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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. That isn't to bad you can still see the bus.
  2. That is going to look great. Post pictures when you get it. Bill
  3. Carl, all milk in the US is Pasteurized unless it is sold as raw milk someplace, mabey at whole foods or direct from a farm. Ian, I agree I was in several realey nice grocery stores. Bill
  4. Wouldn't the new tire with more tread depth ride better? More cushioning and flexibility. Might not corner better because of the "squirm" of the deep tread. I have also found that older tires will ride harder because they lose flexibility as they age. Isn't that right Roger?
  5. Mostly you won't be able to tell the difference. Ok the weight and measures is in metric and you do speak French right. Bill
  6. I-90 is the road East out of Cleveland, Ohio. I-90 is pretty much a straight shot East to Albany. Yes it dips south a little just before it gets to Albany. That is more because the roads follow the river valleys and stay out of the mountains. I suppose you could go north on I-81 but once you get near the border the roads are not as good going North to Montreal on both sides of the border. Bill
  7. That looks good. I would need the ability to tow my toad. Carl, isn't Perrey in March, 13-16th? Bill
  8. What ever you do don't use one of the oiled gause air filters. They don't stop enough dirt. Bill
  9. Well without knowing which class "B" you have it is hard to make an good recommendation. This is where if you add your coach information to your signature it will help to get better answers. Most of the "B" coaches run on 16" tires and those are easier to handle and store. You also need to have a jack and large lug wrench and for safety a jack stand if you are going to change your own tire. You will have to find storage for everything. I would be inclined to carry a spare if a good place could be found. So now I am curious as to which "B" you have as I saw one going down the road that had what looked like a molded spare cover on the back. Bill
  10. Well I still haven't got an answer to my questions. Bill
  11. Yes we went to the canyon after the rally in Chandler. There was a little snow on the ground under the trees and cold at night but warmed up during the day. I felt bad for the tent campers trying to stay warm.😀 Bill
  12. Yes, Skyline Ranch in Bandera is a good place. Stop out on 16 in Madina at the Apple store. No it isn't a electronics store. http://lovecreekorchards.com/ In Fredericksburg I have stayed at Fredericksburg RV Park and Oakwood RV Resort. Absolute must see is the National Museum of the Pacific War. Great place for lunch Woerner Warehouse Cafe. Bill
  13. Herman, I stayed there once and it was a long time ago. Thanks for the heads up. Normally stay out in Bandera or Fredericksburg. Bill
  14. I have stayed at Admiralty, but it has been about 4 years. Bill
  15. The standard answer to that is It depends. How thick is the outer skin, what it is made of, how heavy what you want to attack is, What the load will be. So it depends.😉 Bill
  16. I love reading the post from those who say they never make reservations. They always get to stay where they want or planed. For the rest. Did you know Fishing Bridge will be closed during summer of 2019 for renovations. Bill
  17. wildebill308

    Impact tool

    I think I am seeing a lot of thread drift. Maybe we should start a new thread on proper torquing technique. Bill
  18. Hurry up and finish it so we can come test it.😄 Bill
  19. That is across the bay from Eastport Maine. Bill
  20. wildebill308

    Impact tool

    I had to sell torque operations to the inspectors at work and the standard practice was if the nut didn't move when applying the torque it had to be loosened and re torqued. In some instances the hardware had to be replaced and re torqued. Bill
  21. You are close enough to drive over and look before you move. The only one I looked at was Isla Blanca Park across the causeway on South Padre. It wasn't as nice as where you are now. If you drive over stop at Dirty Al's at Pelican Station for some Cajun seafood.It is just before you cross the bridge. Bill
  22. You are absolutely right. Welcome to the forum. Bill
  23. Welcome to the forum. With out knowing what Class A you have/talking about I can't comment. I always make shure the air selector is on "recirculate" this reduses how much heat is needed to warm the air. It never hurts to look under the dash and plug any holes. Bill
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