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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. Let us know, I still bet you get to it from the front over the generator. Bill
  2. I think this is something that sounds good but doesn't work out in the long run. If it did all the trucks would be using them. They get excited in 0.1 mpg increases. I have seen maybe 5 RVs and verrey few trucks and they have been out for years. Bill
  3. How fast are you driving? What milage are you getting? Lots of good information. https://www.michelinb2b.com/wps/b2bcontent/PDF/RV_Tires_Brochure.pdf They had a artical about driving for economy but I coulden't find it. Have fun looking. Some non bearing information I never knew before. Dynamometer type damage occurs in the crown area of tires when operated on dynamometers for extended periods of time. Something new to worry about. It would be nice if you put your RV in your signature. Bill
  4. There are several threads about this subject. I haven't heard of this company so can't say. I self insure. Bill
  5. Thank you for reminding us. Many don't understand just how important that was. Bill
  6. It is intersting to look at the NIRVC website. https://www.nirvc.com/Sales I know they sold 50 RVs last mounth. Bill
  7. Terry, yes I didn't see an exact match. Some are using LT tires but this would be a great quiston for Dan Ball at the FMCA office. Why don't the 3 offer ST or equivelent tires. Bill
  8. I remember seeing post about them not draining. But yes they can cause lots of noise. Bill
  9. We started south from the east side and ended up on 385 and spent the night at the Cabelas RV park in Sidney just off I-80. Nice little park at Cabelas world headquarters. Bill
  10. Yes if you are worried about sliping you can put some strips of "scateboard" tape to give you a better safer surface to walk on. Bill
  11. Yes I have heard the weep holes can make a lot of noise. Bill
  12. Welcome to the forum. Help me out with some more information. When you say "I have tried to unplug the refrig from the coach and plug it into a extension cord and it still trips the gfci." did you unplug both the cords behind the refrig? 30 amp is fine for this. Bill
  13. First of all this post is from August 23, 2019. Don't know who the OP was dealing with. Ofcorse the dealer who is selling on consinmet wants him to drop his price, the sooner it sells the sooner he gits his money. For the record I just sold one of my spare diesel pushers at PPL Motorhomes. I got the price I wanted and they got their commision. Right now is a good time to sell. Bill
  14. I just posted on a similar question. Read it and let me know if you have any questions. https://community.fmca.com/topic/15762-steep-hills-pac-brake/ Bill
  15. I had a similar set up on my last coach and I have driven most of those hills including the Grapvine several times. My technique would be to slow before you head down. Some hills require trucks to slow to 30 mph. I usually start around 45-50 (or the speed and gear I came up in) and let it down shift to 4th gear. If it wants to speed up you can use the service breaks to slow it down by braking fairly hard then releasing the brakes once you have slowed to the speed and rpm you want to maintain so they don't overheat. If it wants to pick up speed you can always slow till it drops in to 3rd gear. I could go down a 35 degree hill and it wouldn't pick up the pace once I hit 3 ed gear. I would have to give it throttle to keep it from slowing more than needed. Bill
  16. Let us know if it is still good. Last time I was in that area we stayed over at Heartland RV Park & Cabins. Rapid City, South Dakota has a lot of intersting things to see. Look for The City of Presidents Walk. They have statues of the Presidents on each street corner. Bill
  17. Quit goofing off, just put some bondo on it and get him out on the road. Bill
  18. Where are you located? I would start trying to sell some of your excess inventory now. RV sales look to be at a real high. When looking for lights try googling the numbers cast into the lense to see what they came from. Bill
  19. Welcome to the forum. There was some one not to long ago who had that problem. Most of the cost is labor, you can save some money doing it yourself. https://www.google.com/search?q=removing+diamond+shield+film&rlz=1C1GGGE_enUS621US621&oq=removing+dimond+shield&aqs=chrome.2.69i57j0l3.18960j1j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#kpvalbx=_GYjZXvrTB5HNtQaOuabABQ32 As you read above I haven't had that problem yet. I would try to find out what chemical they are using. You might be able to get it cheaper. Bill
  20. Welcome to the forum. What is your tire size and what load range? Bill
  21. Lookes like a better job than "factory" they don't bother treating or priming and painting. That is why a simple leak is so deevestating. Bill
  22. Well hope the OP comes back and moves on it quickly before it is gone. The whole market is so hot right now. As a example I was at NIRVC today and they told be they had sold 50 RVs last month. That is pretty amazing. Bill
  23. So what kind of shag carpet are you going to put in to cover up those wood floors? Bill
  24. Welcome to the forum. I would add NATIONAL INDOOR RV CENTERS. They have a store in Phoenix. I would call and see what they have or what may be coming in but not on the website yet. Newmar makes a realey nice handicap accessible coach. To get what you want you might be better off ordering one to get exactly what you want. The other problem is they are a limited production model so there aren't many out there. With the current market I would move as fast as possible before all the production slots for the year are sold. https://www.nirvc.com/ Let us know what you find out. Bill
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