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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. Carl, Does your compartment door Swing out or come out and up. If it comes out and rises next to the coach, you may have a broken Latch. The center latch connects to a "U" bolt and the release pin is plastic. When the plastic pin breaks it stays down. To open the compartment you can loosen the nuts (7/16 wrench)on the back side of the "U" bolt from the underside below the door. With the nuts loose you can open the door. There is a company in the magazine that makes replacement latches with Aluminum Pins. My current issue doesn't have their ad but can be found in several past issues. However if this is not the type of latch then I haven't a clue. Herman
  2. John, Welcome to the Forum. I don't know if Tim got his problem solved. I had another thought. Does his engine have 2 4 barrel carburater or a throttle body Fuel Injection. If a 4 barrel it might be the accelerator pump. Herman
  3. Just had a friend that his compartment door would not open. I aplied very slight pressure with a screw driver. With just very little prying pressure the seal released, the seal was stuck. He applied some lube to the seal and it is working well now, Hope yours is as simple. Herman
  4. I am thinking about a Samsung. From what I can discover it will work on MSW inverter. I remember there have been post showing models that will fit right in with little modifications. When we get home on Monday I plan on removing the Nevercold and put the little unit we bought for this trip in the opening and use it until after Six-State. Then I will get serious on what to purchase and how to install it. As for removing the Nevercold I plan on it going out the front door even if I have to take a saw to it. Herman
  5. Gents, The exact same thing happened to a friend of mine. Do you think it would interfere with the little black box if you took a piece of foil and just drapped over, not wraped ? I am not worried about our fridg. not it died this week. Here come a residential. I will now go back over all the post of folks that have replaced their Norcolds. Herman
  6. Has anyone found out what happened? Herman
  7. As noted you may leave the trickle or smart charger on your batteries for extended periods, however you need to make sure the batteries are topped off and checked often to make sure they don't gas out of acid. Herman
  8. I just found a new item called "1 Bite". Can be found in farm stores. Haven't used it yet but have heard good reports. Herman
  9. hermanmullins

    Tread Depth

    I love the statement on the side wall on large tires "Regroveable". (Not sure my spelling is correct). Herman
  10. Wayne, You might try Rv salvage yards. They can be found by google. They may have just the size you need. Herman
  11. CD, You are right about living in North Central Texas and there not being RV Service. We live in Whitewright, TX. I know it is far away but in Lewisville there is National Indoor Storage that has agreat service department, 469-277-1330. Also in Denton there is Best Value RV Sales and Service great folks, 940-220-2878. Hope one of these might be able to help. Herman
  12. Was not suggesting to use the old one if it does open. I never go into replace something and not replace a component in there. Such as in this case if I go in to replace the thermostat I will also replace the radiator hose and clamps. To me that just makes sense. All I was suggesting was IF Brad wanted to, this was method to test the old thermostat. Herman
  13. Brad, One way to check the thermostat that you remove is a pan of water. Take a saucepan put the thermostat in the pan and cover it with water set it on the stove on high. As the temperature rises watch to see if the thermostat begins to open. If it opens all the way before the water boils then it is good (if you have a thermometer in the water you can confirm at what temperature it opens). If it only opens partially or not at all then it is bad. This might help you know if it was the problem or not. Hope that is the problem and you can keep it cool. Herman
  14. Gives new meaning to "Always set the Parking Brake before leaving the coach." Herman As an old Boat Salesman,"Don't forget to put the plug in and check the bilge pump."
  15. Chuckwagon, Welcome to the Forum. Surge Brakes work well on Boat and Utility Trailers , till you want to back up. Then you have a problem. I would look around for some other type of brake system. Just my opinion. Herman
  16. adrainey, "Water heater--how do I turn it on?" Some wine, a little cheese, candle light and soft music should work. Carl is right download the manual or call Fleetwood. Herman
  17. WhiteEagle, FMCA doesn't have a windshield program, however there is a great vendor that is at all AMCA National Rallies and advertises in the magazine, RY Glass Solutions. When you contact them they will contract your carrier and get back to you the same day. If you call, ask for Sally and tell her Herman from Perry recommended them. Sorry for your problems. Herman
  18. Brad, Welcome to the Forum. Have you joined FMCA yet? My suggestion, rather then a Remco Pump, I would go with a drive shaft disconnect. Pumps have been known to fail and can do bad things to the transmission. Check and see if you have a steering whell locking pin. If not with a drive shaft disconnect you may disengage the drive shaft, put the transmission in park, take the key out, lock the door and hit the road. Oh yeah, hook up the truck first. My suggestions are: Blue Ox 10,000 lb tow bar M & G Engineering Brake Remco Drive Shaft disconnect and Diodes for the lights. Happy and Safe travels. Herman
  19. Tom, In additions to what Rich said check and lube all joints and piviot points. Herman
  20. ObedB, Be careful up there, I understand that the ground is almost as hard in PA. as it is in Texas. Herman
  21. A number of automobiles have a filter in the air conditioning unit. In a lot of cases you have to stand on your head under the dash to change the filter. So they don't get charged very often. I don't know if any RV manufacturers install them. Herman
  22. Don't the slides have rollers on them? If so they may need to be lubricated or even changed. If they wont roll they will never stop leaving skid marks on the floor. Herman
  23. RL, "Keep the wind to your back, the sun to your face and the greasy side down + the duct tape on the light covers." The DW wont like it , but they wont be falling off any more. Herman
  24. Roland, When changing tires on the rear duals it is best to change all 4 at the same time. Changing both tires on one side and then the others later can have problems on your differential. When you change all 4 at the same time all 4 have the same circumference. But if you change just one side there will be a difference in the circumference from one side to the other. Though the difference is only slight they will still put a strain on the gears and cause problems down the road. On steering or tags tires the difference doesn't matter since they roll independently from one another. Herman
  25. Ditto on inspecting tires, always not just when they get past a certain time frame. Deep treads and beautiful and smooth side walls are nice, but you must look between the treads also. There is where you can find stress cracking. You can't see the cracks unless you get down and look between the treads. Be safe, not sorry. Herman
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