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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. The good news is they are fairly easy to change. Bill
  2. I run it in every tank. I like it for the cetane boost and keeping everything clean. The fact it provides some lubricity doesn't hurt and yes I run more than the minimum mix. Carl, try running about +50% of the recommended dosage and see what you get. Bill
  3. Yep love that free camping. I was sitting out watching the Buffalo. Just got back from eating at the Red Onion in Joplin. Really good. Bill
  4. That is about what my Continentals cost. Base price $418.00 + mounting and balancing + taxes + disposal. So far they ride great, In Joplin tonight. Bill
  5. Joe, that is pretty common. Most people don't ever "exercise them" or try to open them and they are stuck when they need them. One more thing for the annual maintenance list. Bill
  6. Welcome to the forum. One outher thing is to check the grounds. Pore grounds is often a problem. But the gages may be bad, hope not. Bill
  7. I can't believe someone would question the factory design. Bill
  8. We will be near St Louis. Hope the weather is good. Bill
  9. Glad you are looking. Here are a couple of places that might have something you might like. http://motorhomesoftexas.com/ http://www.pplmotorhomes.com/ There are places that can add a escape door. Bill
  10. I had hydraulic surge disk brakes worked great. Bill
  11. They had a couple different ones. The inflater at Waley World is $68.00 but the same one from Northern is $225. Bill
  12. Trust me these guys had the most sophisticated tire irons you can get. The neatest tool was the Tire Bead Seater Inflator tool. I have seen people struggle to get a tire bead to seal. This was the best tool for that since sliced bread. https://www.walmart.com/ip/5Gal-Tire-Bead-Seater-Inflator-Blaster-Seating-Tool-ATV-165PSI-Pneumatic/181292029?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=529&adid=22222222227045037069&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=94062870770&wl4=aud-261800281660:pla-216317209730&wl5=9027284&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=112354406&wl11=online&wl12=181292029&wl13=&veh=sem Yes I probbabley could change my tires, but for the few times I have needed it done it is cheaper and easier to let the pros do it. Especially on days like yesterday when it was 100+ and hi humidity in the bay and the fans didn't seem to move any air. Bill
  13. Here is something I wrote for a different thread but you might find it useful. LOADING YOUR CAR ON THE DOLLY When you load the car on the dolly stop with about 2 in between the tire and front stop. Place the hold down straps over the tires. Now place the car in neutral. Now tighten the hold down straps. The reason for doing it this way is the straps will not slide on the tire. This allows the tire to rotate forward and take the slack out of the back side of the strap. After the straps are tight you can put the car in park and set it up for towing. Make Shure you set the car up based on the dolly manufactures instructions. Some need the steering locked and some like the acme need the steering to turn. Not doing this part right will cause damage to your car. One other thing is be aware the dolly tracks outside the track of your Coach. You need to be aware when turning corners or just going down the road. Your coach might be in the smooth travel lane but the dolly might be off the right edge running on the rumble strip or hitting the lane markers. Watch your mirrors and you can get the hang of it pretty easy. Bill
  14. That's me. They change tires the old fashioned way with a sledgehammer and tire irons. They stood on the tires to get them over the rim. Bill
  15. Ouch, sorry to hear about your problem. Also Welcome to the forum. Bill
  16. I did not catch the name on the tub. They also used a liquid that was some kind of lubricant when breaking the tires down. It could have been the Murphys. Today I wiped off any remaining on the ones I could get to and wiped them down with 303. I didn't like the foot prints on the sides of my new tires. Bill
  17. I know several places in Texas but not Ohio. Bill
  18. Welcome to the forum. Need more info. Like Carl asked + what are you re sealing the weatherproofing around the window or re sealing a double pane glass? Bill
  19. Welcome to the forum. What does your owner's manual say? I have a all wheel auto drive CR-V I can tow it 4 down but not on a dolly. Is your Element an auto / all wheel drive? Looking at the FMCA towing guide and Remco it showess it can't be towed 4 down. Bill
  20. Welcome to the forum. Where are you located/home based? Bill
  21. If you like railroads and history you should go to Promontory Point. https://www.nps.gov/gosp/index.htm You can use this link to explore all the national parks. Bill
  22. What parks are you planning on going to? Why just Southern Utah? By the way, welcome to the forum. Bill
  23. Well I hope they used the right grease on my new Continental's. I will have to mark them and see if they move. Bill
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