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Everything posted by jleamont

  1. OMG! Take it easy! What Herman said and believe it or not COUGH. Consider it a self induced chest compression. Sardines, never tried them, my grandfather would eat them for a snack, those and Italian log hot peppers pan fried, use to tell me to "try one, it will put hair on your chest boy! I went for the peppers, probably my first mistake...wow were they hot for an 8yr old kid
  2. I cant wait for the first RV expert at a campground to tell me that Cummins wont breathe right through those little tail pipes
  3. LOL, yes they do! You and I would get scalded probably for the approach and delivery of the message they will laugh about it. 20 years of marriage taught me a good bit but still learning!
  4. Jim, https://vibrantperformance.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=1527_1034_1056 Carl, that is a reflection of the exhaust hanger box and a sheet of cardboard I was laying on, the paint on this coach is like a mirror. Make sure you tell her that when you meet her in a few weeks, give me a warning first, so I can start to sprint away
  5. Yeah, if I got my tail handed to me one more time for that water temperature issue this coach would have been up for sale and I might have been part of the package deal .
  6. Had enough of our Aquahot and it’s only able to provide CONTINUOUS how water in the shower for maybe 15 minutes. I went all out and installed a Precision Temp RV550NSP tankless and plumbed it to the shower hot side. Link; https://precisiontemp.com/products/rv-550-nsp/ Problem with Aquahot (especially older models) they only can provide 55 degrees of water temperature rise, when your water coming in is 37 (37+55= 92 aka mad DW ). I have never had a cooler shower as I don’t take that much time, her...well not so lucky. The Aquahot will come on strong but it’s not a direct fired water heater, said another way the water coil picks up heat from being wrapped around a boiler that is hot. It also doesn’t turn on when water flows which gives it an opportunity to cool down and recovery just isn’t fast enough. A true tankless water heater come on immediately when water flows through it. This unit provides 88 degrees continuous. I just wrapped up the Exhaust final touches. I ran it a few weeks ago on a test and the shower never dropped below 125 degrees for 45 minutes. Here’s some photos; I changed the tips to match both heater systems.
  7. I’m with Bill. No toad in Myrtle Beach would be a sad situation. There is so much to do and none of it is close. 15-20 minute drive.
  8. YUP! I'll get over paying a few cents more per gallon, bottoming the coach out or getting stale fuel will ruin any trip, not likely I'll get over that anytime in the near future.
  9. Nice looking coach.... May the force be with you! sorry your handle still makes me laugh
  10. I was going to ask this, thank you for sharing.
  11. Since it happens while moving, sounds like an airflow problem, more like a pressure imbalance behind it starving it for air. Does it have fans mounted behind it to help exhaust the hot air?
  12. Invisibrake is also not fully proportional. That and the installation were a turn off for me. The Brake buddy Stealth is similar and is fully proportional.
  13. Was thinking the same thing! Might need fans behind it to help circulate air.
  14. The more I look at these photos the more I just realized I need to seal coat my driveway
  15. Carl, cant find it in the PM's. Here is where we pull ours from;
  16. I pull from the bumper and no base plate also. Approved by the bumper manufacture. I have safety chains bolted behind the bumper that I store in the skid plate, drop them down and snap the safety chains. Roadmaster makes the adapters to do so depending on your pin size for their bars. https://www.etrailer.com/Base-Plates/Roadmaster/RM-035-1.html?feed=npn&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9MLAu6f02gIVB2SGCh2GGwxEEAQYASABEgLdcfD_BwE Ironically they also fit a Demco bar, not a Blue Ox.
  17. Antennas on the roof? Mine are tilted back and whistle a little, especially the CB, it has a coil in it like an old car phone antenna. I also get some from the headlight area, thought it was the generator cover, I replaced the gasket on that, didn't fix it! When i put the nose protector on it gets quiet ....so long trips nose protector come on while on the road and off when we get to the CG.
  18. That's my guess also! The technology would have to be a little more advanced like a sensor in the steering wheel that the phone see's that is activated while the car was in motion and disabled the cell phone for the driver. But then you would have people holding the phone in their right arm on the passenger side as a work around
  19. Its a sad day for humanity when laws have to dictate what should be common sense .
  20. YUP< and i can gut it from our jeep in less than an hour if we decide to trade it in.
  21. jleamont

    Pads For Jacks

    Jim, those pads you posted the link on look very sturdy! With a jack spreading the load would be critical in my eyes!
  22. I'd love to try the Chicory one. Can't get good food let alone good coffee up here. We plan on shopping next month while in NM and TX
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