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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. I would seal them with Dicore sealant. Look at the top of the windows and any penetrations on the roof. The seam at the front and back caps or basically any where you have a screw or penetration of the roof. https://dicorproducts.com/ When you start to repair,it will be important to make shure the areas are dry inside. Bill
  2. Thanks for posting the pictures. That is interesting. Buy any chance are there fastener/screw heads in the places where the material (Gelcoat/fiberglass) has popped out? That is better looking than it could be. This looks like a surface problem not a big structural problem. Bill
  3. These are not sanding disk but scotch brite buffing pads. Use the pads for prep and the click bond glue I linked to before. Bill
  4. John, Welcome to the forum. Yes you like to travel. When you are in town you might like to attend some of the more local rallys. http://www.redriverrovers.com/ Bill
  5. Lets keep this on track / about the OPs problems pulling to the right. Bill
  6. Ray, look at your jack cylinders there may be zerk fittings that need to be greased. It depends on what jacks /year you have. Check the manufacture for the proper grease. Keeping the shafts clean and lubed protects the hydraulic seals in the jacks. Bill
  7. Take her for a test ride.😉 Bill
  8. I got this information off Gasbuddy, Gas in Ottawa is 89.9 to 99.9 per litter. Diesel is 95.9 to 128.9 per liter. It cost $55.00 to fill the CRV last summer in Ottawa. Last fill up was $20.57 here. I made it back to the states without buying diesel last summer. I just looked the current exchange rate is 0.741843 to the US dollar. What I find interesting is it changes daily. https://www.bankofcanada.ca/rates/exchange/currency-converter/?lookupPage=lookup_currency_converter_2017.php&startRange=2009-01-03&rangeType=range&selectToFrom=to&convert=1.00&seriesFrom=Canadian+dollar&seriesTo[]=FXUSDCAD&rangeValue=1.w&dFrom=&dTo=&submit_button=Convert Something I have done the last couple of trips is to make shure the credit card company knows I am traveling to Canada. So they don't shut off the card. I use my credit card and they pay the Canadian rate for the bill but charge my account the correct exchange rate (with a small charge). This saves trying to find places to get cash. Whatever you do don't use a debit card as it will pay straight across. You lose the exchange rate benefit. You pay a $100.00 C. bar tab and it cost you an extra $35.70 US. No, I had no problem. I would start looking at 1/2 tank, it saves unnecessary stress. Bill
  9. You can get these on Amazon, you will need a mandrell if you don't have one. DocaDisc 30PC - 2 inch Roloc Sanding Disc Mixed Pack // Surface Conditioning Discs // Roloc Disc/Air Grinder Disc for Surface prep, Paint Stripping, Grinding & Finishing (Course/Medium / Fine) Realistically neither of the things you linked to are a good choice for this project. Bill
  10. Ray, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new motorhome. If you put the information about your coach in your signature it will help to get better answers in the future. Ray is right on the money with his advise so I don't need to repeat it.😉 Bill
  11. If you absolutely want the elevator bolts to stay clean everything and clean it again with acetone then glue it on with this glue. https://www.skygeek.com/click-bond-cb200-40-acrylic-structural-adhesive-40-ml.html?utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=shoppingengine&utm_content=click-bond-cb200-40-acrylic-structural-adhesive-40-ml&utm_campaign=froogle&gclid=Cj0KCQiA37HhBRC8ARIsAPWoO0z1vc4qu0_LshowMoKksex8oLai4K_VZAIkxeZkWDcaR2vKK8xiHd0aAvTqEALw_wcB It probably won't be practical to buy the gun and mixing tubes for a one time use. You should be able to mix it by hand. Do it quickly as you don't have much work life. Bill
  12. Welcome to the forum. I have been there in my toad but I don't recall any good places to park a big rig. There is a RV park in Carlsbad you might look at. When out at Carlsbad Caverns National Park the parking lot was fairley big but striped for cars and full. 4301 National Parks Hwy, Carlsbad, NM 88220, carlsbadrvpark.com, (575) 885-6333. I think we stayed in Vegas and drove out to the dam. The parking was like a big parking garage. I didn't see any place to park a big rig or even pull over. Good luck Bill
  13. I don't think so. look at the top of the storage bay under the shower. See if the floor under the sink is damp. there should be a acess panel at the bottom front of the shower. Take a picture of where you think it is leaking. You guys realise that the wearing of white was started by people eating Beignets at the Cafe Du Monde? They didn't start out white but looked that way when they left from all the powdered sugar. 😄 If you have eaten there you will understand. Bill
  14. I remember the rally. If Jim S. spends much time in the rally room with the fire going we will be calling him "Smokey Jim" 😄. Bill
  15. Happy New Year. Well it should be hot as long as you are hooked up to shore power or on generator power. The recovery time will be a little longer but should keep you in some hot water. Let us know if it is working. Bill
  16. That is a nice park. Last time I stayed there was several years ago. Stopped there because of a sleet storm. The small meeting room with the big round fire pit was a great place to hang out and keep warm. Bill
  17. Happy New Year. That would be under the bathroom sink and shower. Look for cracked drain pipe for the sink and shower or outher leaks. Also look for water dripping around the commode. Bill
  18. Happy New Year. Fill your fuel tank before you cross into Canada. 😉 If you are going to be in the area you absolutely need to visit Hansom House this restaurant. It is in a great old house that belonged to one of George Washington's Generals. It is only open on Friday and Saturday. You need to see this place. 45 Main St, Beautiful Yellow Farmhouse, Dennysville, ME 04628-4300, +1 207-726-4466 The bar is a re-creation of the famous bar of the same name in Southampton, Long Island and run by the original owner. The stain glass and ceiling sculpture are unlike anything you might have seen before. https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g40591-d8526013-Reviews-Hansom_House-Dennysville_Maine.html Don't miss Ray's Mustard in Eastport. Bill
  19. Welcome to the forum and Happy New Year. What does the owner's manual say under "recreational towing"? I don't believe the 2019 FMCA towing guide is available yet. You can also check http://www.remcotowing.com and see what they say. I don't know if/what has changed between 2018-19. Bill
  20. ???? there is a place called Seabreeze about every 2ed mile on the North East coast and which St. Stephen? If you are in the Eastport area you should stop at Roosevelt Campobello International Park. The last time I was in the area we stayed at Seaview Campground & Cottages, 16 Norwood Rd, Eastport, ME 0463, eastportmaine.com, (207) 853-4471. The most eastern (Down East) place you can camp in the US. Make shure you have a rider for your phone service. You could pick up a Canadian tower and not know it. Bill
  21. Try taking out the 2 drawers under the tv in the bedroom this should let you see the water heater and connections. There is/should be a acess panel in the closet where the leaver is for bypassing the water heater. But it is easier to pull the drawers to look. Bill
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