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Just wanted to let folks know that T-Mobile launched a new data plan in October that I think is a good deal.  The plan is for people 55 and older and gives you two lines of unlimited everything including using the phones for mobile hotspots for $60 per month including all fees, etc.. 


While T-Mobile doesn't currently have the coverage that Verizon has, I've been pleasantly surprised at how good it is.

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Just tried the Verizon Jetpack now with FMCAs deal.  Tried for 2 days to set up an account after I received it.  Nobody knew what to do.  Spent 2 afternoons on the phone mostly listening to music and then a trip to my local Verizon store.  Ended up they wanted me to drive 30 miles to a corporate store to try to set up and account .  Not worth my trouble, if you sell me something have a way to use it.

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53 minutes ago, jerryd15 said:

Just tried the Verizon Jetpack now with FMCAs deal.  Tried for 2 days to set up an account after I received it.  Nobody knew what to do.  Spent 2 afternoons on the phone mostly listening to music and then a trip to my local Verizon store.  Ended up they wanted me to drive 30 miles to a corporate store to try to set up and account .  Not worth my trouble, if you sell me something have a way to use it.

Hey Jerry,

I was just looking into the Verizon/FMCA deal to see if that was something I want to try. Wandering if you went through the enrollment process that is posted on the FMCA site. I was considering using the Jetpack for both on the road and home uses. I knew there were issues when it was first rolled out, but sounds like there still are. I am an existing Verizon customer.


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There must be operator error. I have had the MiFi since last May. Never ever had an issue with the device and I am as dumb as dirt when it comes to Electronics. Sorry.

Have you visited a Verizon Store and asked for help? It's free.


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I got the MiFi and set it up with no problems.  However, it's been over two months now and Verizon still hasn't been able to get me on the FMCA plan.  The first few attempts to have it fixed resulted in me spending literally hours on the phone.  I'm so tired of calling Verizon every month to have my bill manually adjusted that I'm probably not going to renew the service or my FMCA membership when they come due.

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On 1/7/2018 at 0:18 PM, RichNjohn said:

I got the MiFi and set it up with no problems.  However, it's been over two months now and Verizon still hasn't been able to get me on the FMCA plan.  The first few attempts to have it fixed resulted in me spending literally hours on the phone.  I'm so tired of calling Verizon every month to have my bill manually adjusted that I'm probably not going to renew the service or my FMCA membership when they come due.

PM me your email address and I’ll have someone from Verizon reach out and get it corrected. Sorry for all the issues you are having.

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Hello Everyone,

I currently have Verizon cell service and have had a MiFi hotspot for about a year. The issue I have is that the hotspot has been VERY slow. Driving me nuts. Sometimes will not connect to website I need to use (times out). I am working from the road and need a good internet connection so my question is, has anyone ran into this previously? Maybe there is some sort of booster available to get a stronger signal?

My coach has Dish Satellite installed, the kind that allows me to use it when parked and when traveling but I have never set it up. Is there a faster speed internet that might be available through them that I am not aware of?

If anybody has any thoughts or experience with this issue, I would appreciate it!



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1 hour ago, ktconners said:


Hello Everyone,

I currently have Verizon cell service and have had a MiFi hotspot for about a year. The issue I have is that the hotspot has been VERY slow. Driving me nuts. Sometimes will not connect to website I need to use (times out). I am working from the road and need a good internet connection so my question is, has anyone ran into this previously? Maybe there is some sort of booster available to get a stronger signal?

My coach has Dish Satellite installed, the kind that allows me to use it when parked and when traveling but I have never set it up. Is there a faster speed internet that might be available through them that I am not aware of?

If anybody has any thoughts or experience with this issue, I would appreciate it!



Which Verizon MiFi hotspot do you have? I have an older 4510 which Verizon has told me that the service to it has been downgraded to 3g (this stinks). I also have 7710 that I acquired about a year ago, this one flies! I am in the process now of discontinuing the 4510, don't need that extra $20.00 monthly for a dead horse. An external antenna will help, I added a $20.00 one that suction cups to the window of the coach, it has helped a great deal.

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4 hours ago, kaypsmith said:

Which Verizon MiFi hotspot do you have? I have an older 4510 which Verizon has told me that the service to it has been downgraded to 3g (this stinks). I also have 7710 that I acquired about a year ago, this one flies! I am in the process now of discontinuing the 4510, don't need that extra $20.00 monthly for a dead horse. An external antenna will help, I added a $20.00 one that suction cups to the window of the coach, it has helped a great deal.

