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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. What happens if out in the water with the Terra whatever and you get a flat tire. Jim, it wasn't planned but it turned out okay.
  2. Normally, no. However there are a few military campgrounds that allow civilians to stay. One is Corpus Christi. You must register and pay a fee for a pass to the recreation facilities including the CG. There have been a few others but don't remember which ones. You would have to call them to make sure. Here is a link to Military Campgrounds
  3. Wouldn't be the first time something was left out of the manual. Rudy is an authorized Aqua Hot Repair person as probably is Lloyd. So let's see, 2/3rds say turn the burner on monthly. Don't forget, you have a calendar on your computer that you can put in a schedule for every 4 or 6 weeks to pop up and remind you.
  4. Joe, I don't know all the nomenclature but there is a cone like device that builds up soot. A must clean. Don't need to make it shiny just get it off. Of course if you are OCD you can spend a couple hours on it instead of a couple minutes.
  5. Well, I'm wondering why Lloyd wants to exercise the thermostat. The nozzle is the only thing that will gel up. Just turning the burner on, letting it cycle, and shutting it off is sufficient to keep the diesel from solidifying on the nozzle. Yes, the whoosh, then the combustion when turning the burner on. When turning it off the reverse happens, burner turns off, fan runs for 2-3 minutes and is a timer and not dependent on temperature. I love the quiet running versus the heat pump.
  6. I'm very new to the Aqua Hot system but all that I read states to service it or have it serviced on a yearly basis. Yesterday I had it serviced by Rudy Legett RV Hydronic Repair out of Baytown. Service call and filter/nozzle and clean out was $300 total. Watching the worker-bee in that small tight space made me say I'd see Rudy next year. I'm very happy that I had it serviced. Although it wasn't that bad there was soot building but there is no telling how long ago it was serviced. Rudy said it was not as bad as he has seen but it was time to service it. Since we bought it used and do not have any service records there is no telling when, or if, it was serviced. I got an education on the panel lights on the front panel of the Aqua Hot itself. It is very unfortunate that I don't remember what was said. It'll come to me, just wait a month or two, or a couple years when I ask him to repeat it every year. One thing that was said, and has been said before on this forum, is to turn the burner on once a month or max of six weeks. Let it cycle through one time. No need to turn the thermostat or elecectric on, just the burner. It pushes the diesel through and keeps the nozzle clean. If not done, the diesel residue can gel around the nozzle and create problems.
  7. Saturday night we will be in Breaux Bridges, LA. 72 miles from Patterson.
  8. It is 10:30 p.m., with clear skies and a full moon. The present temperature is 72˚. Still cabin fever but we depart Saturday for points east as far as P'Cola, FL. Anyone want to tag along.
  9. Herman, the mirror lied. One day doing something in the back yard I stood up and took a deep breath. My son said, "Dad, you're out of shape!" I had to remind him that ROUND is a shape. Don't worry about those mirrors.
  10. Kobalt - Any Lowe's store and Lifetime Hassle Free Guarantee.
  11. I shut the engine off and then back on. My switch is three position, Off - Auto - tag dump and it is a rocker switch. I'm not really sure how it all works but I haven't scraped the driveway backing in - yet. As I'm coming up the road to the house and over 8 mph I turn the tag off. Mine also dumps when transmission is placed in reverse and it also dumps below 8 mph.
  12. As CW I have one account with Hopper 3 and 3 joeys at the house. I just recently converted the new to us MH antenna from Direct to Dish and had a Wally activated. The additional charge is $7 a month for the Wally. We watch the same TV channels (DW and I that is) so 1 Wally is sufficient. I may upgrade to a Hopper 3 down the road as the recording capabilities of 16 programs at once covers more than we watch but all that we do watch. It's nice to be able to skip through commercials. Speaking of commercials, one of the reasons you have to call and give the ZIP code for Dish on the Go is so you get the commercials for the area you are in. With Distant Networks I don't know what commercials you would get. With Dish on the Go you will not get your home ZIP code programming. CWSWINE Could you PM me that contact number? Thanks.
  13. Parked one time (well more then one but used wood pads this time) and when we left there was a square depression in the asphalt. That was with the 15,000 pound lighter MH. It may have been 110 on the asphalt but the air was in the upper 90's.
  14. 'Skeeters don't bother me. Must be bad blood or bad carbon dioxide. Skin must smell bad and my breath also. Mosquitos ar attracted to carbon dioxide and skin. Earlene on the other hand will get bitten 500 times by the same one mosquito, I think. She definitely attracts them.
  15. It had been high idling for several minutes will I disconnected the 110. I checked the switch and it was in "auto" mode. My switch is off/auto/dump tag. I leave it in auto except when backing in to drive way. I put it in off before it gets to 8 mph which will raise the tag.
  16. Call Power Gear and ask them. Also, make darn sure that the new pad is tight. I have had two drop off the previous MH while going down Interstates. Not a fun situation (Not at the same time either). Luckily the damage was to my car and not someone else. I took all the bolts out holding the pad on and inserted a SS lock washer.
  17. Regarding the TAG. A few days ago I backed it out of the storage unit so the Sats-2-Go guy could change out the dish from Direct to DISH. All finished and checked out I pulled it back into storage. Getting ready for a trip and pulling it out of storage today I started it and when I put it in reverse the warning chime and the LCBU said !Tag Dump. I shut it off and tried it again. Told DW i was going to move it and when I stopped and put it in reverse again all was quiet. Anyone know what happened? Don't want to Hi-jack this thread so if Brett wants to move it to another subject area - okay with me (has to be, right Brett?)
  18. Brett, I call it the "Fudge Factor." It keeps you from having to inflate/deflate all the time to maintain the pressure.
  19. Five, rule of thumb for tire pressures and temperature is 2% change for every 10˚ change in temperature. For car tires, 2% is approximately 1 PSI but for an RV tire at 120 psi, 2% is about 3 psi. Also for every 1,000 feet of altitude there will be a .48 psi change. As altitude increases. As altitude increase so will tire pressure. On the other hand, typically when going up in altitude it is colder so the 10˚ and 2% will offset it a little. Sort of a balance beam, just not quite a balance.
  20. I didn't digress, I mentioned Wash Wax! Why Herman? I'm the one who found the information. What else did he bribe you with? Did he say he would wash/wax your vehicle. (Had to slip that in.)
  21. I'm going to follow this - as interested also.
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