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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. I know I will see some of you soon, and hope to meet all at some time. Until then, as Michael and Donna said Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Herman & Bobbie
  2. If you will take the numbers of your next of kin and put "ICE" at the end of the name the authorities can go to your contacts and key in "ICE" all of your Emergency Contacts will come up. "ICE" = In Case of Emergency. Herman
  3. Shades of 8 years ago. Quote from Nancy P of California "We won't know what's in it till it passes. " Herman
  4. Really a small world. On our way to Tom Ball to see our first Great Grandbaby. Born this morning. Herman
  5. Will, What happened to your Transmission? 114K miles seems to be very low mileage for an overhaul. Herman
  6. Companies are taking advantage of "MADE IN THE USA". They can purchase crap from where ever the cheapest parts are and assemble it here and call it Made in the USA. It should be Law that if the components are from another country but assembled here it should be labeled "Assembled in The USA with components From Other Countries". I spent 40 + years in sales and always told my customers that I had a lower price and never a cheaper price. Cheaper is a connotation of Quality. Herman
  7. Bill, Remember, Carl has 3 homes, Burnet, Galveston and Pipe Creek. It is a toss up where he spend the most time. Herman
  8. Ken, Welcome to the Forum. Please don't judge the Forum because there are no topics on towables. That will change as folks like yourself begin topics on them. We all know there will be a learning curve but heck we all are willing to learn. Welcome to your new family. We all will expect a card for us birthday. 🤗 Herman
  9. Joyce, Welcome to the Forum. IMHO there are two places to look, as mentioned before your Low Beam Bulbs may be burnt out, Or your hi/low beam selector switch (on the steering column) may be bad. That being said, look for your fuses in the Electrical Panel in the compartment on the drivers side just in front of the front wheel. That is where the majority of coaches have their fuses. That being said in some coaches they put fuses in odd and hard to find places and it is anyone guess as to where they might be. Good luck and lit us know how it works out for you. Merry Christmas, Herman
  10. Carl, I love to ask people if they know where US Hwy 380 begins and ends. My answer to them is that it begins in Greenville and ends in San Antonio. I get the strangest looks. They all know that San Antonio is far south of Greenville Texas and that US Hwy 380 runs East to West. Then I tell them it is San Antonio NEW MEXICO. However some still scratch their heads with a funny look. Herman
  11. Bill Adams, And "Welcome to the Forum" to you as well.😊 Thanks, Herman
  12. Rex, Rex, Does that mean you were born in 1955? In 1955 Carl was getting his new Schwinn and loosening all the spokes with his Ace of Spades clipped on his front fork with a clothes pin and I was installing 11 inch Smithies on my 51 Henry "J". As the Statler Brothers would say "Ah those were the Days". Thank you both for the memories. Merry Christmas to all. Herman
  13. As long as companies just refuse to take back the product and not file charges for attempted theft by deception the low lifes will continue. Shoplifting is a crime so should trying to return used products as new. People need to know that there are consequences for their actions. Then maybe stealing will slow down. We know it will never stop. Herman
  14. NASCAR, welcome to the Forum. In most Motor Homes the electrical you see is most always neat and orderly. However what you can't see is as you spaghetti. It seems to be easier to do the wiring with enough extra length of wire to be able do the job sitting in a recliner then shove it all into a hidden space.🙄 Give Fleetwood tech service a call. Who knows you might someone who know about the heater. Herman
  15. That is one thing you will always know from Carl. He is not know for pulling a punch. What you see is what you get. That's what I like about the ole part. Yes I can spell but I don't want to be sent to my room. 😈 Herman
  16. There are so many variables to your question. But one thing about having the decals removed it that the fading leaves fadded lines to follow for taping. Herman
  17. Sorry, but there are somethings best left to a professional. Unless you are a paint and body pro. then I would let one do it. Herman
  18. I am sure that is any Motor Home manufacturer had the option to purchase 200 of a 295-80R-22.5 tires at a very discounted price because they were more the 12 months , that they would jump on it in a heart beat. Most all tires have 1 year Limited Warranty from date of purchase and that wouldn't sway them one bit. I just looked at the sheet that came with our coach showing most every manufacturer and the components with serial numbers. My coach has 8 tires but they only had the serial numbers for four. Did they register them with Goodyear, I have no clue. I do know that each time i purchase tires in McKinney, Texas from Tomason Tire I get a rebate from Goodyear. They some how must know the serial number and manuf. Date. Herman
  19. Carl ,Here is the model number for the Surflo Pump 4008-101-E65. Two year Warranty. Herman
  20. Northern Tool. I will send you the PN tomorrow. It is a Surflo 3GPH @ 55 PSI. HERMAN
  21. If when on the pump an tank and the pump cycles off & on it means that the check valve is bad and doesn't hold the pressure up enough and the pump continues to try to keep the pressue up. Herman
  22. If you go to Alverado ask for your kiss when you get there. You will get &^%ed there. Herman
  23. Tank filling when connected to shore water is an indication that the check valve is bad. When on the tank water and the pump cycles off an on is also a bad check valve. Easy fix. The check valve is on the inlet side of the pump. Having more than one go bad, I added an inline check valve between the tank and pump. Herman
  24. I have used just plain tap water with vinegar which is supposed to eliminate spotting and streaking. Still had both. So I just rinse with tap water dry and then Lou's Slick Mist. Said that it can be used on both the vehicle finish even decals and the windows. Works good on the finish but I don't care for it on the windows. Seems to leave a film which really shows up when going into the bright sun. Still it is a great product and easy to use. Herman
  25. Oh, so many thing going through my mind now. Herman
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