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Everything posted by rossboyer

  1. I checked tire this morning at 33 degrees, 107 psi. After driving for about 4 hours at 56 degrees, all tires 120-122 psi. Went into rain outside temp 48, all tires 116-118 psi. I have never seen above 122 psi in 90,000 miles. The above seems to be normal.
  2. No, it is not easy because the Governing Board is the highest authority in FMCA. The Governing Board directed that the issue be placed before the membership; therefore, the vote is in process and will be done.
  3. The Governing documents rate in order: Articles of Incorporation, Constitution, Bylaws, and policy and procedures in the Member and Volunter Handbook. The articles state the legal identity in the state of Ohio. The Constitution states who we are as an organization. The Bylaws state what we do. The P&P’s state how we do it.
  4. From the membership it does take 20 different member numbers not people to start the process. If I remember correctly that petition must be in before January 1st before the next Governing Board meeting where it is to be considered. The Governing Board can reject, refer back to Committee or send it on to the membership to be voted upon. Only the Governing Board can reverse their decision; therefore, this ballot cannot be stopped without a special called Governing Board meeting. If you are wanting something different than the current proposal, then the vote must put down the proposed change. A new proposal could then be created for Governing Board consideration in July, 2018.
  5. FMCA provided the data to me, but that was before the computer conversion.
  6. See if the light switch has either headlights or parking lights on.
  7. At Chandler the VAS rep did the seminar on FMCA Roadside Assistance. He stated that they until a few years ago supplied Coach Net and several others. I had Coach Net during the time that VAS was the real service company. When Coach Net increased their price, I went looking elsewhere. You will probably find more on Safe Ride. It’s like easurance (spelling) that is owned by Allstate.
  8. When I chaired the first Committee to select the provider for FMCASSIST the average age of our membership was 66 years + or - 2 months based on gender. Seven years later, the average age was 71 with the same 2 months except the gender had switch as which was younger or older. Statically, any insurance company will tell you the older the group insured, the greater the claims. As more of our members become aware that this insurance is provided and get older, more claims are made. We still have members that still don’t know we have this insurance or know the procedure to activate the service. Also, cost of the services has increased. Early years the average repatriation cost was $18,000. The last I heard, the cost had increased to $24,000 and that was a few years ago.
  9. Yes, it should be recreational. I would think that would be a clerical change.
  10. Why wouldn’t you sign up for FMCA Roadside Assist? Right now it is $109 per year. If you can wait until November 1st there is to be a price reduction. You can sign up now and cancel the policy and sign up for the new policy at the lower price. VAS is the parent company of SafeRide Motor Club providing the insurance. Until a few years ago they were the provider of Coach Net. My understanding is that the are the largest provider, but branded under many different insurance companies and clubs or associations.
  11. Lanerd: Where did you see the ad?
  12. We had a 32 ft Class A that we drove all around Branson, MO without a towed. The traffic was very heavy, other drivers were very friendly and let us make turns wherever we needed.
  13. rossboyer

    Tire Air Pumps

    I don’t think we were discussing the air dryer for the brakes and suspension. It was what compressor to use or can onboard compressor work to top off the tires. Even though my coach does have air brakes with a dryer, the pressure required to top off a tire that has 100 psi to get it to 110 psi would be hard pressed for the onboard compressor. That is why I will continue to use my Porter Cable.
  14. rossboyer

    Tire Air Pumps

    If that is a concern for your location, an air dryer is easy to add.
  15. rossboyer

    Tire Air Pumps

    X-2 on using the 150# Porter Cable compressor. You can get 50 ft, 1/4" poly air hose at Harbor Freight. You do not need volume. You need pressure. I leave the compressor in a bin and do not remove it. I use a 12-3 10 ft extension to run up two bins to my out side outlet. Not a fan of HF, but I have one of these hoses in the motor home, one in my garage where my 2nd Porter Cable compressor is located, and a 25 ft on my reel in the center of my wood working shop. You will need to add a quick connect fitting to the tank full pressure side to get full effect of the 150# compressor. There fitting that is include has a regulator that you can leave at 35-50# to fill auto, golf cart or bicycle tires.
  16. I did get the closest campground to our home to become a FMCA Campground and it is not a dump. I know three chapters routinely schedule rallies there. You have to ask and present the benefit to them. I purposely selected a FMCA campground to overnight on the way to West Springfield last year and it was not a dump either.
  17. I am not sure where the “dire financial” statement was raised, but the last I heard FMCA has 7-8 million in reserves. But more members along with more income means that more can be provided to the members. Since many manufacturers have merged product lines, there are fewer manufacturers to advertise in Family Motor Coaching which was a major income source to provide benefits to members. Therefore, other revenue sources needed to be found. I would have preferred that every member get another motor homer to join. I guess we are lazy and created our own problem.
  18. To me it seems that it is up to the members to get involved to get other members to vote. I think FMCA staff has done all they can to stimulate the vote as you have stated above. Maybe there will be a last minute surge of votes.
  19. Thank you for the update. We have encouraged our chapter members to vote, but is there anything else we can do to stimulate voting?
  20. USPS has Premium Mail Forwarding Service. It is $20 a week plus a one time setup fee. They will Priority ship anything including magazines and catalogs to your temporary location. For ours they ship one Wednesday afternoon from Indiana and we receive on Friday, two days later. A couple of times it has been Saturday. This service is for one location. You cannot travel to a different location and have the USPS forward to the second location. We just set up ours to put on hold while we are traveling to Arizona, then they ship for 21 weeks, put on hold again while we travel back and resume delivery at our home.
  21. If you use Blue Beacon be sure to go to their website to learn about options that are good for motor homes and some that are not. Before you pay inspect their work. I was satisfied the two times at different locations that I had them wash MH and towed.
  22. You might try http://www.braddandhall.com. They are located in Elkhart, Indiana and have a large selection.
  23. Yes, we use gallon milk jugs to flush and bottles to drink. I have heated bays using the gas furnace. Camp grounds are open. We have three preferred sites that we use. Ozark, MO behind LAMBERT’S Home of Throwed Rolls Resturant. Sayre, OK at their city park. Sky City Casino. There are others that have used that I could recommend if you send a PM to me to answer.
  24. X-2 on tbutler's comments. With the all the weather apps you can have on a smart phone (I like the iPhone), you can avoid bad weather. The route I previously suggested, you can turn south at Indianapolis, Effingham, St Louis, Oklahoma City, Amarillo, and Albuquerque. Any of those southern routes will add 200-280 miles to your trip. 10 of the past 15 years I have traveled the route between Dec 26-Jan 1st. Only once did I have to turn south and that was at Amarillo due to an ice storm in New Mexico. One time the whole trip was 11-14 degrees until Flagstaff where it was 32 and then became higher as we traveled south on I-17.
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