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Everything posted by jleamont

  1. Gary, do your self a favor, run water through it. Often we read about the horror the first time water gets connected. Try it on the pump and city connection. Most dealers do not test this at PDI in service.
  2. Yup, Halmark reminds me every year. Lol
  3. Yup, Happy wife happy life! I planned this well, or so I tell myself.. Our anniversary is Valentine's Day, I kill two birds with one stone twice a year,
  4. We met a couple a few weeks ago, he unhooked his Jeep in his driveway on a hill and the Jeep started to roll away, he grabbed the bumper and held on like he was skiing down the hill, gave up before it crashed into a tree. His version was hilarious when he told it, as I read this it doesn't sound so funny. The last thing I unhook is the emergency breakaway, if it's gong to roll it won't go far when I yank that out.
  5. Bill, her birthday is Friday on top of Mother's Day. I'm sure she will guilt me into something
  6. Wow, yea you get it! Are they cracking? I actually thought about doing that just as a precaution. My main hose from the pump to the tank is too long and has a slight kink in it. I was suprised it was still very flexible for its age. I repositioned the fittings to remove most of the kink. I did replace all of the fuel lines 2 yrs ago after the last debacle. Too bad we are not closer, I would love to see how that goes. My hair last night was matted to my head from the dripping. The things we get ourselves into! Good luck, when it gets too frustrating walk away. The one take away from my fuel lines, route them better than the factory, mine were chaffed all over the place and laying on components that get hot from the factory.
  7. jleamont


