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Everything posted by manholt

  1. I don't believe there are 9 million RV's on the road...owned, yes. X% are on hunting camps, fishing camps, off the grid home sites, non running, mobil home parks and kept all year at a RV park some where! X% off trailers and fifth wheels are owned by construction company's for their workers to haul around. Then you have trade in's, just sitting on lot's some where, or junk yards. Original owner still on title. So, on road, probably 40% off the 9 million.
  2. Bill E. With a cooler, fishing pole and umbrella...sounds good to me! The pole is for the look! Oh. Bring a paddle, life west and make that 2 coolers....
  3. More hp and torque is fine, as long as your trans is geared for it, if not, then it gets into serious money real fast. I checked on that thought with Cummins and Allison! No thanks! I did do it on my 07' Chevy 2500, 4x4 Duromax and it did not cost too much...I sold the truck this morning at 5am local time. One less insurance payment. Now, if I can just sell my HD Trike!
  4. Joe. Great job! Now, if you should get any more junk in fuel system...no complaining! Just kidding! Did you put in new fuel lines?
  5. manholt

    Fuel Economy

    Herman. The FREDS always reminded me of UFO's... FMC was a (to me) good looking, ahead off its time coach! I'm thinking around 78'-80'...I wanted one...glad I did not ! Foretravel Grand Villa had one around 89' or 90'...same problems and also, they used the Oshkosh chassis that the DP model was on....slooow goo!...
  6. Shultz. Welcome to the Forum. Superior Tire Service has a lot of locations in OR. and WA. I think they have one in BC also. I got mine at their Eugene, OR. shop FMCA Fleet in August 14'...6, 295's and 2, 315's. Love no Sales Tax! Carl
  7. manholt

    Atwood Levelegs

    Larry A. Welcome to the Forum. The post your responding to is one year old. Click on Mark's profile and send him a message. Carl
  8. Bill. I was on that route last summer, road is fair to good, tight in some places and I was stuck behind a wide load truck all the way to the summit. Was in 3rd by the top! Then it started to sleet...in August! From summit down, it's very good road until you get to flats, just before I-70...yea curves and keeping my rpm's up 1,800 I My temp stayed below 205 up hill and 190 down. I also go by my oil and trans temp! This was before my radiator flush, temp regulator for SilverLeaf replacement and both thermostats replaced.
  9. manholt

    Fuel Economy

    What size engine? Length of coach? The industry had them for some years, I think they where called UFO's...don't remember why they stopped making them! Back in late 80's early 90' Foretravel came out with a gas pusher...lousy mpg!
  10. FIVE...I'm a little confused here...what does the other 87% represent?
  11. Crown 1 is a AMG 6V GC2H...that's what I need....now waiting for the Thunder storm to go away, so I can measure L, W and H.... Oh, they only weigh 79 pounds a piece!
  12. Thank you. I'll keep the Crown in mind....my current, acid Interstates Extreme, 6V, 122 mins @ 75A , 232 ah. Top mount. That is what I need in a AGM.
  13. Seller probably didn't want to take the time to it right, so he just bunched up behind LPG. Never would have been found, had you not gone electric!
  14. WOW ! Well done, that's some kind off transformation..
  15. I just love Custom made, with no thought for the future! When I had my first house on Galveston, I had it built and used a interior design group...they where very good, but had one flaw, They kept coming up with Custom built stuff! It was all great stuff, but I kept rejecting it. One day I told them that I had to think of the next buyer in the future, figured that would stop them, it didn't. I agreed one time, they wanted a friend to come in and paint me a mural on my dinning room wall...WOW ! It was like sitting in a salt water aquarium, I loved it. I bought my current house in Feb 07' and after 14 months of remodeling, by the same guys who did my first one...I placed the other house up for sale, gone in 3 days! bought by friends of the decorators. It could also have backfired! You would love my garage, under the house, climate controlled and it will hold 4 full size p/ups and 3 motor cycles along with 3, 12' work benches.
  16. Joe. I gave you the answer to your wire bundle under Electric...I think! Where ever you posted the oil in LPG tank.
  17. SOB ! I just wrote an explanation and it was not accepted by the system again...same problem as yesterday after 9am eastern time! Joe, one more time. Your bundle off wires was probably at one time connected to LPG tank, to heat up the tank and oil so that the LPG would revert back to a useable gas...in very cold conditions above artic circle in Winter! That is why you had a Brunner LPG tank. Carl
  18. Oil? Why would it have 10 gal of oil? No wonder it was heavy, that's an extra 70 pounds, unless it was cooking oil at 76 pounds! Geez!
  19. Hi. Good for you. What kind of wood flooring? You going to him? Carl
  20. Joe, a thought. Did your coach come with satellite pre wired? Could be your bundle is for bedroom TV for sat connection....home improvement by owner!
  21. Mine are on a slide out tray...but you have to remove the pneumatic shock and door first to move the tray! Also, you got to do the same to get at the reservoir and hydraulic lines for the jacks, its under the batteries! There is no sliding tray for the other 8. Just 2 metal frames to hold them in place.
  22. Where I plug in cable, there is a plug for a phone. Maybe your bundle is for CB? Take it apart and see what does not work...
  23. My doctor wants me to drink red wine, when I drink, so I'll bring crackers and cheese! You drink beer and eat, I'll have wine!
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