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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. Bigalmurfdog, welcome to the forum. I don't know it hasn't helped me. Bill
  2. I would start a savings account so if you do need something (you will always have maintenance type expenses) you will have a little extra money. For example you will need to replace your tires in 7 years. I will be in your backyard mid June. We generally stay at Worden Pond Family Campground. Bill
  3. No could you enlighten me? By the way it makes it easier to give good answers if you put your RV and basic info in your signature. Like manholt has. He can be an example for you. Bill
  4. While this is true, there is one other place you need to match tires. When changing duels they must be matched in size. If not you will have uneven wear and possibly/probable tire failure. Bill
  5. Scroll further down on the website under product menu. For those who are not smart device users, the Mopeka Check Double Monitor works with two Mopeka Check sensors, and allows you to monitor the levels in two separate propane tanks. Note: Double Monitor only works with Standard Sensor. Ask your wife if she will show you how to use her phone. I like using a rubber tipped styles that is also a pen. Bill
  6. I found something I didn't know existed today. The Mopeka allows you to monitor the level of propane using the free Mopeka Check app on your smartphone or tablet. Ok I may be the only one who doesn't know about this device. This thing will accurately measure the amount of propane in your tanks. It works on ultrasound, It will also work on horizontal tanks. It will work with your phone and you can monitor your tanks remotely. For instance you want to know what the level of propane is in your tanks and your RV is in storage or at a site at the lake. You don't need to drive over and look. https://mopeka.com/ Just something interesting. Bill
  7. Well the next test is checking the battery side of the relay, do you have 12.5 there? Then the output side with the relay on/energised, do you have 12.5? Bill
  8. Herman, the OP has a Entegra Esteem Class C gas coach. Nice coach but he would need to add a air compressor. Bill
  9. I always like to check the Remco towing site to make shure they think it is towable 4 down. It looks like you are in luck. http://www.remcotowing.com/Towing/Store.php You might be able to find a used Brake Buddy or similar auxiliary braking equipment and save some money. I bought a Blue Ox tow bar and a Brake Buddy from some people who had quit traveling and sold their RV. I had the towbar serviced by Blue OX at a FMCA rally for about $30.00. Bill
  10. Ok do like jleamont said you might use your meter to see if you have 12V power to the start switch. How long did you hold the switch down? I started my generator today and it took quite a while before the starter kicked in. Bill
  11. Should be warranty paperwork in the big shiney new owners package. You should memorize all the information in there.😁 Bill
  12. Are you using the remote start switch or the one on the generator? How long are you holding the switch down in the start position? Try using the one on the generator and see if you hear the fuel pump run. Bill
  13. What is your voltage on the cable coming off the house batteries? Bill
  14. Welcome to the forum. I don't know anyone in your area. Have you talked to Michelin? I would think nearly any of the big truck tire shops. Are you a member of one of the local clubs/chapters? Some of the members might have a preference. Bill
  15. In the picture it looks oily, where is the oil coming from? Was this from the leak? Bill
  16. Something for fun. Can you remember when people talked about GPS and nobody knew what it was? Here is something from the future, "Dark Ice". https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/news/features/2019-features/tech-thats-cool-as-dark-ice.html?utm_campaign=Mission Innovation Content Marketing&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8cXSRp3ILIVPMe3xqi8Buwy18geWQGBST11CJy97J4PzG5_dlh7iaE33o1JlJjXS6PcLb7koV0SZx7zD4OODn4JF0KzA&_hsmi=71636403&utm_content=71601132&utm_source=hs_email&hsCtaTracking=2a7533de-d72e-4193-8efe-a404815d75db|358b6171-f3eb-4350-a299-33fb1e368b93 Not shure when it will be available for your RV. Bill
  17. Welcome to the forum. What are you wanting to get a extended warranty on? If you add your RV to your signature it will help to get better answers and save retyping the information. Bill
  18. That page only talks about draining the coolant if you are removing the engine. Nothing telling where the drain is or how to fill. About all I can offer is call 24/7/365 CUSTOMER SUPPORT United States & Canada:888-GENERAC (888-436-3722) see if they can help. Bill
  19. As a fellow cancer survivor (prostrate) I know how you feel. Life is good. I got my clearance to travel on a Tuesday and left town on Wednesday for 92 days. That was almost 2 years ago. That actually sounds like a fairly fast trip. My motto is on the road by 9 off by happy hour. If you find someplace interesting Don't hesitate to spend as long as it takes to see and explore it. Welcome to the forum. Bill
  20. Look at the pump and see what the rated psi is. Bill
  21. Welcome to the forum. What toad did you get? What tow equipment are you looking at? Bill
  22. Did you have a temperature gage on the transmision? If not how do you know what temps it ran at? Bill
  23. I agree you need a new dealer and I don't install tires that arn't balanced. Call me detail oriented if you want. Bill
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