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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. Our inverter is on 24/7. Our refrigerator is on the inverter and we are plugged in when home. We have stayed several times at WalMarts with no problems. We do have auto start but I am not sure if it works because the batteries have never gotten low enough to need it. Herman
  2. Lem, Welcome to the Forum. Area and National Rallies are a good place to find pre-owned toads. I saw several in Perry this year. Good luck in your quest. Herman
  3. Jana, When was the last time your unit was serviced? Sounds like all of the above suggestions could be your problem. Both things on your coach that uses diesel, Aqua Hot and Generator, will not work if your fuel is at or below 1/4 full. Aqua Hot units are very good when working but they must be serviced once a year and run at least once a month. I will pull our coach out once a month, when we are not on the road, and run both the generator and the Aqua Hot. I will also turn on the TV and satellite dish and exercise them as well. A national or area rally is good places to have your unit serviced. Herman
  4. Roger, I have read many of your comments about RVs, Motor homes in particular. Is there a reason why your are so negative on almost everything written? I am sorry but it appears that you are an expert on something you know nothing about. We here on the FMCA Forum are here to help other RV'ers, Motor Home owners in particular, with issues we have all experienced. So please, if you have nothing to add to aide a follow RV'er, please try another venue. Please enjoy, cooking for your family, getting back to culinary school and May you and Yours Have A Happy Easter. Herman
  5. Ray, Sorry but that is one of the problems with placing an ad in a magazine. Items, articles, letters to the editor and so on take at least 60 to 90 days to be published. Unfortunately it is a process that takes time. I for one hope that you find good news on your family health issues and can get back on the road. Until then God bless and we will all keep you in our prayers. Herman
  6. Leary, Correct, there are so many things to see in this great state of Herman. Born a TEXAN 79 years ago. One bit of advice when seeing Texas on your motorcycle. Be sure you leave each morning with a full tank of gas. Don't want you to run out. Some places are wonderful to visit but far from pumps. God Bless Texas and God Bless the USA and our men & women in uniform. Herman
  7. Carl, It's alright, if Milton Bearle can borrow from others , Wayne is welcome to use mine. Now back to the OP. Herman
  8. Thanks Bill, however my answer was posted in December 2015. To everyone. Herman
  9. Wilson, Remove the old filter and take it to Lowe's they will match it. Buy one for the number and then go to discountfilters.com and get replacements for a much lower price. Good luck and clean water. Herman
  10. Jay, if you can take one of the old bushing off, take it to a local truck parts department and see if they can match it. Herman
  11. Everyone need to make a visual picture of this. A 6'8" man putting butter in a hot pan and running back and forth to check the level before the butter melts.
  12. Rochel, Pets are welcomed at all FMCA events. Leashes and picking up are both required. There are enough dogs out there that when I am on the golf cart I always carry doggie treats. Some have even got to know my cart and will jump in as I am going by. Herman
  13. Wallee, Please reread these posts. Only a few think they should be able to take an arsenal into Canada. The majority believe and have stated so, that they know the laws related to crossing the Border into either Canada or Mexico. So please look at the whole thread and not to just the few that disagree with the Laws of your wonderful country and ours. Best wishes, Herman
  14. Oneway, I don't want to sound flippant, and I know you are very busy. So please don't take this the wrong way, but you may have to make some concessions to your schedule. Stop and think where you can reschedule your time so you can get the coach repaired before you do more damage. We are on our way back to North Texas from Perry and are having to look at alternate routes due to the weather coming in. They are predicting heavy rains in Louisiana and Mississippi, and snow and freezing weather up on I-40 through Arkansas and Oklahoma. We are looking at going south to miss it. Good luck on getting your roof repaired. Herman
  15. Doug, Thanks for the update. Nice to know how it turned out. Herman
  16. Chandler, AZ in March 8-11, 2017 and Indianapolis, IN in the summer, dates haven't been published yet. Herman
  17. Take a look at Eagle Nest, New Mexico. One very beautiful lake and several RV parks. check www.rvparksreview.com and go to New Mexico and scroll down to Eagle Nest. It is close to Angle Fire and Taos. Haven't stayed there however friends have a place there that they spend a great deal of time there and we have other friends that have been Camp Host at one of the parks. Herman
  18. CAP, JB Weld is a great temporary fix for most anything, however for a long lasting repair welding is the best and permanent answer. JB is a nice company from Sulfur Springs, TX. If you are ever on I-30 East of there you will see on beautiful Mansion on the north side of the Hwy. That is where to lady lives that was left the company by her late husband. Herman
  19. Obed, Sounds like a small adjustment to the roller would help. Don't know how to do it but there will be someone out there that will. Herman
  20. Pam, This sound like the same thing that happened with Norcold. They advertised in every RV magazine "If your refrigerator Serial number fall between XXXX and XXXXXXXXXXXXX SHUT OFF THE UNIT AND CALL 1-800-ohmygosh". They would then set you send your recall kit to XYZ dealer. Nothing would happen till you contacted them. (they also said you would receive a $50.00 Gift card for your troubles, I don't know anyone that got the card) So it sound that your call to FCA did the job. Are you'll members of a Chapter? We are members of Lone Star Chapter and have 5 Rallies each year. All of our Rallies tend to be through the center of Texas, from Durant, Ok to Rockport, TX. We will be in Rusk at the KOA April 21-24 and in Palacios at Serendipity RV Park in May 19-23 [bobbie and I are Assistant Wagon Masters]. Love to have you and anyone else that would like to come and join us. Just PM me and I will have the information sent to you. Hope you get the Jeep fixed and ready to go soon. Herman
  21. His stable one too I'll bet. How far have you gotten going home? Herman
  22. Bill, Where is Evergreen? Do you have any Porches on display? I love any thing automotive and especially restorations. We will be visiting our kids in Cheyenne this summer and don't want to pester them too much by being under foot all the time. I know my son will have some projects for me, but hope to drive around for a while also. Herman
  23. Mac, Great to have new faces both at the rally and as volunteers. As for the weather, this was one of the best we have had in years. The small amount of rain was just enough to wash off the pollen. We had a good turn out for the Meet and Greet.There will be another M&G in Mass. Brett will post date, time and location when he get it from Cincinnati. Thanks for all that attended our first M&G. Herman
  24. CAUTION, Acetone is highly flammable. Please use it in an open and well ventilated area. Also be sure and clean the inside of the tank of any ATF residue before welding and after. If you can get a welder to TIG weld it you will have a much smaller heat effected area. (Tungsten Inert Gas aka HiliArc) Herman
  25. It sound like you will have to remove the tank so what I would do would be to weld the hole. The ATF may cause the rubber "O" ring on the screw to break down. To make a clean weld you will need to grind the area around the hole. this will give you the chance to make sure the metal is still sound before making the repair. Good luck, Herman
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