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Everything posted by manholt

  1. In Texas. we have love bugs, butterflies and little sugar bees...Spring and fall it's suicide by coach! HOT water and Dove on front, let it soak in for five minutes and wipe off. Then use a good wax...If your staying, make it shine, if not then just leave it on as is. 30 minutes a day with a bottle of Lucas Slick Mist....we do bottom half and wheels daily when on the road and top half once a month. Mother Nature washes our coach's as she see's fit. 40 foot DP and 45 foot.
  2. WBill. Ditto. Even 2 small scooters is handy....I also recommend renting a car or Limo, or call a cab!
  3. Welcome! What are you hauling and how much does it weigh? Also, have you had your coach weighted ? Look under towing and weight on this Forum!
  4. The picture shows a Warning and says that your chassis battery disconnect is in the rear engine compartment door! That's close to the chassis battery/ies. Like Kay, I would expect the same for the house batteries, in that compartment, along with the solenoid. Gravel sound in water pump....Do you have water in tank?
  5. Prior to the Sub Prime fiasco and bankruptcy's in 2006-2010, we had some problems with new coaches, but the last 10 years has been horrible! Supply and demand has had a lot to do with it...in the 60-70-80 and mid 90 the demand was not a factor and we had far less problems than today!
  6. If you do a review and post it anywhere, make sure that you stick to the facts, don't allow it to become personal and be very careful in your choice of words from the other party! Yours will be in writing.
  7. FIVE is correct, I have 2 of the 2,800 PSW inverter/converter. 1 is dedicated to a Whirlpool Gold 23 cu. side by side with ice, water in door dispenser. Each 2,800 takes 4 AGM 6V batteries. I don't know the space available that you have in your coach, but mine is probably overkill....suggest you PM to Joe or Herman, since they both had no cold and put in their own residential.
  8. manholt


    Rule #1, any rolled mattress needs to be in bedroom in a coach or you'll never get it back there....have fun getting it back out in one piece! $30 can be saved next time, place it on bed, measure where to cut, use a 5' x 1" x 2" board and a razor blade!
  9. Same here! I believe I would just throw the main CB and all other CB's, then turn main back on and one CB at a time, to see where the 9A was coming from! Other question is, why are you concerned about it, to begin with?
  10. Not to mention the stuff you'll need to pack into the cooper for a week of HH (happy hour or three)!
  11. Do you have a Freightliner garage near you? If so, let them work on their own chassis and tell you why you even had to get new king pins at 17,000 miles to begin with!
  12. manholt


    Had it before...Ugh. Replaced it with a memory foam, 6" from Sam's Club, $500 fantastic!
  13. manholt


    Joe. What do you have in coach now? I bought a new Sealy memory foam for the house (Linda's #1, will be at #2 in 3 weeks) and got a 2" foam for the sleep number in my coach, makes a big difference and I sleep better! Also, I don't disturb her, when I get up!
  14. Type "mice" in Search box, upper right on this page and you will find a large file on rodents, wasp, bees, mud dabbers, etc!
  15. Have no clue! It's not anywhere slang...
  16. Good Luck Joe! It will all pass and by next week or (Hope not) month, it will all be behind you and then you can find something else to stress out about ! Where you live, I would take a cruise for a week....let everyone else stress!
  17. Isaaac1. I asked you to look me up, Herman Mullins told me you were there, he did not tell me that you was a volunteer at Six State...what did you do? I keep reading about what we should do to satisfy you and your wishes! What have you done to reach out? Long before I was your age, my wife and I joined a chapter...why? She had a 12, 14 and 17 year old and figured, correctly, that there would be a lot of Grand Parents who had the same...we had a blast ! Met a lot of really good people who had what we had, no their youth was gone, but their enthusiasm was still there, just like our grandparents who relive life thru the grandkids! Back in the 70's, there was far less members in their 30's (me) and 40's (my wife), than today! You have to adjust and reach out...I know of no organization that will come to me or you, on their knees, to beg us to join them!
  18. Does that also apply to Snow Shoes and Cross Country Skiing?
  19. You will find, with time, that we have a lot of retired experts in various fields on this Forum. Brett, Jim S. BillA and jleamont is just a few of them! Since I'm Oil field trash, I don't count myself among them. A lot of folks come on here, because they can't afford to hire an expert. Would be nice if you would put your year, make, model and type of engine in your signature.
  20. WBill. When and why did you add that to your signature?
  21. Joe. You maybe right on, about different metals. Unless you have the replacement for the sacrificial "Lamb", all your doing is post phoning the inevitable breakdown by dielectric or galvanic corrosion.
  22. Michael. The last answer was 8 months ago! If you consult experts and don't do anything yourself, then why are you on this Forum?
  23. What I always wanted to know! I don't normally carry all those tools with me, including a lock pick and a zip tie that's been made into a master key!
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