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Good for you Bill.  Don't forget to bring your mask, megaphone and wipe's!  

Herman, don't sound like much fun...overkill is my wife's reaction!  We'll be back in Texas the 10th of Oct.  😁

This virus must be very intelligent, it's OK to stand  in line when  shopping, but not so when voting!  :blink:

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We had a good time there with the Red River Rovers a while ago.

I think more states should have early voting like Texas. If you have mobility issues you can even vote from the curb.

You are right Carl this virus is smarter than Santa Claus. If you have been rioting and looting with strangers you are ok but don't go vote or go to church because you are going to get it.


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11 hours ago, WILDEBILL308 said:

We had a good time there with the Red River Rovers a while ago.

I think more states should have early voting like Texas. If you have mobility issues you can even vote from the curb.

You are right Carl this virus is smarter than Santa Claus. If you have been rioting and looting with strangers you are ok but don't go vote or go to church because you are going to get it.


reckon we've been played

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Vote early

Texas voters can also vote before Election Day. The early voting period runs from Tuesday, October 13, 2020 to Friday, October 30, 2020, but dates and hours may vary based on where you live.

What to bring

You will be asked to show photo ID to vote in Texas. Acceptable forms include: Texas driver's license issued by the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS); Texas election ID certificate; Texas personal ID card; Texas handgun license; US military ID with photo; US citizenship certificate with photograph (doesn't need to be current); or a US passport. Forms must be current or expired less than four years. For voters aged 70 or older, the acceptable form of photo identification may be expired for any length of time if the identification is otherwise valid.

Voters without ID: If you don't have ID and cannot obtain one due to a reasonable impediment, you'll need to sign a sworn statement that there is a reason why you don't have any of the accepted IDs, and present one of the following: certified birth certificate; valid voter registration certificate; or a current utility bill, government check, bank statement or paycheck, or government document with your name and an address. If you meet these requirements and are eligible to vote, you may vote in the election.

If you don't have ID and do not have a reasonable impediment to obtaining one or did not bring ID to the polling place, you may cast a provisional ballot. In order to have the provisional ballot counted, you will be required to visit the voter registrar's office within six (6) calendar days of the date of the election to either present one of the forms of photo ID or submit a temporary affidavit, or, if applicable, qualify for the disability exemption, in the presence of the county voter registrar while attesting to the fact that you do not have any of the required photo IDs.

Seams simple you can go any time the polls are open and you can go when there a no crowdes.


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Deer season is year round in my neighborhood, there are plenty of them here. We allow anyone to shoot photo's and nothing else at them.

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And all you have to do is get outside any city and you can find them.

The only thing that can reproduce faster then a rabbit are feral hogs.

On my friends ranch they kills 4 or 5 hogs each time they go there plus 4 to 5 rattlesnakes. The good thing is that there is no limit on either.


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Bill need I remind you why this Topic was started, it was a place where you could converse on any thing and not stray from the Topics and Postings on a particular subject. In other words this Topic in the "General Discussions" section has no topic to Hijack.   :rolleyes: 

But thanks for all you do for the members of the Forum.  :)


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I read somewhere that hogs can double their population every 8 months.  You would have to kill something like 2/3 of them to stay even with their current population.  Impossible.  I have trail cams on our ranch in the Hill Country of Texas.  They can show up most any time of day but are mostly nocturnal.  I have several pictures that show as many as 30-40 hogs in a group.  They come and go from ranch to ranch tearing up fencing where they cross and crops along the way.  Other wildlife usually will not associate with them.  I have personally seen deer at one of our feeders and when hogs come in the deer leave.  They must be pretty repulsive for a deer to leave corn on the ground and trot off.  But, their hams and backstraps are good to eat.  Enjoy your day and kill a hog!

There are only two types of landowners in Texas.  One who has hogs and one who is about to have hogs!


Edited by akadeadeye

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Yes each sow can have 10 piglets twice a year. Had some guys that worked with me had a great part time business. They were trapping wild hogs and selling them at the livestock auction. They weren't getting top dollar but it was low overhead. :D 


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We have wild hogs in S. Indiana. They can destroy 6-8 acres  of beans in one night, the big farmers are begging for hunter/shooters to come to their farms. Rattlesnakes are protected in Indiana by law,

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If any of you know what Kudzu is, the only thing that will kill Kudzu is  hogs, goats can't eat the leaves and vines fast enough to kill it, but hogs will root up the roots that look very much like potatoes.😉

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Considering the amount of rodents they can consume, snakes aren't all bad. It's not all types of rattlesnakes that are protected, generally it's the one on the endangered species list. I did a quick Google Search on this one and it looks like every state has their own rules on snakes.

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Don C.  Be glad your Ranch is not in California...Wild hogs are protected! :wacko:

So far, we are real Lucky...No hogs on ranch!  Not even on our camp by Three Rivers!  My best friend has 1,895 acres in Gladewater, TX and figures he has between 3-5,000 hogs that goes between his ranch and 2 others...that was 4 years ago when he gave up estimating!  He's got another 1,490 acres, 23 miles south of Dallas, off !-45 and not 1 hog has been seen! :blink:

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