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My husband Todd, was to begin retirement on April first, April fools day rolleyes.gif But we live in the Bay Area and have been told to shelter in place for 3 weeks. This has made today, Saint Patrick’s day, Day one of retirement. Hidden blessing I guess.

We were supposed to begin our trip of a lifetime April 18th. I spent HOURS PLANNING OUR ROUTE AND RESERVING SITES. Sigh, Now it’s all up in the air and I’m genuinely not sure how we will proceed. The Canadian border closed today to non essential travel. We were to be there in June.  

I am interested in those who are full timers and how you are “moving forward” in this challenging corona virus season we find ourselves in. I would really appreciate your thought, advice and experiences traveling out there. 
Thank you

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TDnME, welcome to the FMCA Forums! 

I was wondering myself how full timers are making out with this. If campgrounds, State and National parks are closing that leaves Wally docking as the only resort. 

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I was wondering that myself. I thought about heading south next week when work closes but with all the closures all over the country I guess I’m staying put for awhile. I found this on Googles homepage today thought it was interesting. Everyone stay safe out there hopefully this crazy time we are in goes away quickly.




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TDnME, Welcome to the forum. Congratulations on getting your husband to retirement.:D I know how you feel, we were going to be headed west now. My wife like you just finished un doing the reservations she had made. Things will settle down in a few weeks then we will go. This is kind of a lesson in retirement versos vacation mode. Once you head out you don't have to be back till you want to be back. No 2 week or 3 week deadlines to be back. 

I am not shure I understand why closing the parks and campgrounds is needed. Most places camping I tend to have less close contact than living in town and working.


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Disappointing to read that article but much appreciated to hear what’s going on.  I did sign petition and reposted it on FB. 
thanks friends  if you hear any more please let me know here  

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We"ve been on the road since before Christmas. Currently we're in Tucson.  Due to just about every event and venue being closed due to COVID-19, we have cancelled most of our sightseeing and travels that would have taken us thru New Mexico, back to the Grand Canyon area, and over to Branson MO.  

Instead we're going to head out later next week to meet up with friends on Dauphin Island Alabama. We'll spend some time working on our tans and worry about what's next after that. 

Be advised. The biggest issue we've encountered so far is getting everyday grocery items. A lot of empty shelves out there. 

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We are full timers 8 years.  Now in Tucson at Lazy Days, it is open and functional, but most indoor facilities are closed (gym, rec room etc.) some outdoor facilities closed.  They have toilet paper in their store!  All the parks along our eastward path to VA are commercial and are open and planning to stay open - some are offering "we'll bring your check in paperwork out to you".  We are wondering if we should just find a congenial spot and hunker down until the restrictions are lifted, but we can at least go visit the grands in VA.  Freezer is full so we are good for a couple weeks at least.  

Congratulations on the life transition, come on out it will be okay!

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We have been in Aransas Pass near Corpus Christi since January 1, only problem here is low inventory in grocery stores. We will be moving to Castroville the 27th of march and intend to return home to Michigan early May. We don’t have a set schedule so a few days one way or the other doesn’t matter. Toilet paper and meat have been the biggest problem as the hoarders have gone into action.


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Happy Trails RV Resort in Surprise, AZ closed all facilities Monday at 7:00am. We spent the day packing up and left early Tuesday morning. Beat bad weather in Flagstaff by a day. Had we waited until Wednesday to leave, we would have had to wait until Friday to leave. We will be in central Indiana by Friday evening. 

So far, fuel has been available and lower cost. Stoped at a McDonald’s for lunch and coffee. Got it, but had to be take out. A restaurant we usually stop at in Missouri is closed, so we will bypass that and have an easier last day of travel home except for probable rain. 

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I had some bad news today. Had scheduled appointment at Dr. Office.  Discussion focused on the present virus, and sequestration is going to last at least 6 months. If they had just let it go like every flu season it may be a lot shorter.

From CDC on 2018-2019 flue season

"...the CDC estimates that up to 42.9 million people got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season, 647,000 people were hospitalized and 61,200 died. That’s fairly on par with a typical season, and well below the CDC’s 2017-2018 estimates of 48.8 million illnesses, 959,000 hospitalizations and 79,400 deaths."

Wonder what would happen if there is no sequestration?

CDC Info on past flu seasons.

Personally, I think an RV park is much safer than other confined spaces. Everyone is typically outdoors and it is easier to keep space between peoples.

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  On 3/19/2020 at 3:45 AM, wayne77590 said:

Wonder what would happen if there is no sequestration?

With all due respect this isn't the flu nor can you extrapolate from flu data.  With seasonal flu much of the population has at least some immunity regardless of whether or not they get the annual shot.  This is because all of us have been exposed to variants of the disease every year.  The flu is known to have a fatality rate of ~0.1%

This disease is brand new; no one has any immunity.  Therefore, the number of infections will be larger.  Furthermore, the fatality rate appears at the moment to be on the order of 1% roughly 10 times worse than the flu.

The problem, however, isn't whether the fatality rate is 5-10 times that of the flu.  The real problem is that hospitals aren't sized to have the extra capacity needed for so many suddenly sick patients.  Whether or not you realize it, the number of hospital beds in a region is sized to the expected number of sick people that can be expected to need them.  When you suddenly have a large group of unexpected patients needing hospitalization, and probably intensive care, this can easily swamp the health care system.  That's what's happening in Italy right now.

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Welcome to the Forum.

I am sure like most people, as long as they have T/P and soap, they can stay safe. Those places where you were going will still be there when it is safe for everyone to travel. Enjoy your time to relax get the RV spruced up and ready to go.

Till then stay safe, healthy and congratulations on Todd's retirement.


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Two comments, I would love to be on the road now. It would be a pleasure to fill the Motorhome, Truck, even the lawn mower with the prices of fuel right now. Second, I have been a member of the NRA for over 40 years and have every issue of American Riflemen since I have been a member, I don't have to worry about toilet paper. (I may even try to sell some):rolleyes:


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  On 3/19/2020 at 10:28 AM, hermanmullins said:

Two comments, I would love to be on the road now. It would be a pleasure to fill the Motorhome, Truck, even the lawn mower with the prices of fuel right now. Second, I have been a member of the NRA for over 40 years and have every issue of American Riflemen since I have been a member, I don't have to worry about toilet paper. (I may even try to sell some):rolleyes:


Hmm - now I know what to do with those back issues of FMC magazine we've been toting around...

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Suspect we may have run the complete gamut on the wipe issue!

Please, let's move on OR retreat to original topic.



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  On 3/19/2020 at 11:09 PM, richard5933 said:

On the positive side, traffic's been really light recently.


Yeah, my trip home from work usually 50 minutes for 19 miles. Today 30 minutes.
DW is now working from home, corporate has been cleared out. 

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In the past 2 weeks, we have been in a RV Park for 4 days in Texas, one night in Monroe, La. the rest, 10 miles south of Wiggins, Miss and now at Cajun Palms Resort, Henderson, La.  

No problems with food or other supplies and have yet to find a closed RV Park.  Tomorrow, we'll be staying in Schulenburg, Tx. then home!

docj.  If you have as many cases World wide of Corona as we have in just the USA every year of the flu, then yes 1% would be devastating!  Shortage of Hospital beds in Italy, is just a part of the problem...hygiene is the other part.

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  On 3/19/2020 at 1:57 AM, IanBullock said:

Instead we're going to head out later next week to meet up with friends on Dauphin Island Alabama. We'll spend some time working on our tans and worry about what's next after that. 

Unfortunately the governor closed all Alabama beaches today.

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