    Haha, that's my story also, if she reads this it was nice knowing you guys
  8. I worked on my old bosses 1994 Beaver Patriot when I worked at the last dealership. His furnace would intermittanly work and I found the same, just dirty connections, I remember cleaning the board connections with a pencil eraser. It fixed it, I loved that coach actually enjoyed working on it.
  9. Thanks Brett! I will say after crawling around back there I see some things that will need attention in the future. Both hard lines on top of the compressor looked rough. I have to pull the floor and see where they go. I now see what has to be done to access items back there, no fun!
  10. Same here, and I negotiated them on the rate (can't remember the rate). I sold cars for a year back in the 90's, I remember how it all works.
  11. It's fixed! Filled the hydraulic tank, started it up, light went out on its own. I scanned it, cleared the code, ran it for 45 minutes, rescanned it no pending codes. Rechecked my work and put my tools away. Today is a good day despite the weather! thanks for the help Rich!
  12. Keith, thank you for the website information. I just liked it on Facebook. It tends to be a struggle, most places will tell you it will fit, but you can't get to it for one reason or another until you try which is frustrating.
  13. Never been to Ocean Lakes or Pirate Land. We stayed at Lakewood, never again! The drunken golf cart races through campsites (attended campsites) across peoples patio mats was enough for us (right in front of security, they did nothing about it) . That place left such a bad taste for us I am not sure if I would ever go back to MB. Yes the sites were dirt and sand with grass.
  14. webslave, Good to know how much diesel your AH burns. I get asked often what MPG I get, between the generator, Aqua Hot and coach engine that is really hard to determine. I calculated it on a few trips and it varies so much due to wind direction and terrain, I gave up! I just filler up when it get around a half tank or headed home and its going to sit. I have noticed the AH system runs significantly less in an hour compared to a propane furnace since the residual heat is still present at the heat exchangers and the electric side is trying to maintain that as well.
  15. wingardc, glad to hear! Wish you luck with your new coach!
  16. I only reason I have the black vinyl nose bra to cover over the ugly 3M shield on the front that is long over due to remove....by the way its coming off the 1st week in June. I will see how it looks after to determine if the vinyl one goes back on or not. Bill, the key to keeping the front free from stone damage is keep your distance from the vehicles in front of you, especially large trucks. You must drive like I do, rarely have anything hit the front. The coach in this video looks like its new compared to mine.
  17. Kay...No fair, Stainless.....
  18. Rick, I know my generator slide is adjustable (Monaco product also). I would crawl just slightly under the front bumper area but to the side of it and snoop around. I smacked my head on the adjustment once, you don't forget those days Joe
  19. It was "one of those jobs". Both of the new ones matched identically to the old sensors, you could tell once upon a time all 4 would have been identical. The bulge on the face of the one old sensor looked like the plastic was starting to fail, the magnet inside was corroding or moisture got up behind it. The entire time I was saying in my mind "Should have bought a Super C, darn DW" . I changed the stack of hydraulic filters last year and the fluid, not sure what the maintenance interval is on those. I was surprised the gasket on the compressor was metal with a neoprene skin on it. Every time I have ever pulled a compressor they were paper, I guess its been that long, . I did locate a few harnesses that were chaffing, and my A/C hoses were chaffing on the corner of the block as well at the front cover by the CAPS pump. I was able to reroute the harness after unwrapping it, inspecting it, and replacing the loom, adding loom to the A/C hoses and zip tied those out of the way. And of course I found a wire with 12v on it that someone installed that was cut just hanging in the bundle with no loom thrown back there laying up against the frame rail....just an accident waiting to happen. I have to trace that one back and remove it from its source.
  20. Ugg!! They are in but I can't start it (need 15 quarts of transmission fluid for the hydraulic system). They were not near the starter per Cummins. They were on the front cover between the compressor and fuel injection pump (I found them with my bore scope). I pulled the compressor with the hydraulic pump attached to it (required a 2" open end wrench) removed the hydraulic tank, mud flap, exhaust tail pipe and slid the compressor back and down so I could stuff my hand back there to feel them. So I had to replace them blind. The connectors were spaced out with a plastic clip so they remained together (I was talking to myself with the clip it did make them hard to disconnect) No way to mix them up. Surprisingly they both came out with little effort. Neither Ohmed the same as the new ones and one had a bulge on the magnet face. Fingers crossed no leaks from the compressor mounting and the fault code goes from hard fault to memory so I can clear it. If it wasn't for Monaco's large rear engine bay doors it would have been nearly impossible to accomplish. Not a job for most to attempt. It took me 3 hours to do.
  21. Rich, I will defiantly mark the plugs before disconnecting. The sensors are the same part number qn.2 I would say its safe to assume they could be easily mixed up, just not sure what, if any affect it will have if switched, I am not even sure if one is bad but to pull the starter down and test seems like good insurance to replace them while there since the ECM has identified a fault. I will ohm them once I crawl under just out of curiosity. Like most parts when you are working on a 14 yr old engine they have been redesigned a few times. Hopefully it is simple and none of the hardware fights me on the way out. I am grateful they designed a back up into the system. Thank you for the explanation above! I will post the ohm results and the removal and installation.
  22. Buddy2110, welcome to the Forum! I have no experience with them, I purchased mine from these people 2 yrs ago. http://www.getyourkicksrv.com/products/bras_detailing/bras_detailing.htm Expensive but fit well, no complaints.
  23. Here is where they are located, just next to the starter (sweating bullets on that one ) I was afraid they were near the CAPS pump on the back side of the front cover which is very tight over there. Being located down low on the drivers side would make sense on getting hit with water from the left rear duals throwing all that water spray back there. My gut tells me its water in one of the two connections. I ordered them from my local Cummins dealer at $47.65 each I will just replace them since they are 14 yrs old. I plan on changing them out tomorrow night after work, tonight I will pull the starter motor and see if there is any water in the connectors. Here is something you do not hear often (great design), per Cummins when one fails the ECM will rely on the other to keep you moving, the "Warning" light illuminates so you get it to a Cummins repair shop ASAP, if a problem existed in both it would have illuminated the "Check engine light" and engine power would have been cut or it could have stalled. Kind of a built in safety.
  24. From the album: New to us motorhome and old motorhome photos

    Part number 4921597, 2 required
  25. Blake, glad you got most of it corrected!
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