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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. If I think there is a problem and I have the parts I would go ahead and fix it right then. I for one, don't like surprises when on the road. Herman By the way Carl, How is that new review mirror working out?
  2. Wall paper that looks like OSB? Now that is a new one on me. The next time I have the opportunity to tour a MH plant, I want to see when they install the ceiling panels. If i understand it the ceiling panels are finished, installed and then the cabinets go in. However in the pictures it looks as if the panels covering stops just past the cabinet. (see exposed fabric edge). rv2Dan, there are several things I would do. First would be a call to the manufacture of you coach.(listing the make, model & year helps with inquiries) See if they might have a solution. Then I would find a possible web site on your make and model to see if others may have had the same problem. I would also determine if it was caused by moisture penetration or faulty manufacturing. Good luck, Herman
  3. Borcki, I also have Dish. We sometime have to do the unplug thing, but not every time. Get yourself a short extension cord that can be out where you can unplug and plug in the receiver without having to move it each time. When we have been out and have changed to the local channels where we were, I will call Dish as we travel on the way home. I will ask them to restore my home channels to our home address. By the time we get back to the house and settle down, all is reset and back to normal. Herman
  4. My Thanks go to the entire IT department for all their dedication and hard works. Great work crew! Herman
  5. Tom, Oklahomahas found another use for dryed poo, Road Base material, Hwy 69 is living proof. Herman
  6. Joe, There are so many factor involved in selecting a location to hold an FMCA National Reunion (aka Rally). East coast is great for the eastern half, but bad for the western half. West coast is good for the western half but bad for the eastern half. Mid America is ideal for both East and West. In finding a location many consideration must be met. Room to park one to two thousand coaches. Building space for 150 to 200 plus vendors. Rooms for 10 to 20 seminars. Place for 2 to 4 thousand people for entertainment. Caterers , and the list goes on and on. Local area eating places. Medical Facilities, Honey wagon service plus potable water sources. A location that I really like is Gillette, Wyoming. We will be going there in 2018 if I remember correctly. Great place for Families. To the West is Yellowstone NP and to the East is Devil's Tower, Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse. Go South you have Denver and don't forget Colorado Springs for the Olympic Training Facility and the Air Force Academy. When we go there next would be a great time to take a long vacation and make that trip. Thanks for listening to an ole man rattle on. Herman
  7. Changing a DUMP VALVE is one time charging $140.00 per hour (RVE) is justified. Herman
  8. Joe, Mondain , repeative just a few of the words that come to mind with a lot of rallies. We, the DW and I , when we are Wagon Masters always try to include at least one thing we have never done before. However have been shot down every time I mention skinny dipping in the Gulf. Now with our group and ages, that would be a sight to behold. I have said that Nationals should be held in an area that is a destination like Six Flags or the like. Families could come and have a place to go before or after the rally for the young one. Remember it all about FAMILY. Herman
  9. If you ever plan on changing your dump valve take the following steps. First dump and flush the several time. When doing this raise the opposite side of your coach so the valve side is as low as you can get it. Second before removing the valve do just the opposite. Raise the valve side as high as you can get at the same time lower the other side as low as you can. Be sure to wear rubber gloves and a cloth pin. Both are obvious. Herman
  10. Keon, First, go back in this post and find JohnJill, send him a Personal Message. John and you need to get to know each other. You both are around the same age and have children and you'll love to travel in your coaches. The Family Motor Coach Association was started by families just like the two of you. They met in I believe Hinkley, Ohio back in 1963. Through their love of camping with their families they formed the FMCA. Back then most all coaches were converted school buses, older buses and vans. They were sometime not too pretty but they were also beautiful folks with wonderful ideas. Now would be a great time to return to those Family Values and traditions. We, the FMCA members, are getting old and need folks like you & your family and John & Jill to pick up the mantel and get more Families back to camping with the Family. Just a side note, John went to school with my kids and his dad and I were in the same High School Class, Class of 1955, to gather in McKinney, Texas. Let start putting "FAMILY" back in the Family Motor Coach Association.
  11. Now I know you are speaking of the coach. Herman
  12. Wayne, I have a722 that stays in the coach. It cost me $7.00 per mo. I wired it to the Winegard Traveler the same as it is wired in the house. One line in to a splitter, the one line out into the receiver and one to the bedroom TV. The remote is programmed to our local channels and our favorite Dish channels. If we will be in a location for several days we may call Dish to give us the locals where we are. Works well for us. Next project is to up grade our over the air antenna. Plan to us extra cable from the Traveler. Herman locals.
  13. It is a #55 solenoid can get them at O'Reilly's, Auto Zone and NAPA as stated, 12 volt continuous. Looks just like the momentary but isn't the same. Herman
  14. Amen to too many channels you don't watch. I see where Dish is offering something like pick your own. It might be more expensive to pick only the channels you want than a package. We have the 200 something package and have two favorite settings. One for us and one for the grandkids. Herman
  15. dave, Glad you found your third fuse panel. Hope that there isn't a forth if something else blows a fuse. Since the fuse did blow and just to be on the safe side check all around the step wiring to be sure there aren't any bare or pinched wires. Also be sure and check the ground wire to. Happy stepping. Herman
  16. Sorry for my answer. Just reread question and saw that the starting point was Oklahoma City. Shawnee might be just a tad too far for the first day. It has been awhile since I was through there but there is an RV park in Alma, AR., just East of Ft. Smith. There is also a Cracker Barrel in the same area. But my statement about the Expo Center in Shawnee. Nice place for an overnight of several days. Stop at the office and see Jake. Herman
  17. Wes, In Shawnee there is the Heart of Oklahoma Expo Center. You can have 50 amp full hookups for $25.00 per night. On I-40 take the Hwy 177 South turn left on N Leo and stay to the right to the Center. Herman
  18. Good to know. Had check light on at different times on my truck and was told that if the light wasn't on they couldn't read them. The next time, hopefully never, I'll ask that they be checked anyway. Thanks Herman
  19. Let me add one more item to the list. When you drain the radiator to change the fluids replace all hoses and belts. They deteriorate faster from lack of use than when used. Geter dun, there are some wonderfull experiences just waiting for you. Herman
  20. Sounds like a warranty issue, Good Luck. Herman
  21. AJ, The only time code can be read is when the check light is on, so I have been told. If this is a fact then the light will need to be on when you are driving to have it serviced. Talk about a catch 22. The next time the light comes on try removing the positive battery cable. This will reset the computer. Then see how long it takes, if every, for the light returns. Worth a try. Herman
  22. Zero defects is great accomplishment. With the current sophistication of today AC.
  23. There was a video out that show them pushing a B-24 out the door every 55 minutes. They were built by the Greatest Generation. Herman
  24. Dave, Welcome to the Forum. Do you have a battery switch by your door? It is sometimes called a "Battery cutoff ". If so my may have inadvertently turned it off. If so all 12 volts Will stop working. Herman
  25. Also rates will vary state by state, county by county and even city by city. It all depends on claims history. Good luck on finding a provider that meets your needs and price range. Herman
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