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Everything posted by manholt

  1. Hmmm. I can remember, when they came to your site, you did not have to disconnect or drive to another location.
  2. manholt

    Washington DC

    Wayne. I would tell the Senator, how much you appreciate the work he has done, on behalf of Texas. Stroke it ! Then how you have always wanted to go on a tour of ? They blow smoke up ours, you might want to return the favor! Keon. Compared to the Senators of the East and West coast, ours are Angels!
  3. I suspect you had this problem for a while. In your part of the Country, unless you really love winter, I would have taken care of that, during Winter. Not late Spring, Summer!!! Well, your coach will still be there. You just won't be able to use it for a while...That might be a good thing! All you got to do now, is to train DW to sleep on the other arm! She'll have to do that later anyway!
  4. Of course, it had nothing to do about $$$ or designated site, or tying up the flow of traffic, when coaches was leaving?
  5. manholt

    Washington DC

    The OP should take notice of that bit of insight. Thank you!
  6. Does your bed lift up? If it does then that is probably where you'll find it. Any water around wet bay? Are you in a RV Park with city water? If so, did you turn the valve from fresh in-house water to city? I do not think you have a fuse problem...the level gauges, has nothing to do with the water pump. Is your inverter on for 12V...that's what runs your panel. If your on shore power, your inverter should be keeping your batteries charged (Acid battery need correct level of distilled water. AGM is sealed), check your batteries for proper charge 12.6+!
  7. Try a too go cup! You won't be the only one!
  8. Time to say this, it probably will be deleted. The plan seems to be flawless, if you work for FMCA or your a National Officer or on a Committee for FMCA! Wonder why them and not us?
  9. DD69, got between Keon and my approval of the electric pump!
  10. You can change the font and the color...red, green, purple, etc.
  11. Wonder why the right boarder is cutting my words in half? That's a first.
  12. Ranger is a beauty and Miya looks like she is up to something mischievous, in the last photo. As for me, I have always felt that there should be no "banned" dogs at RV Parks! Any animal will react to how it's trained and we train them! If you see a man/woman walking a dog with a spiked chock collar and chain for a leash, neither one, belongs in the Park to begin with!!! I have never had a reason to raise my voice, at any of the dogs, that adopted me! Linda has 2 dogs. Rena is a Black Lab Mix, that had been abused, beyond belief, for 11 years (by Linda's dead brother, he was PTSD from Nam) and she would not go near me, for a year...now we walk on/off leash and she will lick my hand. The other, is a Rat Terrier, 18 years old and totally wacko. She will not allow Linda to pet her, but will come to me for that. Her name is Patches, and Linda's had her for all 18 years. Rena for 4. My last dog, I was with her for 15+ years...got her from the Galveston Island rescue center when she was about 10 weeks old, the day they was going to put her down...I named her Lucky! She was a African barkless/border collie mix. Over a 2 year period, I trained her to come, sit, lay, stay and on/off. So there would be no confusion, from other people, trying to give her a command, I did it in Norwegian! She also knew my hand signals. After I put her down, I gave all of her and my, Air miles, to Shriners International, they got 548,000 miles! She went thru 4 coaches, knew 3 houses, 2 ranches, 4 hotels and a Lagoons 42 foot Cat, that I kept in Grand Cayman. Sold it 2 weeks after she passed. She was never my child...just my travel companion! Wayne, your right, the more you train and work them, the more they want. The more enjoyment you both have together! Is that a neighbors Long Horn and Horses or yours?
  13. Keon, is that Rotary Cup? 3-4 weeks of PT, but your arm is in a 90 degree sling for a while....hope it's not your dominate arm! I brock my left wrist last June and was in a to the elbow cast for 8 weeks! I'm right handed, but I drive with my left. That was interesting!
  14. Wayne. I re read WBill...forget my comment about golf. He might really be out there shooting something!
  15. Wayne. You don't shoot anything or body, in golf... X over/under par! WBill. Mustang Island/Corpus has a lot of winter Texans...We even have them on Galveston Island. The only thing now is, how long will it take to re build the infrastructure, after Hurricane Harvey! Pioneer RV Park at Aransas Pass is operational again and they are playing golf again next door. Escapee Chapter 11, will be there in April. Rockport is still hurting, but have friends that are going to the "Oyster Festival", first week of March, in their RV's!
  16. manholt

    Washington DC

    Way back in 1969, I had a apartment for 3 month's in Alexandria, VA...even with a driver, I found out, that there is no such thing as a 30/40 minute drive to anywhere in DC. Must be at 3am!!! I can only imagine what it is now!
  17. Welcome back. You from "Down under"? If so, where. We have some members from Australia, NZ and Britain.
  18. I have used it on my boat's, when I had them. Also used one for filling the DEF tank on the 2011 Allegro bus!
  19. That's what I plan on doing, before going to Gillette. Lake Livingston, Texas. I thought I was set up at Perry, 2 years ago...nobody came for me. Then again at the Summer Convention, no problem they said, got there and was told they overbooked, sorry about that. Same happened in Chandler and Indy. So, I called Escapees...I'm a member and told them what my schedule was...as long as I give them a 3 day heads up, we will finally get it done! There are things that FMCA needs to improve on and this area is one of them....By the way, I did get my money back!
  20. Hi Roland. In a word, YES! Some start drifting North around the end of March, but the "Great Migration" don't happen until first/second week of April. Where are you at now?
  21. Right now, we are both in the same RV Park! Tuesday morning Linda takes her coach to get the CAT and Generator serviced...I will be driving back to Burnet and she will follow me the next day. I have my second knee injection Wed. or I would have waited here for her, at the Gladewater, TX. Ranch! Gosh Darn it's getting colder 55! Be 45/50 tomorrow and rain! Last year we where here at the same time of Feb. it was 80/60 and sunny! Bill. Is your friend on the Forum or are you hoping for a B or small C to chime in?
  22. Joe. You forget, Linda has her own DP 40'...we both, do not wish to blow over the 65 foot combo length. A truck hauling a 5'er or TT, hauling a toad is legal...but a coach hauling more than 1 is not...go figure!
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