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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. Welcome to the forum. You might contact them about repair parts. http://www.trci.net/contact-us Bill
  2. Yes as you noted floating the litter box is the definitive grey tank full indicator. Bill
  3. Sorry for your problem. Hope they get you on the road soon. Check out that clear Gorilla Tape Herman talked about. Bill
  4. Well as long as this thread got drug up again, I thought might like this video. This guy has done several on the subject. https://www.youtube.com/watch?annotation_id=annotation_1585930301&feature=iv&src_vid=dfTd0Slt_cU&v=zYJCLzGaaB8 Bill
  5. There are a couple apps that will help you find places to stay. Also if you want to stay there. RV Parky, http://www.rvparky.com/ RV Park reviews, http://www.rvparkreviews.com/ Bill
  6. I haven't used them but have had them recommended. I might go up in power to see if that helps. http://www.hatchlift.com/rv-hatch-replacement-springs Bill
  7. Richard, I will try to help. We don’t need no stinking moderator. Go up to the top of the page and go to “My account” Go down to Account settings go to “settings area” click on “signature” now you can add info and click on save when you are done. Bill
  8. Just because it is new doesn't mean the front end alignment is right. In your owners manual it will talk about this. Basically it will say something like It was right for the weight at the factory(at that moment and dry weight) but if you add any weight it may not be right. I would load it up like you were leaving on a trip full fuel, water, propane, and I would add 50% grey and black tanks. Then have the ride height set and all wheel alignment. Bill
  9. Yes and yes. Take the cover off and see if you can clean the contacts with a pencil eraser. Bill
  10. I am assuming you are talking about using your roof units/heat pumps. Do the AC units work? What is the outside temperature? Heat pumps only work down to about 40 degrees then it will automatically switch to gas. Bill
  11. Well the OP started this thread October 3, 2015 and it was resurrected last Friday by tstiles1129. But yes it would be nice. By the way welcome to the forum tstiles1129. Bill
  12. rpbuttery, You may find this interesting reading. It looks to me like you are ok to store it in the coach tank over the winter. https://www.cumminsfiltration.com/sites/default/files/MB10033.pdf Bill
  13. Welcome to the forum. Please add your coach to your signature as it will get you better answers. See my sig as an example. OK are they not holding the door open or? This is where it would be useful to know the make model and year of your coach. Bill
  14. I haven't had any experience with the Whirlpool but the Splendide in the stackable should be fine. Bill
  15. Old post never die they just move down till the next person drags them back to the surface. Bill
  16. I had never heard of the oil cooler plugging up on the coolant side. Learned something new. There are videos on Youtube showing them cleaning turbos and descaling. Bill
  17. I wonder if the OP figured out what was wrong. Bill
  18. I am hoping they have a program with both. Some competition wouldn't hurt. Bill
  19. I agree with Brett. Turn off your water and the hot water heater and drain the hot water tank. This would be a good time to flush out the bottom of the tank. Put the plug in and just let it fill. This will create a air bubble in the top of the tank. Sometimes the leaking pressure relief valve can be caused by mineral deposits or just a bit of crud in the valve seat. Try turning the pressure relief valve back and forth and see if it cleans the valve seat. By the way you don't need a super special one from Camping World, one from Home Depot works just the same for about $15.00. Take your old one with you. Bill
  20. If I didn't say it earlier, welcome to the forum. What filters did they replace and how did they say it damaged the turbo? Bill
  21. Makes you understand why there are people selling EGR delete kits. It would be nice if the OP came back with some more info. Bill
  22. Welcome to the forum. Some coaches must have a valve that stays in the dump position. That could create another problem of forgetting to change back. I saw a tag coach going down I-35 South the other day when I was in the toad. His tag looked like it was floating as it would bounce off the ground at every joint or bump, just kind of float up not like violent bump. Bill
  23. I certainty do need help. If you watch this video you may have a better understanding of how a ERG cooler works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4G9IrmxjOM Bill
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