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Everything posted by wolfe10

  1. Not sure running an ad constitutes endorsement.
  2. Rich, May be two issues with MB automobile diesels in the U.S.: EPA Affect of our bio-diesel on their injection system
  3. Yes, Mark, as both I and you posted, it is the MB automobiles that will cease to be offered with diesel engines in the U.S. This from a Car and Driver article in December 2017. https://www.caranddriver.com/reviews/2018-mercedes-benz-e-class-diesels-first-drive-review Despite being one of the pioneers of diesel passenger cars in the States—with an impressive percentage of its seemingly unkillable 300Ds still chugging along four decades later—Mercedes has cold feet. The brand put a moratorium on U.S. sales of new diesels in May, and we don’t sense any sign of it reversing that position.
  4. Yes, FREDS can be Class A, B or C. So, range from 20' to over 40'. And, from my reading, it is the MB automobile diesels that will not be imported in 2018.
  5. Yup, 11 column inches of water= .397 PSI
  6. OK, a very good discussion. BUT, no new facts in quite a while. Let's bring this one to a close, as this one appears to be headed for more "personal" comments vs financial comments.
  7. cogriffins, Welcome to the FMCA Forum. Tell us where you are coming from so we can help with routes. Weather will certainly play a part in the "when/where" part of the equation in February-- especially in the northern/higher elevation destinations.
  8. More a matter that temperature in the refrigerator may not rise enough to turn on the cooling unit (flame) enough to keep the freezer at proper temperature. Being from S Texas, I can not answer your specific question-- whether the cooling unit will perform properly at below freezing temperatures. I am sure there are some who can address that condition. Personally hope to continue avoiding below freezing temperatures.
  9. I believe the concern is that the low temperature in the refrigerator section caused by the very cold temperatures may not turn on the cooling unit enough to keep the freezer section at the proper temperature. That is why I recommended a small amount of dry ice in the freezer. That will insure that freezer stays cold and allow the thermostat to control temperatures in the refrigerator.
  10. Webster or Westport? Do you have the model number?
  11. Thanks, Mike. Excellent explanation. So for most diesel RV owners, the PS in white bottle from Walmart may be easier in very cold conditions than doing a "fire drill" looking for ULSK.
  12. Some good information, Mark. But since it was written February 26, 2010, certainly the tax part of that may be misleading in 2018.
  13. Sounds like keeping the refrigerator part cold enough will be very easy. It is keeping the freezer part cold enough that could be an issue. Here is what we do on the sailboat-- buy 5 pounds of DRY ICE. Wrap it in newspaper to slow its "cooling" and stick it in the freezer section. No fuss, no muss. At least in our area, even Walmart has dry ice.
  14. Totally agree. PU's and Class C's are certainly not designed for mounting anything in the front-- from either front GAWR or air flow. Also agree, there are a number of DP's with front axle weight already near the GAWR. But, there are exceptions (as I posted above based on FACTS, not speculation). So, my advice is the same-- weigh the axles when loaded as you go down the road to verify if you can even carry one, and then on which axle. Installing any weight on the back of our Safari DP would have lead to dangerous underloading of the front axle and the scary/dangerous handling that would come with it.
  15. No problem-- fingers are WEBBED (was diving in Cozumel last week). Surprised the ***** out of a dive instructor with a some tank divers (my brother and his wife) when I met him at 35' to point to a sleeping turtle. Ya, he almost choked... I had to make a bee line for the surface. Oxygen is good.
  16. Rich/Lois, We ARE hanging on for you. Couple of tanks of diesel and you are in the land of the citrus and palm trees.
  17. Rich, Will "keep the light on for you"!
  18. Steve, Welcome to the FMCA Forum. Please tell us what coach you have-- some may have first hand experience with your same coach. You can also go in and put your coach in your profile to help with future questions.
  19. DONE: https://www.wunderground.com/forecast/us/tx/houston/77001
  20. OK, this thread has more than run its course, so it is CLOSED. Really hate to see threads degrade like this. Certainly room for many points of view-- the main one here is there is NO RV THAT MEETS EVERYONE'S NEEDS. That is why there are so many choices out there. So, just because one is happy with their choice (whether A, B or C), there is no reason to post either questions likely to elicit negative responses about other's choices OR to post those negative responses. TOLERANCE AND CIVILITY PLEASE.
  21. Jill, No problem at all. Been that route several times. When in doubt, I use Google Map street view to "run the route": https://www.google.com/maps/@39.1247285,-84.3556205,3a,75y,286.29h,90t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s3xMyXHDTfQWEl1AmnOxp4Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  22. Until BOTH axles are weighted, all is speculation. There are a number of DP's that really could use more weight on the front axle. Our Safari was certainly one-- terrible weight distribution, with even the generator 8' behind the rear axle. Of the 22,150 total coach weight, only 7,050 was on the front axle. An additional 1,000 pounds on the front axle would have improved both ride and handling.
  23. Our 2003 Alpine 38FDDS had a FRONT fuel fill. You had to extend the nose to fuel. Only one of our three DP coaches where you did have to extend the nose to fuel.
  24. Ya, and where we really need cold (Arctic) it is WARM. On the news tonight, Anchorage was WARMER today than Dallas or Houston!
  25. Wow! Remember oil changes per engine manufacturers specs are based on BOTH miles and TIME (annual). Also, when was the last time you heard (twitter doesn't count) of a HD diesel failure due to oil-related issue??? I absolutely use synthetic oil in my gasoline powered vehicles. But, not in my HD diesels (either Caterpillar or Cummins).
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