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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. Just so you know Newmar rates the hitch for 15,000 lbs towing, flat or trailer. However it is only rated for 1,500 lbs max tongue weight. Bill
  2. Walter, Welcome to the forum and thank you for your service. Bill
  3. Just correct it, It is still interesting. Watch the one I posted it tells you how to operate the 844. Yes The Big Boy is amazing and I am glad they have it running again. Just think 2 sets of 4 drive wheels on each side or 16 total. If we knew what it took to fuel it we would never complain about milage again. Bill
  4. That isn't the Big Boy, that is 844 a big steam engine but not the same. Big boy is engine 4014. The 4014 was basically 2 844 engins built together. The allegheny class locomotive is the only rival to the Big Boy and one of the last remaining is in the Ford museum. This is a fun video showing you what and how both the engineer and fireman operate 844. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7vogL3LL8Q Bill
  5. I recommend an "all" wheel alignment. This cuers a lot of tracking problems. Bill
  6. Brett, beat me to it, thanks for posting the outcome of the election. This should give money for upgrading and for building parks. The fun part is it does not raise taxes. For those who might be intersted the results can be seen heare. https://apps.texastribune.org/features/2019/texas-election-results-2019-constitutional-amendments/ Bill
  7. A little research confirmed my suspicions. Acceptable tongue weight for any trailer is somewhere between 9 to 15 percent of the gross trailer weight (GTW). Therefore, if you are towing a 5000 lbs trailer, the tongue weight should be measured at approximately 500 lbs. So 3000 lbs would be grossly overweight. Bill
  8. Well the first question is do you have emission tests where you live? Bill
  9. That sounds like excessive tongue weight to me. Bill
  10. Why just 10-12 days and why just Superior? Bill
  11. There are isolated areas nearly everywhere you go. If you start worrying about isolated areas you may as well stay home. There is no guarantee you are safe doing that. I think this is shocking more because it is such a rare thing. Bill
  12. Nice coach, welcome to the forum. Bill
  13. Congratulations on starting your adventure. As you have the weights and the charts you are good to go. I recommend a cushion over what the chart says. Something like 10% or I just use 10 lbs as it is easier. Remember the pressure in the chart is the MINIMUM to carry the weight safely. Bill
  14. Ray, wait till we get to the good stuff. I was certified on sealing aircraft / fuel tanks and the most important thing is prep. Bill
  15. I saw this one on You Tube. It looks like a good start. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0FKr1MAGfE Bill
  16. There is some camping on the beach just north of Padre Island National Seashore. That sure wouldn't be where I would expect trouble as you are a long way from crossing the border. I heard from some people who left The Las Palomas Wildlife Management Area - Boca Chica Unit Brownsville because people were just walking across the river on the beach. Didn't hear of any problems but they didn't like the traffic going by their spot. Bill
  17. Have they talked to Hershey PA?
  18. This is my go to RTV silicone based adhesive sealant, yes it is more expensive than the Home Depot stuff 3oz for $41.85. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/cmpages/dowCorningRTV3145.php?gclid=Cj0KCQjwr-_tBRCMARIsAN413WRKuDhNTc5_IFssQSN1ORWIRqjKWPFfCDyfU6KXK0CDo5RMhWkTcZEaAs_-EALw_wcB Might as well add my favorit epoxy to the list. 3M Scotch-Weld Epoxy Adhesive 1751, Gray, Part B/A, 2 fl oz Kit $54.70. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=3M™+Scotch-Weld™+Epoxy+Adhesive+1751&ref=nb_sb_noss I have used both extensively working on little airplane projects. Bill
  19. Welcome to the forum. Yes Summit is a good source for parts. Lots of people overlook them. They opened a store in Arlington texas about the size of a big Walmart. Another place to look is Jegs. https://www.jegs.com/ Bill
  20. Except for the problem of are you going to watch it all the time? Can you shut off power before any damage occurs? My surge guard monitors all the time and will shut off power before damage can occur. That includes when you are sleeping. The power in the park can and will varey radicley based on the load. Bill
  21. I understand and appreciate all the benefits of the Li batteries but I can't justify the cost. I have dry camped 2 nights in the last 7 years. I can get buy just fine on lead acid. But wait there is a new battery on the horizon that is promising to be better and cheaper than Li it uses a aluminum technology. There are 2 different yet similar roads. Aluminum /organic. https://www.designnews.com/materials-assembly/new-aluminum-battery-design-could-be-more-sustainable-lithium-ion/4553949261660 Then the aluminum ion battery. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6504778/ Bill
  22. Congratulations on getting started. I have found that low voltage is just as harmful as over voltage and probbabley more common. I use a Surge Guard 34850 Portable Model. One reason I like the portable unit is I can check a site before moving the RV. My unit has saved me several times from bad power and low low voltage. https://www.amazon.com/Surge-Guard-34850-Portable-Display/dp/B00T36QHUO Bill
  23. This isn't rocket science. If you are concerned with dual spacing, go take a picture of the spacing. You could actually measure it. All the modern dual setups I have seen have plenty of spacing. A 0.4" change is so minor as to be not a issue. I doubt the average mechanic could repeat the same measurement with a +/- 0.4 accuracy. Bill
  24. You just need to use the right RTV Silicone sealant/adhesive. Do your prep right and it will outlast the RV. Bill
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