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Everything posted by manholt

  1. manholt

    RV GPS

    Yes! Anything Nautical comes in real handy when your driving a rig down a dry Interstate...
  2. Herman. The same fee, not sure about amount, was applied to the Princess phone. Half was suppose to go to the inventor, who had the patent. The other half to the phone company....unfortunately, the fine print in the employer contract, stated that all drawings and patents by the employee, belonged to the phone company...my father, never saw a dime!
  3. The fresh water tank is located on the DS rear and the water pump is right next to it, under the bathroom! Small compact coach, with a lot of living space, since the queen bed is stored in the ceiling forward. Modern version of the original Winnebago, without the "Eye Brow" windshield ! Carl
  4. manholt

    RV GPS

    When it comes to just traveling, I prefer the "Back roads of America"! Freeway gets boring and I try not to use it, unless it's a time restraint situation. I use Goggle map in satellite mode so I can see what I will be traveling thru, along with road numbers. Once is all I need, I'm blessed with a strange mind...total recall. Carl
  5. Is that a hairline crack I see in picture number 3 ? You might want to get rid off all the dust, dirt and rust !
  6. When I lived in Norway and came over every summer, it was a crank phone via a operator, she would plug you in to the person you asked for...problem was that anybody could hear what you talked about, no privacy! Mostly gone by 1958, then we had rotary dial, but a lot of "Party Lines". I came to California in 1953, had to learn a number on a rotary dial phone, that I had never seen before!
  7. ShortBus. Another reason to invest in a dash camera...you can also get them for the side and back, integrated to you current camera...14 hour loop! Carl
  8. manholt

    RV GPS

    Use it all the time...hate being stuck on a non-turn around road or RV park that I have to un hook Jeep in order to get rig out, because they don't take anything over 36 foot...learned the hard way! Now, it does not happen any more...it's amazing to me, how many interpretations there is, to "Big Rig"!
  9. BillA. What else would you like to add to the OP's , that is useful, besides what has already been said? Limited posters? Yes, your among that number, you have been around and "Full Time" gives me respect for the knowledge you have! So, ask yourself, who can answer, this OP's question the best? By the way, when did we get a reply from the OP? Carl
  10. beach. Put the $$$ in a savings account...you'll be way ahead in the long run! My account is not too shabby after 49 years and 17 Rigs! Carl
  11. Let your nose also be your guide. Herman. You need to get him into Lone Star, before Bill does his RRR thing!
  12. I love them fresh! Frozen is all I can get here, OK but it's like fresh King...no where near the same! Maybe Linda and I can get up there next year...
  13. Wow! Since he's been just about everywhere, where you going? Out of Galveston or? What are you, the youngest child? Carl
  14. GS and Passport America is good for campground information and discount. Wish FMCA had gotten involved with the grading system a long time ago, that's a great opportunity that was missed !
  15. I can't speak for the Tour of today, but same amount of $$$ you have Itasca, always have been a better fit and finish! That said, I have looked at the new Dutch Star and Vantana by Newmar. My lady likes the Vantana, I go with Dutch Star for 2 reasons...choice of Spartan Chassis and 450 Cummins...Vantana is on Freightliner chassis and 400 Cummins. All 400 series have the same 1250 torque, you just get there a little quicker with the 450 and having had both chassis, I like the ride of Spartan the best. As for slides in on any big DP built after 2009, will have the dogs on a couch. Been there, currently there again! My Lady, will probably get the Vantana 40 foot, tag, when we get to Indy in July...makes her happy, I'm happy! Besides, not my $$$. Carl
  16. MDKOZ. Welcome to FMCA and the Forum! Where in Australia do you call home? I circumnavigated on a cruise ship in 07' and will do it again next February! Beautiful country! You hit LV at the wrong time, I heard about that blow. What model and year Fleetwood did you get? Carl
  17. Linda and I intend to be there! The last Rally at Distant Drums RV Park, AZ, was a Hoot ! Carpenter, thank you for the pictures! Carl
  18. Beautiful ! How do you keep the Austin on the road? 0-70 and traffic court in 4 seconds or less!!! Carl
  19. Manny said he was in Texas. Unless he's in Amarillo or Dalhart, I can't see a need to winterize !
  20. "It is what it is, and then it's what you make of it". Fit's! We have our opinions and the towable crowd, have theirs. One thing we all have in common is the lifestyle, interior and their all rolling earthquakes! Cost more for a MH than a pull behind, but enjoyment is the same. On average, we tend to have more exterior storage and a generator. I personally think there is a big misconception among the MH crowd, when it comes to towable's! I'll be blunt..."they are second class people, construction folks, can't afford a MH, etc.", wrong on all counts! Most are folks who already have the trucks to haul the trailer or fifth wheel, easier to store for long periods at a time, lower maintenance and more bang for the bucks! I know a lot of folks that have trailers, I'm also are a member of Escapees, mixed bag. Not all are full timers. Most of my friends can afford anything they want, but they still run a farm, cattle ranch, or company. I'll jump of my "Soap Box" now!
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