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Everything posted by kaypsmith

  1. How about Brunswick stew? I'll be glad to email you an old family recipe if interested.
  2. Yes, you can use only one cable but that only allows recording the same show that you are watching, but you can program the DVR to record any one show at a time while you are away, or not watching tv. Directv does have a splitter available that can add the second hookup, but it needs to come from Directv, just a regular splitter acquired from a box store will not work.
  3. Five, that is my same thought, pickup tube is mounted higher in the tank to prevent using up fuel that will be needed to crank and move the coach to refuel, just like the generator.
  4. If the inverter is an inverter only, then I would only turn it on while inverter power is needed. If it is like most of the newer ones that inverts and converts, then most likely there is not another converter on board the coach, you would need to leave it on when shore or generator power is present for the purpose of keeping the house batteries charged. The newer technology PSW "pure sine wave inverters" are fine for powering almost any appliance, while the MSW "modified sine wave" inverters can power many appliances, but not all. As Brett points out, his residential fridge may not be good on MSW, I use a Samsung French door residential fridge, mainly because when I installed, it was the only one that I could find that the manufacturer stated that I would be fine on MSW. I still use a MSW 3000 watt that runs the fridge and other appliances. But have since installed a 5000 watt PSW that I power off my chassis batteries, they are 24 volt, with 24 volt alternator 210 amps, plenty enough to run the bus and the 24 volt inverter for the roof air while traveling.
  5. Carl, I think you need to add some of those SCARE LIGHTS to your coach, probably will keep Mother Theresa away.
  6. Not to just keep adding to the list, but I learned this morning that my vet now has added an app that allows me to pull all records for each pet that is under their care on my smart phone, worth asking about.
  7. Probably HDPE, high density polyethylene. Just type in hdpe on ebay search line.
  8. The local Costco store has an interesting door bell, which I will be installing this weekend. http://www.costco.com/Ring,-Wi-Fi-Enabled-Video-Doorbell-with-Chime-%E2%80%93-Satin-Nickle-Finish.product.100178969.html Very interesting concept, as you can read, this one actually rings your cell phone. I will report about effectiveness next week.
  9. My wife and I both wish that we had been introduced to the RV hobby while our two girls were growing up, they missed out on a lot of early life experiences because we did not have a clue back then. And to your OP, we have four Yorkies that travel with us every place that we go. We do keep their vaccination papers with us for just in case, and are in the process of microchipping them before our next trip, just in case some misfit decides that they would like to take possession of one of them. A collar is for your use, and for those honest pet lovers, if they ever happen to go to a vet., records can show who their rightful owner actually is. Many happy trails, Kay
  10. Joe, can you take a picture of the valtera valve, showing how it is attached to the waste tanks and e-mail to me.
  11. If you are going to use only one receiver, you may want to change, if you have not already, to a UHF remote control. This is what I do, it allows you to be in any location and change the channels, as well as turning the receiver on and off and setting up the receiver. The UHF remote is available through DirecTV customer support. Geoff, great to have your expert knowledge onboard.
  12. Where is the rally in August? I really wanted to be in Perry last week, but one of my employees was out for knee replacement, he came hobbling back in yesterday for first time in 4 weeks, which means that I still have to be at work, hopefully he will be better soon.
  13. Sorry you didn't have my cell number, when you came through the B'ham. area, you were within five miles of my place. It would have been my joy to have bought your lunch. Actually from Perry to Savannah on 80 is much prettier than Alabama to Perry.
  14. Are you using multiple receivers, or planning to send the same signal to all TV's? If you want to use the splitter, and continue using the old coax, the Genie system from direct works great, there is a main receiver, then the daughter boxes can be placed close to the other TV's. The daughter boxes do incur the additional charge for each additional one that you use, they are very small, 4" deep. 7" wide, and 1 1/4" thick, has its own remote, and uses the dvr from the main box, and you can record up to 5 channels at the same time.
  15. Opinions are like noses, every has or has had one. As being an engineer for the past 32 years, I take every opportunity to find the history of a product and use it in order to decide whether or not to make any changes. Lack of knowledge on any subject only leads to sometimes costly mistakes. So, if you like a gasser, and want to add Sumo Springs, and hope that it is not snake oil by a lot of hype from advertisement then go that route. If you have already have taken the plunge and want to express an honest opinion on the subject, then tell others that is what you are using, and are well pleased with the results. You might even want to become the over 101 years of hands on instructors. Most everyone on this forum have owned gasser motorhomes in the past and wrestled with trying to make them climb a hill better, or make the ride smoother, make it easier to handle. So please leave opinions, but not criticism of those who are working hard to help others. In the course of my career, I have evaluated many new items and find that 75% are useless, or not as good as what is already working. Many happy trails, Kay
  16. I use the additive after every fourth dump, about a gallon of my premade solution, and I never empty before about 3/4 full on a regular basis.
  17. Carl, take a look at this site. I have used this method for years, and have never had a problem. http://wheelingit.us/2012/03/21/rv-tank-sensors-the-geo-method/
  18. I have never seen an electrical device that a little ingenuity can't conquer. Sounds like a good plan, and another project.
  19. I still think that there is no better sound than that of the old two stroke detroit
  20. Carl, last time I tried to ship you something, came back to "RETURN TO SENDER, ADDRESS UNKNOWN", LOL. Also, don't why the emotions are grayed out on my posts, guess I need to PM Todd.
  21. $7.00 to $14.00 for a new outlet, if you can't afford one, pm me your shipping info and I will send you a new one. But as DD said, could be inverter issues. Good luck.
  22. Gee, I wish they were 8D's, I would load up.
  23. 3000 rpm is way too high, in 87 the highway maximum speed limit was 55 mph, so vehicles were built to get best fuel mileage at that speed. Beautiful coach, slow down and enjoy her.
  24. Try this link. http://power.cummins.com/sites/default/files/literature/rv/F-1123-EN.pdf
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