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Everything posted by huffypuff

  1. I;m not sure at overall length but listed as 44, then 45 feet. Who's on first? The outside paint scheme is called Jazz and the inside is champagne. I don't like bright colors.
  2. Looks like it's all approved and waiting for underwriters to make the wheels turn. Location now in Laughlin, NV and going into the area next week. Here is the link to it. Looks like the video has been taken down but the is a pictures tab above it. https://www.rvcountry.com/product/new-2019-entegra-coach-anthem-44b-808741-10
  3. Did you follow Brett advice and replace the fuel filters?
  4. Possible ground fault behind wet panel.
  5. Is this a sofa air mattress or is it a sleep number in rear bedroom? What size is it? If sleep number try this link. https://www.sleepnumber.com/c/rv-beds-mattresses?acid=psbrand&ascid=Google%2BNational-_-google-_-BRAND_RV-_-RV_Sleep_Number_BMM-_-327317327470-_-b-_-aud-381695774802:kwd-36630828254-_-mediacode-_-RV-_-Brand&key=%2Bsleep %2Bnumber %2Brv %2Bmattress&s_kwcid=AL!6200!3!327317327470!b!!g!!%2Bsleep %2Bnumber %2Brv %2Bmattress&k_clickid=go_cmp-388475604_adg-27921073644_ad-327317327470_aud-381695774802:kwd-36630828254_dev-c_ext-_prd-&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5u_NtuPH5wIVvxitBh1elQqJEAAYASAAEgLOjvD_BwE
  6. Nice coach, enjoy, just wait for a break in the weather and head south.
  7. Blinking red light means it's tripped. solid light is supposedly online if black box is good. You may need to reset fridge board. resetting board and clearing fault codes https://www.arprv.com/no-co-norcold.php#procedure-one
  8. All on them with one loan approved. My first payment is the 21st and I don't have the coach yet. Second loan is in limbo as they don't know what they are doing.
  9. We went to Quartzite from the 19 to 24 last month to attend a rally and big tent rv show. We are back here at Sams Family Spas until the 17 of this month. So we are just up the road from you on Dillon Road. Although the broker and rv country says it's a done deal, the fat bank didn't sing yet. To many hands in the pot make a easy thing difficult. Also being in different states don't make it easy. May not happen.
  10. We are across I-10 in Desert Hot spring.
  11. Congratulation, may you have many happy years with it.
  12. Are you talking about streaming to the TV?. I get HD with the antenna and watched the super bowl with it last night. That was free.
  13. Those links don't show nothing first one is ir2 others don't show anything. No I don't have a cap on the phone aaa use but as with all it may throttle over 60 gb. Why do you need over 60 gb?
  14. I have Sprint unlimited unthrottled 60 GB data. I tedder my laptop no problem with it. Why get another wifi device?
  15. I haven't got the new coach yet. Banks will decide.
  16. The new coach DEF tank location is in the right rear compartment access. Because of side radiator a fill on the left rear is under a locked fill door. I been checking Flying J website and they guarantee the quality of their pump DEF. I like to know anyone using them.
  17. The fills for the DEF is behind the rear wheels on both sides. The fuel tank is 150 gallons somewhere behind the front wheels. .
  18. It's a Spartan K2 chassis with a Cummins L9 450 engine and 3000 mh transmission at 49,000 lbs. It holds 15 gallons of DEF fill from both sides. I could use advice where to get. At the pump or over the counter. The width is the same and is 44 feet as compare to 41 feet so no problem fitting at home but maybe campgrounds be not as friendly.
  19. Here's a side shot of it. I have a frontal shot but it shows the price. We sign a contract for it but it's for the banks to decide. More pictures when we get it in a separate thread
  20. I think you got DW intention. It is a 2019 leftover and marked way down. Never own and only show miles on it. It fully loaded as I can tell.
  21. Looks like I won't be getting the shades after all. While in Quartzite, AZ we put a bid on an Entegra Anthem 44B.. We won't know for sure for a few weeks but for now it is sold to us.
  22. Ok we survived a wind storm last night that's very common for this area. We are leaving here for Quartzite Sunday morning. Hopefully we can order and get the shades then. For $50 per window x 10 we are going to install them ourselves. We don't like the black screen so we are going with single rollers that is a cream color that matches the interior. I can see how to get the old ones off without pulling the valance but may have to pull the valance for the new ones. We will be in quartzite until the 24th. Afterwards DW wants come back here to Sam's Family Spas until the 10th of next month. Then she wants to go to Vegas, NV for about a week and then to Death Valley for our last stop.
  23. No matter what procedure you use, it will not work until you enabled the module. The key fobs from your old lincoln may be incompatible with the vehicle you want to use it with.
  24. That area is where the cord for the MW goes through the right side cabinet wall. Have to keep DW safe. Once panel is back in place I can screw up to a 30 inch long spice rack to it. Then I will have cats doing hang ten. 😂🤣
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