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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. That is quite a bit of capacity. I am wondering what you find that works on the inverter. What size is your inverter? Bill
  2. Glad you found the problem. Changing the thermostat should be a fairly easy job. Bill
  3. You guys are going to scare the OP into not moving for fear of a low bridge. The reality is if you stay on main roads you have few problems. The only problems I have had are on state or county roads. Bill
  4. Ok Herman I re read next to last sentence. When I plug in I always use my portable Surge Guard. That always gives me a delay and it won't arc because there is no draw for about 90 sec. I would think it would work the same way if you had a hard mounted unit. I am just happy when the receptacle is in good enough condition to make good contact. I had one up in Main that the receptacle was so loose and in a deep box that the plug didn't want to stay plugged in. I finally used a bungee cord to hold the plug in place. Carl what is the name of that park in Tyler, TX.? Bill
  5. Were you able to clean up the prongs on the plug? Bill
  6. Jim, with that many house batteries there is a chance you can operate the stove off the inverter. One way to find out, (well ok 2 ways) turn off external power and see if it works or read the owner's manual/instructions. 😄 Like Joe said the, only real way to find out how long you can go on your battery bank is to experiment as everyone's setup is different. Bill
  7. We will try to get ready. Where are you headed in Texas. Bill
  8. Lots of time it depends on whether you are using Chrome or Edge or something else. Where the blue header is supposed to be in Chrome is all adds about Perry. Bill
  9. I am using/running all the apps I linked to on tablets. Bigger screen than the phone. You can use a phone and I use the phone when in the car. Like JLamont said tell us where you are leaving from and where you want to go, someone here has driven that route. Bill
  10. Mark, welcome to the forum. Get on and ask questions and don't let your wife have all the fun. On your concerns with bridge height on your trip south to Texas. I have driven moste of the routes you might take and didn't see any low bridges or overpasses. You will be just fine if you stay on interstates and federal roads. You could try Co Pilot We have used this app for several years with no problem. I had a friend try the RV vershion and he didn't like it, so I am staying with the $10.00 car version. https://copilotgps.com/en-us/car-navigation/ Something else to look at is RV Parky. https://www.rvparky.com/ Good for planning routes and finding campgrounds/stopping places. RV Parky does have a place to add the height of your RV. Let me know if you have any questions. Bill
  11. Welcome to the forum. A couple of years ago I met up with the Granite Staters for a rally at Moody Beach Maine. I don't recall any "Brand" requirement for joining. They seemed like a good group. http://www.granitestaters.org/ Bill
  12. It will also put you over the George Washington bridge even when you don't want to.🤩 Bill
  13. Welcome to the forum. Yes check the thermostat. You can also just turn the thermostat to the off position. Let us know what you find. Bill
  14. Welcome to the forum. I have used a kit like that and it did help for a while. Be shure to tape around the edges with blue painters tape to protect the paint. Bill
  15. Any news on the new line of tires that is supposed to be added? Bill
  16. Don't worry Carl is in the Pipe Creek area fairly often. 😁 Bill
  17. Good post. The good part they did the diagnostics for free. Bill
  18. That is right and some designed for extra high preshure have a "H" stamped on the top. There is a specific torque called out for the installation of a valve core between 2 - 5 inch pounds. As you can see, it doesn’t take much to torque. Also it is best practise to always replace the one you took out with a new one. I would take it to a shop and find out what is causing the leak. Have you checked the stem, extention and the installed TPMS for leaks with soapy water (I like kids bubble solution) Let us know what you find. Bill
  19. Have you looked through the big bag/box of documents/instructions for all your appliances and systems? Have you called the manufacturer's help line? Have you asked the dealer to contact the previous owner? Bill
  20. Yes you can do that but why? Why run the generator and the roof air when the furnace will easily and cheaply take up any slack keeping the temps where you want them? I have found that if the temperature gets much below 45 the thermostat will automatically switch to gas heat. Bill
  21. That is why we keep you around. Do I need to start pointing out any flaws in your post? Bill
  22. Never seen or heard of that probleem. I would get my furnace checked. Bill
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