I have a MiFi 7730 L Verizon, as long as you have a signal it works pretty good until it hits 15 gig then slows down.  I then go to my iPhone and it works pretty good until it hits 15 gig and then it slows down.  The MiFi costs me $20 a month.

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Hey guys, yes I have a 7730. Like desertdeals says, it works OK as long as I am in an area where there is a signal. Currently we are up in the Blue Ridge and I have 2 bars of the 5 available. So I guess that was my question. How to get that signal stronger. Kay do you think that external antenna may help in this situation? Thx!


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It does do exactly that in my situation. With the 7730 inside the bus (all metal surrounding), even at home I have a signal problem because of the FMJ, I read 2 bars and with the antenna placed on the inside of a window, it increases to 5. I am less than 1000 feet from the Verizon tower and the surround cuts it down that much without the antenna. I was at StGeorge Island Florida in late May, early June with the antenna and had no dead spots. Last year, no antenna, I had to keep moving a few feet to just keep a signal without it. Also, I invested in one of those more expensive antennas and put it on a 20 foot flag pole, it does not perform as well as the window mounted one. Keep in mind, if you can't find any signal, then it will be hard to improve on nothing. I've been an amateur radio (Ham) operator for thirty years, there is nothing better than a good antenna.:rolleyes: All are not good!:wub:

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We have a Verizon Jetpack. When we're in the bus it's almost impossible to get a good signal no matter how close we are to the tower. We also use an external antenna which we place in a window with suction cups. It helps dramatically when we otherwise would have been out of luck. If you are unsure of which window to use, there are apps which will help locate the nearest tower to you on a map. Then you can place the antenna in the window facing that tower. If you can't find the app or it doesn't work, don't be afraid to try windows on different sides of the coach till you get a better signal. I think that we paid about $20 for ours on Amazon - the only thing to watch for is that the plug on the antenna will fit the antenna port on your particular Jetpack.

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Excellent, sounds like that antenna that Kay sent over is the ticket and you sure can’t beat the price!  Thanks everyone. I will send out a quick note when it arrives with my new found, 5 bar, internet connection...lol...thanks again!

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OK folks, I currently use the wifi at campgrounds but have run into speed problems.  FMCA has two plans, a Verizon jet pack and the Sprint.  Sprint is a 4LTE+3G with unlimited and without slowing you down at 25GB.  The Verizon plan is not unlimited and will slow you down after you exceed your plan limits.  I have been a Sprint customer since 2001 on my cell phone without having any problems with phone calls as phones will now rout to any tower when making a call, but data requires a sprint tower within range.

My question, has anyone used the sprint plan?  What sort of coverage have you been getting?  I will be doing the Lewis & Clark trip next summer and was thinking to purchase one of the two plans for my travels but can't decided on which one.  Does anyone have any experience with both?    Has anyone used the sprint plan?



Allegro RED 2010 36QSA

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All I can say is please look into 'Togo Roadlink C2, 4G LTE Router and WiFi Extender with AT&T Unlimited Cellular Data $360.00 per year. I bought it and could not be happier.

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Verizon has spun off a new service, visible.com. One plan, no contract. $40 a month truly unlimited voice/text/data. No throttling. 4G/LTE. We have used it for a month and it works great. Most of the time we get 5Gbps. Supports one device on a hotspot, so we can use a laptop as well as the phone. They support a limited set of bring-your-own phones. If yours isn't supported, they have their own model that they'll swap for any old smart phone that you have. Only downside we have found is that their free phone runs hot around where the  phone speaker is, so it works best with a bluetooth. It can also do wifi calling, but we haven't tried that. They have discounts for multiple phones up to 4 that lowers the cost incrementally down to $25 per line. Not limited to a family. You can get friends to join.

Also, even though they don't support it, per se, I got multiple laptops onto the service by setting up another phone as a mobile hotspot with wifi sharing. Takes a little messing around, but we can use both of our laptops at the same time. (Contact me if you want details.)

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On 11/6/2019 at 12:54 PM, jhart50 said:

Supports one device on a hotspot, so we can use a laptop as well as the phone. 

I'm pretty sure you can use a router as your "one device" and then let the router connect to the rest of your network.  That gets around the "one device" limitation.

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