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Everything posted by manholt

  1. Eric. Merry Christmas! 🎄 Now you can enter Mechanic apprentice to your already impressive resume!
  2. Moonwink. That happened on occasion in the campground, but it was on 1960's, 70's and early 80 coaches! Back then, my flame and pilot light would blow out, If I was driving and had the furnace on...so we never did. You can do it in the coaches that are built in the past 33 years! John just mentioned the other option and I do that most times. I also have Aqua Hot and floor tile heat...Linda's 2006 DP has gas furnace and so had her previous 5 coaches, only one coach, she could not drive with Furnace on was 37 years ago! I don't have 50+ years of House AC/Heat experience....Just 52+ years Class A, coach experience...must be 2 different animals.
  3. Joe. I might have miss read that...they only use it twice in 48 hours? Yikes!!!
  4. Jim. WBill's was in storage, same with Mike! Hard to hear anything, when your miles away from coach!
  5. You and I and Wayne, have the same AH. There is a toggle switch for Diesel, Electric and Block Heater. There is one electric element, 120 VAC at 1650 Watts, requires a 20 amp CB. There are 3 internal thermostats, works both on diesel as well as electric...IMHO, your burned wire smell, was from the element or the Circuit Breaker in your main CB panel. The CB will be marked Hydronic, has not been AH on 3 of my coach's! Your coach & mine was built by Allied (REV). Only disconnect/pull CB if your comfortable around elect. If you have a smell coming from the AH exhaust on diesel, you have a issue that needs to be addressed by a AH Tech now, ASAP! What is the level of your Glycol Reservoir? It should be located on the wall or floor by the AH. If the level of fluid is below the full mark by more than 2 inches when COLD, fill it to the mark. If you don't see any fluid, when cold...you could be in trouble. A new AH is still a lot of $$$...Don't ask how I know!!! After 6 years, I still shutter.
  6. That's great information, now others who read this, will learn that you can drain the foot valve and save their coach! Had you waited till morning, you would have had a very nasty time!
  7. A very Merry Christmas to you & Hana too! 🎄🦃
  8. zeboray. Herman was in his own special way, referring to me. However, it's something we all need to remember...especially on new coaches! Never know how long the chassis been sitting outside in rain and snow, before it made it to the assembly line! Could be 18 to 20 months.
  9. JS. My coach got 6.23 mpg, then when I got to 86,000+ I got 7.4 mpg. Now I'm at 91,316 and still getting the same 7.4 avg. guess it's broke in....you got something to look forward too! We can do 600+ a day. Don't want to! Average is 300, we like secondary roads, look at country side, no matter how many times we have been there, always something new or we didn't notice before...smell the flowers! Leave at 9 or 10 am, set up by 4 pm...dog demands a couple of stops! Since Linda is diabetic, lunch is mandatory!
  10. Rich, I don't think it was the "Transmission Shop", that ordered the additive! Joe asked if it was XL-3 for a very good reason, it's not compatible with ATS!
  11. Nice to know someone is happy! My next set will be in 2020 & I will get them in OR., will be there with family! If I get another coach, then I won't..Love this program!
  12. Dee. Welcome back! Been a long time since I was in Cudjoe key, Fl. Spent a month there, December 27 to January 27, each year from 1980 to 1990. Don't remember the name of the Resort (Privately owned coach pads) we stayed in, but it was more than $20 a day! Last I was in the keys, it was $150+ a night at the Blue Lagoon...you live there (Lucky you), so you should know that $95 a night is common. Happy Holidays & Travels!
  13. Jim S. I don't see a thing in here about cars! How long does a satellite stay in orbit, before it falls on earth? If AT&T is launching it's last one, are we going to still be here, when it falls?
  14. We run around $2,500 plus food and fuel.
  15. Got the same payment method on all bills...can't do it on house tax. Will never do it on IRS, but then I don't pay Fed Tax and they never send me the $2,000 a year!
  16. Joe S. I have found that over the past 50+ years, we spend less in RV traveling, than we do at home! Have never been without a S&B, so I can't relate to the full expenses, of full timing in a coach! Guess it depends on where you go, how often you move and what you do! I like golf, hunting, 4 wheeling and fishing. Along with traveling outside the US and taking cruises...don't think, I would save any $$$ !
  17. Wayne, our cost has not gone up! I have AT&T for my phone and it went down 3 months ago, by $32 a month!!! Our DIRECTV has not gone up...same amount for the past 8 years! This is not 1980's anymore. I have had DISH, try cancelling your service...took my Attorney letter, to DISH in Sydney, Australia to get it done...4 years ago! I have a Post on that in this Forum!
  18. There is not much clutter in there. Glycol reservoir, water in water out (hot/cold) some bypass valves and a electric harness. Everything else is under cover...forgot the mixing valves. The only time it blows hot exhaust is on diesel, not elect.
  19. That depends on the unit you have. Joe has the old 400, mine is probably like yours, 450D and then there is the 600D, that is totally different (Similar to the Oasis)
  20. Bill, been there. Done that. Rett told me that and so did Brett...I still get it. It's particularly frustrating, when your on a cruise or traveling outside the US! Had to have Linda, relay or answer business calls/text for me, her Norwegian suck!
  21. Agree, no smell from mine or the last coach I had. A leak will do that. Joe, I asked that too...no answer, just REV, blah, blah!
  22. Only know what I have read on this system & the non flex system. Logic tells me that a non flex system, that raises & lowers, to the suns position in the sky, is a better system! You can mount the flex on a mounting bracket, but why pay extra for the panel?
  23. I know people who bought into "own your lot", RV Resorts...most bought more then one lot and enjoy the extra income it brings, by being rented out. Mr. "Rett" Porter, our FMCA Sr. National VP, comes to mind and so does a friend in Shriners International...never heard a complaint. Send a email to Rett...my coach is in a shop, 180 miles away so I don't have his card.
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