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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. We are here at home in Whitewright. I get two most of the time and three bars some of the time. We aren't close to a tower so I feel we get fairly good for our location. Herman
  2. Thinking about buying a new Car? THE CORVETTE A retired older couple returned to a Corvette dealership where the salesman had just sold the car they had been interested in to a beautiful, leggy, busty blonde in a mini skirt and a halter top. The old man was visibly upset. He spoke to the salesman sharply,"Young man, I thought you said you would hold that cartill we raised the $85,000 asking price. Yet I just overheard you closed the deal for $72,000 to the lovely young lady there. And if I remember right, you had insisted there was no way you could discount this model. The salesman took a deep breath, cleared his throat and reached for a large glass of water. "Well, what can I tell you? She had the cash ready, didn't need any financing help, and, Sir, just look at her over there, how could I resist?", replied the grinning salesman sheepishly. Just then the young woman approached the senior couple and handed the Corvette’s keys to the old man. "There you go," she said. "I told you I could get that idiot to lower the price. See you later Daddy, Happy Father's day." Once again the message is ... don't mess with seniors!! ut a new car? This may help.
  3. blair, Welcome to the Forum. Since you have ordered the Roadmaster tow bar let me suggest that you contact Roadmaster and secure the proper base plates for your Buick. They will be very helpful and make sure you get the correct plate for your car. Don't forget your tail light harness and breakaway for your brake unit. Happy Travels Herman Brett beat me to the response but as you can see we agree.
  4. Joe, I am glad you were able to experience such a moving point in your life. Thank you and all that served with you for your service. Herman
  5. Rich, good thought. Too many folks start to fret if they have a part that fails. If it is a Hydraulic hose, take it off go to a shop that builds hose's and have one made then put it back on. If it is a cylinder take it to a hydraulic repair shop have them rebuilt it then put it back on. There are so many options to making a repair it's funny. Herman
  6. Very good analogy of a failure, any type of failure. Herman
  7. Um, ok. Then my next question, Do they Work? I use one of the Verizon MiFis from FMCA. We live in an all metal home so I have to place the MiFi in a window to get a good signal but it work very good for us. Herman
  8. I just noticed that oldsarge has only had one post and that was on October 11, 2017. I guess he didn't care for the Forum. Oh well to each his own. He is welcomed back any time. Herman
  9. Can you'll explain the Wilson Signal Booster. I am not familiar with it and I am sure other might not know of it either. Thanks, Herman
  10. Ole Sarge, Welcome to the Forum, 

    Do I note 24 years service? Thank you for each and every one of them.

    When you are in Perry look for me riding around on a Golf Cart with SAFETY OFFICER on the windshield. Would be nice to meet you. If I can help you while there please don't hesitate to ask.


  11. There are times when do it yourself is the way to go and times for the pros. Carl is correct this is time for the Pros. Herman
  12. ( I would hate to pay Flood/Windstorm after this year! ) True but I have a feeling all insurance will go up to cover their losses. It is ironic that when claims are low the rate don't go down but have a bad year like this past one the rates skyrocket. Herman
  13. If you have Farm Bureau in your area give them a call. We get a very competitive rate from them on both the farm and the vehicles. Herman
  14. Eddie, are the seals flipping outwards when the slide is opened? On my Dynasty the slide has two seals. One on the inside to seal when the slide goes out all the way while the second is on outside to seal the slide when it comes in. What Joe is referring to is a wiper. On the slide is some rough material (sorta like sandpaper) that will cause the wiper to flip. Take a look at the wiper when the slide is out and make sure it is flipped out when the slide is out. If not water will run down the slide and can puddle the possibly penetrate past the seal and cause the wet floor. Herman
  15. They laugh there at Newell about some of the race car drivers and their coaches. One in particular has 6 Newells and one is in for detailing at most any time. They say that they can cover their labor with just the adult beverage container they get out of the coaches. Herman
  16. EMiller, Welcome to the Forum. Day excursions while leaving the coach in, say a WalMart, should not be an issue. We have done it many times. We have even stayed in Wally World Parking lots quite often. When we are going from point A to B with out sight seeing we will stay in an RV Park every other night and Wally world in between. Never had a problem with Vandalism any where. Herman
  17. A bit off the topic. I purchased a replacement Anemometer from Girard. Their selling point was the Blades were replaceable. That really sold me on the unit. Th small nut that held the blade on came off and away went the blade. Guess what! they stopped making the unit and now you have to buy the entire unit, $149.95 plus S/H. @$&&&&^%%$#$!!! Herman (Colaws doesn't have one, checked last Saturday)
  18. Thank you Joe and Carl. Carl, Drove through their lot Saturday. Lots of unit on the pre-owned line. There were a number of what looked like new coaches. Maybe waiting on delivery. Speaking of new, I wonder how long their PDI takes, 1- 2 days? Herman
  19. 38 degrees here in Miami Oklahoma with drizzle. Has been drizzle or pouring down for three days. Doesn't look any better for the week. After 55 year compromise is Bobbie gets her way and I get mine. (well some times it works out that way) We are going to KC to see Bobbies sister who has been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Herman
  20. Bobbie loves her Keurig and has several different type, flavor and brands of K cups. Me not so much. To me I personally don't care for the flavor of the coffee it makes. I prefer the coffee we have from our commercial Bunn Coffee Maker. It's over 20 years old and still makes great coffee. Herman
  21. Carl, I believe that is Cleburne not Dallas, 2408 N Main St, Cleburne, TX. 800-755-4775. But I agree that is most likely the closest to him. Herman
  22. Again Welcome. Answer, I doubt it very seriously. Just look at how long it took them to come up with the wiring harness (which hasn't been that successful from what I hear) and they still say there isn't a problem. Sorry just sour grapes. Herman
  23. I go along with Carl. It depend on where you love as to how much security you need or want. That being said all the locks and cameras wont stop a thief if they really want into your coach. A side note, a friend of our with a new coach in a secure storage facility was broken into along with several other units. In taking the radio the damage to the dash and wiring was so extensive it took almost 6 month to get it all repaired. Point being, "If they want it, they will get". So lock the doors and don't park it in East St. Louis. Herman
  24. Erniee, Does that mean you have three point where the floor has to match? 1 when the slide is in and the edges meet, and then the two edges of the floor when it rises when the slide goes out. As you said " a marvel in engineering". Lots of little things like that is why it must be taken back to Miami Oklahoma for most of the repair work to be done. Herman
  25. Good question. I would like to see the underside of a slide to see how everything fits and works. Dose anyone have any pictures of the underside of a slide and the mechanism. Herman
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