I just cleared my cache, history. and cookies. When you clear the cookies it removes all logins and you have to start over. Glad you responded. Thought for a minute I was all alone.
  11. Where is everyone. Can't log in? I did - work around - go here: <https://www.fmca.com/index.php?option=com_users&view=login> Put in user name then click on forgot password - see if it works for you.
  12. OH my! What am I going to do! All my friends run around in this computer! Oh my!
  13. Debivan, does the "van" in you user id indicate a van? If you put the information in you signature line it would help. If it is a van then the 11' restriction should not be a problem. You need to look at the spec sheet to see what height restrictions are indicated for your RV. I live on the Gulf Coast of Texas. No way can I get the humidity down to the levels you indicated. Many of our days during the summer time the temperatures are in the mid to high 90's and humidity is 70% or even higher. if there were such a storage facility as you have described in my area and the height was above 13'4", I'd take it.
  14. I also received the email of FMCA changing servers. I am aghast that they indicate it could be down until October 15th. So many of us will be in withdrawal and have pains. Never in my 30 years of computer stuff have I ever heard of a service being down for a server change. Everyone that I have been involved with has been fluid with no, or little, interruption. The new server is checked out by "beta" users and technicians to see if everything works and then the switch is flipped. Yes, there may be a few glitches at first but the down time is usually less than day and most time just minutes. Weird!
  15. Ernie, go to Settings, General, about, software update and make sure you are up-to-date. If up-to-date, hold the off button and volume down button at the same time until the "Power Down/Off" display appears. Slide to power off. Give it about 10 seconds then hold the power button on until the Apple logo appears. See if that helps. As suggested, check the settings for blocks and other items. Also try this: Renew Lease
  16. How many gallons in the FL DEF tank - 2015 Winnebago Tour? I watch my guage and when I have one or two bars left - depends on how far I have driven - I'll put in a couple gallons or so.
  17. I used to carry the Winegard Carryout. A small portable dome antenna. I did not have a rooftop satellite dish with my prior MH. The carryout worked flawlessly. Only on a few occasions was I completely blocked by trees or obstacles. However, with any portable or rooftop dome antenna there are limitations. The Carryout only found 1 satellite at a time. It was automatic so that when I tuned to a channel that required a different satellite (Dish Network, 110, 119 and 129 birds) it was automatic and basically instantaneous. There were occasions when I could only get one satellite or two. Satellite 129 was typically the culprit because of trees or obstacles. All in all, I would recommend the Carry Out antenna. It is also DIP switch programmable for Dish, Direct, or Bell satellites. One other problem that may be encountered with a dome antenna, is for DirecTV it only received 101 and 119 which may not cover their HD broadcasts. With Dish Network HD is covered. the Carryout has outputs for two TV's but only one satellite at a time can be received. So if you are watching on channel in the living room and want to watch another in the bedroom, both channels have to be sent by the same satellite. I never used the two tv connector output and just re-wired the BOMB with a splitter for the bedroom. What ever was on one tv was on the other. Check the Winegard web site for specifications on other models they have to see if they fit your requirements. Yes, portability gives you the ability to move the antenna to possibly get away from obstructions. I guess that is the short answer.😀 p.s., I believe DISH satellite 72˚ carries all of dish's programming so maybe a selection of those, like the Pathway X2. The Pathway X2 will satisfy a two TV requirement for different channels. p.p.s., an open faced dish with triple LNB mounted on a tripod would also be portable. Sometimes (in my case many times) they can be difficult to set up to acquire the satellite(s).
  18. I caught mine in my 2008 with Freightliner chassis before it started doing that. That year they had a problem with the neck of the gauge where the air line hooks up. They replaced the gauge and I never had another problem. After stopping and shutting down the engine my wife with her ability to hear an fly "toot" on top of a flag pole said she heard a hissing sound. It was slight but it was there. Investigation found the line around the gauge leaking. Reach up and slightly move that line around the gauge area and see if you hear air escaping. As Jim pointed out, could be the wiring harness. Make sure the harness is seated in all positions. If they are not seated, when you push them in there will be a "click" of the holding springs.
  19. I just called Five Flags RV park to see how they are doing. It is my go-to-place if they have a spot and the military sites are full. Five Flags is full right now. They just got electricity back yesterday.
  20. So what happened. Did you grow around the teeth!😇
  21. Apple TV also allows you to stream pictures and videos (Mirroring) your phone, tablet or computer. Of course having all Apple products makes it a lot easier. WiFi is mot necessary to stream from devices using Apple TV. Apple TV is my preferred method when satellite is down.
  22. There definitely is a cult following. My neighbor just traveled up to the panhandle, then down to the valley and just to visit Bucee's. His goal is to visit everyone of them in the State of Texas. p.s., it is 60,000 Sq Ft.
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