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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. Rich, I can't find one listed either. However in the pictures there appears to be a cold air return under the refrigerator and a hot air duct under the oven. I would be calling Forest River for more information. Nice looking coach 2010lexingtongts. One more thought, make sure your thermostat is on "gas heat". Bill
  2. That is a nice coach. I hope you were able to get the new 6 speed transmission. The V10 is a great engine but it is designed to make it's power at higher RPM so some are concerned that it is revving to much. Don't worry it has a built in RPM limiter so if you wanted you could drive it with your foot on the floor and not hurt the engine. I would keep my RPM up when climbing to stay closer to peak torque. The newer coaches are doing a better job of insulating the front to reduce engine noise. Bill
  3. This isn't something I would try to stock pile. At an average of 50 deg. it has a 36 month shelf life but it drops to 6 month's at 95 deg. This includes what is in the tank on the coach. If you have temps over 100 it drops to just 2 months shelf life. I would be carful about how much is in the tank in the summer time in the south west so it doesn't go bad. I got this from a Ford memo to all Ford Lincoln dealers dated November 7, 2013. Lets hope the info Jim posted is more current. Bill
  4. Why not call Blue Ox and ask them? http://www.blueox.com/ They had a crew at Chandler this spring doing maintence/repairs on tow bars. I didn't ask about installations. Let us know what you find out. Bill
  5. Blake, I suspect that a lot of the problems with the "city" water filling the tank can be traced back to hi water pressure. I always turn on the water to blow out the hose and any rusty water/sediment in the line before hooking up. If you read the fine print in your rental agreement they all require you to have a water regulator before hooking up. Bill
  6. Welcome to the FMCA Forum. The "I get cool air for a few minutes" part is normal as Brett said it has to go through a purge cycle before it will light the burner. It should blow hot air after that. I would check the things Brett mentioned and make sure the vents/cold air return are open and not blocked and let us know what you find. Bill
  7. Yes it is, yes it is. The standard is there is no standard. Bill
  8. No I haven't, I am more inclined to put that money in a fund for possible upgrade. As RSBILLEDWARDS says check with the different RV salvage yards for a replacement. There is a company that advertises in the FMCA magazine that makes covers for the dash if it is the vinyl on top that is detreating. Bill
  9. Roland, Have you talked to any of the paint shops that can do this? I think you are closer to a full repaint than you think. There are several levels of quality all the way from rattle can to the paint on better coaches where the graphics are sunk into the paint so you can't feel them when you rub your hand over them. I would also check on replacement vinyl graphics. After you get a price on paint you might think the vinyl looks pretty good. Bill
  10. I am with Carl, on this. I bought this coach to use and use up. I don't use the campground bath house or some rigged outside shower. I do not go traipse off to the campground bathrooms in the middle of the night. Bill
  11. Well just a late update. I had no complaint with how the new tiers rode on the last trip of about 6,000 miles. The only change noted was as stated earlier they are slightly larger diameter than the original tires. My GPS correction went up to + 6.6%. I have to say I am happy with the new Continental program as they saved me a bunch more money than the Michelin program. Bill
  12. Perhaps if he filled out his profile and added information to his signature he will get better info. Till then it is what it is. PPL is still the best place. Bill
  13. I would think it would be better to work smarter rather than harder as you get older. I have used a inspection mirror and light to find the date code and my cell phone to take a picture. Now yes I did lay down on a well padded cushion for a lawn chair it was nice and comfortable. Or you could take it to a good tire shop and pay them to do it. Bill
  14. I would look at PPL.com as they sell a lot of coaches. Bill
  15. Jim, there are 2 kinds of people with toads. Those who have had to disconnect and those who will have to disconnect. Some times you can do everything right and still get in a situation you need to unhook to maneuver. Fortunately it only takes a short time to do it. Bill
  16. I agree. This summer coming south crossed using the Tappan Z. The good part is there is no toll going south. They are getting closer to finishing the new bridge that runs parallel. I haven't looked it up whether it is a duplicate for more capacity or to replace the old bridge?
  17. We stayed outside the park. as we were poking around in the Caribou-Targhee National Forest as well as Yellowstone. Buffalo Run RV Park & Cabins, 3402 US-20, Island Park, ID 83429 buffalorunrvpark.com, (208) 558-7112 With any major attraction the sooner you make reservations the better. Bill
  18. I use a couple of electric heaters and for more load the pre heat on the convection oven and or a hair dryer. Do you have electric heat strips in your AC units? Bill
  19. We appreciate your input, don't be a stranger. We do the same thing I like having a big map to see the overview and use CO-Pilot and Google maps for my navigation but like to check the route on a bigger format map. Not understanding the rout got me on the Georg Washington Bridge once and that was enough. Bill
  20. Hay, I am good at finding work for you. I can keep you busy all winter. Bill
  21. Paul, I would spray every connection down with leak check . It might not be the bag leaking. Bill
  22. "I think I'll use my time being more concerned if they really used pink air in my tires." I hate to tell you but Pink was recalled and the only official color is Green. Bill
  23. Yes, like Brett said the tined and sealed cabling will outlast the non tined welding cable. Hearer is one source. http://www.bestboatwire.com/ Bill
  24. Welcome to the forum. Make shure you have 12V power to the panel. Bill
  25. The key to good results with any sealant is surface prep. You have to get all the old sealant off and clean. I use as atone as my final step. Bill
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