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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. You lasted way longer than I did. We left and headed West about the first of the March. Now about as far west as I can go on the San Diageo Bay. Bill
  2. NEVER replace a fuse with anything but what is suppose to be installed. Clean and polish all the grounds and treat them with a corrosion preventative. Bill
  3. wildebill308


    Safe Travel to you. We will be in the morning of the 22. Bill
  4. Welcome to the forum. I would put that 10K in the bank and use it for any repairs. I don't think any EW policy pays for maintence or any damage they can claim is from lack of maintence. Do you have proof all required maintence has ben done since new? Bill
  5. You can try sending him a PM but the post is from November 1, 2015. I would look at the post about it on the Cummins engine thread on irv2.com. that rayin posted about. Bill
  6. So did you take the connection apart and clean it and treat it with corrosion preventative so you don't need to go back up on the roof next week? Bill
  7. Why? How could you fill both black and gray water tanks daily? You have a while till you go in start practicing a little conservation in your FHP's site. Close your tanks and fil your fresh water and shut it off at the park hydrant. Dry camp at your site. See how long you can go till your tanks are full. Most people can go 3-4 days+. "until Sold Out" usually means you should pick a day 2-3 after you arrive and sigh up for service when you get there. They generally calculate how many sites they can do and when that number is contracted for they are sold out. Bill
  8. I didn't have on my Bounder but added one and a EGT gage. Bill
  9. Like Five said I don't see a problem outher than your lack of experience. I would hire a pro to do a inspection before I bought. Bill
  10. wildebill308


    WE will be there. Am looking forward to it. Bill
  11. I cheated, I made the dealer install mine as part of the deal when I bought my CR-V. Bill
  12. Carl the owners manual was specific about disconnecting the battery. Bill
  13. I was there yesterday good place to test. I wonder how much the blowing dust will degrade performance. Tucson wasn't to bad but driving in from Deming was a little rough. Bill
  14. Did you save the changes when you exited? Try it again. Bill
  15. Look at page 400 (in your owners manual) under Recreational Vehicle Towing. I would look at the warning starting on page 402. To avoid death, serious injury, or property damage, before dinghy towing the vehicle, always disconnect and secure the negative battery cable and cover the negative battery post and cable with a non-conductive material. If the battery is left connected or the battery cable contacts the post, the Electric Parking Brake may activate during towing, which could cause a crash. I would read all of the Recreational Vehicle Towing a couple times. https://www.ownersmanualhub.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/2019-Chevrolet-Silverado-Manual.pdf I have never heard of anyone geting in trouble for length. Bill
  16. Why do you need to go "full time" Sell everything for penne's on the dollar and then you have to replace it at retail in a unknown period of time? My out look is when we go on a trip I am full time till I get back. You find you will need to be back to see your doctors more often as time goes on. Doesn't mean you can't do extended trips. longest trip last year was 97 days. So I think you can travel and not be full time. We did 21 states 51 camp grounds and 11,650 miles in the camper. I will put that up against many of the "full timers" Who are just living in their RV. By the way watched the Tucson air show today from my patio at Tucson / Lazydays KOA Resort. We will be back home around the first of the month. Bill
  17. I did that with my last RV. I didn't want any problems. However I bought this RV after I was retired and didn't have a problem so I don't know. fagnaml, Go now! Bill
  18. Need some clarification. Are you setting the truck up to be towed or ? What model? Bill
  19. Welcome to the forum. Bill
  20. Yes that is a complicated question. I also think it is a very personal decision. I think you are lucky to be in the situation you are in. I will make the comment about how much you like your job. How long would go in for free. "How did you know when it was time to retire?" I had been waiting to get all the "points" I needed. I already had a RV and I was traveling before that. The big indicator for me was when they cane around and said "we will give you money to quit" "Did you develop a plan for how to spend your time in retirement or just "go for it"?" I had the plan to travel more as we were already traveling. There are many things you can do. We are active in Scouting and do meals wheels. Right now we have cut back because were out of town but do fill in on routs where the regular drivers are out. If you want to learn a town deliver meals. Seriously if you do anything but sit in your recliner you will after a few weeks you will say "I don't know how I had time to go to work. I have to much to do today." "How long before retirement did you start thinking /planning your retirement before making the decision to retire?" Many years ago. The big thing you should think about and understand. You don't know how long you have!! One of my big fears was watching people who had worked their whole life not make that day. Or ended up in such bad shape they couldn't do any thing or really enjoy life. Bill
  21. Is that a April Fools day thing? Bill
  22. Congratulations on The new to you 2009 Fleetwood. What I am not understanding is now you now say " replacement RV that is being shipped to us from FLA to MI in a couple of weeks"?? What happened to the 2009 Fleetwood? I have never seen a Separate washer and dryer that weren't stacked. Bill
  23. C-677946, I agree most/all the Roadside Assistance Companies are just middle men. You might get a few things like they pay the first trip out by a mecanic or wrecker but are just concierge type company's. Little Valley, NY, Don't see maney from that part of the world. I grew up in Westfield NY. Bill
  24. Interesting but I don't see anything that much better than my little camper. Headed West tomorrow. Bill
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