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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. Bob Welcome to the Forum. Your steering column should be a two piece unit with the screws on the underside. Your Flasher switch should be on the underside and should not requiring removing the Steering Wheel. When you have it out take it to a Auto Parts house or a Chevrolet dealer and they should be able to match it. Herman
  2. ryder, Almost any carpet installer will have a remnant from a job you may get for free. you could have the edge bound and a bit of 3-M contact cement will secure it. It appears there is enough room for the carpet. Herman
  3. Congratulations and my you continue on your road to your dream. Good Luck and Gods Speed. Herman
  4. We Have been to Perry for the last two National Conventions. Have been asked what route we take. So Here goes. My wife and I live in the small North Texas town of Whitewright. It is right on US 69. Where we start from to go the Perry approx 890 miles. We begin on US 69 South to I-20 and I-20 East to Shreveport, Louisiana approx 204 miles. There we stay at the Louisiana State Fair Grounds. Know the Director, no charge. From Shreveport East to Meridian, Mississippi approx 310 miles. We stay there in a small RV Park, Bonita Lakes RV Park. (Worst part of the trip is I-20 from Shreveport to past Jackson MS. where the road is really rough) Meridian we go East and pick up US 80 East to Montgomery Alabama, then I-85 to Opelika Alabama to US 80 to Columbus GA and the Uchee Creek Military Fam Camp at Fort Benning. One of the most beautiful camps you will find. Approx 250 miles From Benning and Columbus, GA we take US 80 to East to Geneva, Georgia and pick up GA 96 to GA 314 to Perry approx 90 miles. In Perry we always stay at Fair Harbor RV Park the day before we are due to arrive. All the miles are approx. by Google Maps. Herman
  5. We will be going across I-20 to Meridian, MS then 80 to Montgomery, AL. I-85 to Opelika, AL , 280 to Columbus then US 80 into Perry. We will be at Fair Harbor RV Park in Perry on the 8th and on the grounds the 9th. This will be our third trip to Perry. Herman
  6. Good idea, looks good. Now how do you live with such a clean wet bay????? Herman
  7. Rick, I am not familiar with early arrivals. I am always there with the advanced crew. When you arrive send me a text with your location. I will PM you my number. How will you go going to Perry, I-10 to I-75? Herman
  8. Western Area Rally in 2019 INDIO FMCA Convention and Family Reunion 2019 REDMOND. Herman
  9. One other thing that may tell you if your coach can handle that much of a load will be which hitch the Manufacturer put on the coach. If them installed a 15,000 lb. hitch to begin with then it should be able to handle the load. However if they only installed 10,000 lb hitch that would be the limit they believe it can handle. Herman
  10. snowski, Your ignition solenoid will have power to one side (large post) and not the other (large post) when the key is off. Then power on both sides when the key is on. If no power when the key is on check the small post, if only one it should be positive (Hot with the key on) or if two small post one is hot and one is ground (with the key on). If you have power to th small post but still only have power to one side of the solenoid then you have a bad solenoid. If you have power to one large post and not the other, you could try jumping the two large post and try to start the coach. Now power to one side of Solenoid and power to the small post with the key on and no power to the second large post "Bad Solenoid" If no power to the small post but the coach will start with a jumper on the large post you will need to find a bad fuse or shorted wire. Hope I didn't confuse you but it was clear in my mind. Carl was posting as I typed. Herman
  11. Ron, Send them the bill for the Road service you had to pay. They most likely will reimburse you for they did for me. Herman
  12. Joe, You can let me know through Carl and hopefully we can join you'll. As for the two girls, close to Carl's place in Galveston you have both the Beach (sand) and the Strand (Historic Street). And not too far is Kemah (maybe 20 minutes) and it's Board Walk. Also in the same area is Brett Wolfe, Wayne and Blake. Herman
  13. Richard, The three couches as you said look fine, but the carpet Many year ago we had a small cruiser. We had a V bed up front and two couches in the saloon. The two couches made into bunks. The back cushions were hinged and had a small extension that folded back under when down. This gave the slope to the back. When unfolded the extension would flip up and make the bed wider. The bunk was held up by two rods the hooked under the top bunk and a strap to the ceiling. (the designer must have been a seaman because it was like the bunks on the US Wasp CV-18) The rods stored behind the back when in the couch position. Just a thought We look forward to the finished project. Herman
  14. Wayne, Here is the number for the gentleman that weighs coaches in Livingston. 936-327-8873 or www.escapees.com/smartweight Herman
  15. Rick, Will you be in Perry? Would like to see your setup up close. Herman
  16. Keon, Sorry about that-- you have a good looking Family as well. Will you and the Family by some chance be in Perry or Gillette or both? Would love to meet you and the Family. That boy looks like he would like to ride around on my golf cart. I would be happy to show you'll around either or both Rallies. Herman
  17. Lets get back to the OP who said that can't get in his coach due to no power. He doesn't want to let us know how he got in, if he did. Brett, lets close this Topic. Herman
  18. Wayne, The Senate Bill is SB 58 not 1588 according to the Texas State Legislator web site. Herman
  19. According to what I can find, Senate Bill 58 Authored by Senator Huffines is set to take effect March 1, 2018. Looking into the Texas Legislature and the SB 58 it was quite confusing to say the least. But that is to be expected it was written by a very large group of attorneys. Herman
  20. Joe, Texas has a very strange Vehicle Inspection system. In counties like Travis (Austin the Capitol), Dallas & Tarrant (Dallas & Ft. Worth) and Harris (Houston) and all of the counties that touch the mentioned counties Must have a Safety and a Emissions Inspection and Test, with the exception Diesel motor Homes and Gas Motor Homes over 28 feet. They only require a Safety Inspection. In all counties outside the mentioned counties only a Safety Inspection is required. You must have the inspection completed within 30 days of your registration due date. The inspection station inputs the inspection information into the computer so when you go to re-register your vehicle the licensing office has the information including you insurance information on file. Now to top it all off, there is a change in the works to eliminate the state inspection all together. Insurance will still be required. Herman
  21. Just a bit of information on the Perry FMCA Convention parking for Class B coaches. I have been in contact with the powers to be in Cincinnati. There is an area that has been set aside for RoadTrac's /Class B coaches. It will be very close to showers and will have power available. I you have any more questions, I will be happy to answer or find the answer for you. If you haven't already done so, SIGN UP NOW. Perry is always a great Rally. Herman
  22. Notice to all Class "B" coaches. I have checked with the powers to be on Perry. There is a location that is being set aside for RoadTrecs and Class"B" coaches close to showers. I was also informed that there will also be power available. Of course, if the owner of a Class B wishes to be parked in another area (for example to park next to friends) that that would also be OK. So please come and enjoy. Herman
  23. See my quote, and yes Beaver was part of Monaco in 2007. Herman
  24. kstockwe, Welcome to FMCA and the Forum. We had about 20 to 25 in Indianapolis. Hope to have that many in Perry. Will be looking into an area for "B" close to the Shower Facilities. Parking them together is not to segregate them but having the parking close to their needs. When I find out something about the parking I will post it here. Again, Welcome. Herman
  25. Welcome to the Forum. If you are thinking of being prepared for Boon Docking you can check with RV Parks along your route about dumping and filling water tanks. They may charge a nominal fee but you would need to call ahead and ask. Herman
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