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Everything posted by wolfe10

  1. Mark, Thanks for the link. Always something new out of Washington.
  2. Haven't seen the statute that would remove tax deduction for interest in non-motorized RV's. Do you have a link? And, at least in the automobile business, the term is "upside down". Not sure it is better or worse than being "underwater".
  3. On any thread about hanging 1000 plus pounds on the back of a DP, we would be remiss in not discussing the material shift in weight this causes. The issue is that that weight is not over or even close to the rear axle, but 10 or so feet BEHIND the rear axle. So, it adds well more than its actual weight to the rear axle and SUBTRACTS weight (leverages weight) from the front axle. In many cases, this weight transfer is enough to overload the rear axle AND to negatively affect handling by removing weight from the front axle. Please, check with both your chassis and coach manufacturer before making a decision that could materially and negatively affect your coach ride, handling and safety.
  4. Fuel pump is in the fuel tank.
  5. A good idea. Another option is to alternate replacement with FACTORY reman and just filter replacement. So replace now, three years from now new filters, 6 years from now factory reman.... Don't know your skill level or location of your dryer, but it is a pretty simple operation-- replacing is much less mechanically demanding than properly rebuilding one. Yes, air has to be drained from system (in case the tank check valve is defective) and you will need to block the coach up so you are safe working under it. Then, basically hand tools.
  6. If there is water in the tank, it will not purge if below freezing, as it is ICE. Now, if you air dryer is functioning as it should, its built-in 12 VDC heater should allow purging of moisture at the dryer. Again, it is only with a failed dryer that water will reach the air tanks.
  7. Roland and I have been trading PM's on this. Probably good information for many, so will continue here. Roland asked: " Got my manual and it says I have automatic tanks. Should I be worried about air dryer? How would I check it, find tank and do a manual dump?" Since you are not able to see what comes out of the tank drains (unless you just happen to catch them during purge cycle), it would be very difficult to use them for a "report card" on air dryer condition. And, air dryer maintenance is one of the more neglected items on many coaches, since it is a new component for most new DP owners. Air dryers need to be serviced (filters changed) or replaced about every three years. The main "got ya" if they are not serviced is that the desiccant in the filters can break down and get in the air system, clogging LOTS of valves in air suspension and air brake systems. My strong preference and what I do on my coaches is to just replace them with a FACTORY (I.E. THE FACTORY THAT MADE THEM, NOT, REPEAT NOT A "REPLACES" OF UNKNOWN QUALITY) REMAN. That way, not only the filters, but valves, heater, etc are all new and to the high standards of the OE dryer.
  8. This from a PM I sent to Roland in reply to his PM: Check with your coach maker to find out where your tank drains are. Couple of popular choices: Air line lead from tank to an easy to access place with valve where it is easy to get to. Some tanks have automatic valves-- good for expelling contaminants, bad for evaluating status of air dryer. Some drains are just on the tanks themselves. Most are just 90 degree valves and require no tools.
  9. No, the purging you hear when "cut-out PSI" is reached is just the air dryer purging/cycling. Nothing to do with tank drains. Yes, some chassis/coaches are also equipped with automatic tank purge valves. CHECK WITH YOUR COACH MAKER TO SEE LOCATION AND TYPE OF TANKS DRAINS ARE ON YOUR COACH.
  10. A good idea, as long as the timer is rated for the amps that the heater draws. Most box stores have 20 amp timers-- a good choice.
  11. Gary, Would you please explain that statement. The heater is a resistance heater. Usually in the 750-1200 watt range. Can't see how it would draw different wattage with different temperatures. And turning on more than a couple of hours before starting will only serve to burn electricity.
  12. While driving, the alternator will keep both chassis and house banks charged (yes, assuming it is working as designed/built) Inverter on only if you have 120 VAC items you want to run while driving (limited to output of alternator less other loads).
  13. The furnace fan is 12 VDC. Your converter or inverter/charger will use 120 VAC from shore power to charge the batteries.
  14. Roland, Other than extra power consumption, no problem with leaving the block heater on overnight. That plus charging the batteries to power the fan for a propane furnace should be no issue in terms of total amp draw. If batteries deeply discharged, wait to turn on on the block heater until amp draw from charger has dropped off.
  15. OK, posts ON-TOPIC are very welcome. Personal comments/attacks are NOT. Really don't want to shut this one down. Thanks. Moderator
  16. I agree. This one has strayed WAY off-topic. Closed.
  17. Best advice on installing one on a Foretravel is to gather this information and call James Triana at Foretravel Factory: Front and rear axle weights when loaded as you travel Total weight of lift and what you will be carrying on it. Since there IS a frame under the heavy driveline components (rear of the rear bulkhead) I am not sure the answer will be any different than any DP, but James would be the one to ask.
  18. Actually there ARE Toyota FWD manual transmission vehicles that ARE towable 4 wheels down.
  19. Sean, Please tell us more about your coach: What year model and chassis? How many miles on it? Any other symptoms?
  20. Looks like a very contagious strain of CABIN FEVER has set in! OR "You know it is too cold to RV when .........."
  21. Counterpoint on Presidential Library: Irrespective of whether I have agreed with a President's politics, I have found it enlightening to look at their time in office through their eyes. So, we go to every one of them that is on/near our route. Have been through George H W Bush, Regan, Clinton, Lincoln and will do more as we get to areas where they are located.
  22. Chad, Mustang Caterpillar off the east loop as worked on RV's for many years. Have not been there in a couple of years, so I would give them a call.
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