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Everything posted by manholt

  1. Then we can all pay royalty $$$ to the inventor of the internet, Al Gore, he can add on another 56,000 sq. ft. to his current 56,000 sq. ft. house! 🤮
  2. If you have any elect in garage, plug into it or put a separate trickle charger on your batteries. You got "phantom draw"! If you are plugged in to 30A or 50A, your overcharging and cooking batteries. You need to keep acid batteries full of distilled water.
  3. Herman. Yea! We need 60+ new chapters to replace the one's we have lost, in the past 3 years! How many of these, "Bad Actors" have we had, in the past 10 years? I'm sure Ross can tell us! How many "Fence Riders", when they buy a RV, will this cause to forget us and join GS or Escapees instead? Most importantly, how many Joe L's. will we loose? Ross, can you replace the knowledge of the people we will loose? I'll get off my box!
  4. Ken, I keep getting email notification, every time someone makes a comment on a PM that has several people on it...how do I put a stop to that? Carl C.
  5. DIRECTV/AT&T has way too many customers and they will not "throw you under the bus"!
  6. I newer turn the electric side off, it will not hurt it. My hot water comes from engine when driving, but then when camped, I forget to turn on elect for AH...4 hours=cold=very unhappy co pilot. What year is your coach? Do you have the 400, 450 or 600 AH?
  7. Goggle Aqua Hot Service Center...talk to Tech Dept.
  8. Well Joe, glad we did not loos you again! Brett. I can't see the benefit for non FMCA members, not being able to make comments on Forum! It's a detriment, bad one, because we will all have to "trow away the keys", some day & there goes a lot of knowledge!
  9. Did not see the drip earlier, Bill's right.
  10. Had it happen when I was hauling a trailer with bales of hay. I forgot to put it in trailer mode, low rpm caused the shudder! Your 2001, is it a truck or coach?
  11. Joe, In the City of Burnet, you need a permit to fart...we are in the County, on over 10ac. Can build what we want...the plane comes over every once in a while & takes pictures of any new permanent building. That's why my new RV barn will be a continuation of the current barn, no new taxes. Property is Ag exempt, Linda pay's $40, house and barns $2,400. 6 cargo containers are not on the ground, so no tax! We operate on propane tanks, 3 water well's, 3 water holding tanks above ground and electric!
  12. Eric, any hydraulic repair shop, would have that fitting...it's not a lipper product. When I had 2 hoses replaced on mine, I also got the L fitting. Don't forget to also replace the brass grommet that goes over hose, then insert fitting and push grommet in place.
  13. I hope the OP will respond to some of the above ideas, then it either solved the problem or we can move on!
  14. Only a "wet" one, can navigate on that kind of scaffolding!
  15. Your not in the wrong place...I never have owned or pursued that, but I have rented several from other owners! There will be others on Forum later, that may be able to help you!
  16. RAP is expensive in Texas, so is crushed concrete! So, we use other materials.
  17. Eric. Nice thought in a perfect world. People don't bother to call FMCA, each time they get a new rig. Same with their Roadside Assist, be it AAA, GS, Coach Net or FMCA!
  18. Coming along at a faster rate, than I would have thought, considering the wonderful weather! Did you find an answer to Dirty "D"? I have asked here and it's crushed lime stone & clay mix...works like chalice, but packs solid and sets up like cement over time!
  19. Update...No slow down yet. Dave, thank you for that valuable information! Carl
  20. Are you sure it's the heater core and not just the heater hose that is loos or off?
  21. Go to Blogs and there should be one there by Tom Butler. He has traveled that area and the rest of the Maritime extensively. If you don't find it, send him a PM. We are going with Fantasy Tours for 2 months next summer. Try page 6 on Blogs!
  22. There are RV Parks in both Homestead and Key Largo. Then you can take toad for the 126 mile each way run. Wait until after the 1st week of Jan and forget weekends! Lot of traffic and a minimum of 3 hours each way! I would do it in short distances and you get the benefit of finding different RV Parks, that may have a opening. Don't worry about the bridges, 18 wheelers go back and forth daily!
  23. I would stay at the Elks. Cheap, good food, great people!
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