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Everything posted by wolfe10

  1. Let me ask that any further discussion of the Verizon/FMCA plan take place on this thread http://community.fmca.com/topic/11000-verizon-news-update-disappointing-news-about-our-newest-benefit/ where Charlie Adcock's letter on this was just posted. It also went out as an e-blast to all FMCA members. Thanks. Moderator
  2. Actually, no one at FMCA changed the title or added exclamation points other than deleting the first two words (expletives). The rest of the title (including exclamations points) is pure Boundertom. Those of you who have been on this (or any other forum for that matter) for any period of time, know that merging two or more threads on the exact same topic is not seamless, but much better than the same conversation going on in 2 or more places simultaneously. BTW, I would be quite happy to give up the thankless job of moderator. No, I am not FMCA staff (we live in Texas, not Ohio). No, I am not an FMCA officer. I am just a volunteer, perhaps like some of you. Gentlemen (and ladies) POST AWAY.
  3. Tom, No, that link does not work. Please do look at your list of posts-- are any missing? It is quite possible that if more than one discussion is going on concurrently on exactly the same topic that threads are merged. Nothing deleted, but not two concurrent discussions on the same topic in different places. Again, are any posts missing??
  4. Tom, Please tell us what posts have been removed. Here is the whole string of your 11 posts on the subject: http://community.fmca.com/profile/11117-boundertom/?wr=eyJhcHAiOiJmb3J1bXMiLCJtb2R1bGUiOiJmb3J1bXMtY29tbWVudCIsImlkXzEiOjEwOTkwLCJpZF8yIjo4Mjk3MH0=
  5. Unless forecasts are WAY off, the Houston area will be on the dry side of the storm with winds out of the N and NE, so no storm surge. Beaumont and east is another matter.
  6. I agree, need to trace the "out" cord to see just where they routed it. And perhaps we spoke too soon-- it is even possible that it does go back to the main 120 VAC breaker box. No telling what a previous owner did! Let us know what you find.
  7. Definitely NOT original equipment. Not even wired into the coach 120 VAC system (just an extension cord plugged into an outlet). Follow that extension cord to find out what it powers. You will also want to trace the large gauge red wire back to the battery. There should be a high amp (side depends on wire gauge) slow burn fuse right at the battery.
  8. On the hydraulic system I am familiar with (admittedly on heavier chassis) the power steering pump provided boost for normal conditions. And, built into the hydroboost (under driver's floor) was an emergency electric boost in the event of engine shutdown while driving. Suspect you had some kind of boost, even on a 16k chassis. If gas chassis, could have been vacuum. Guess on diesel they could have fit an engine driven vacuum pump, just never seen this boost system used on a DP.
  9. Probably a two part question: Are they the correct size and weight rating? What about the brand? For an answer to the first one, look at the GVWR sticker which is generally near the driver's area. It will state correct tire size and weight rating. I have no information on the brand.
  10. Correct. All tires on an axle require PSI based on the heavier wheel position. And front/rear/tag can all have markedly different PSI.
  11. No question that higher rated GFI breakers are available. I am just not aware that current code calls for them on 30 and 50 amp RV service. Also, if several decades of motorhoming, I have never seen one in an RV park.
  12. youngcs52, Welcome to the FMCA Forum. Not sure what is "reasonable". But, agree with you age is a factor in selecting tires. When I get new tires for the motorhome, I always give them the "smallest date code" number I will accept. Unless I am in a bind (small town, tires out of production, etc), I want them 3 months old or younger.
  13. Hopefully, particularly with oil leaking along with the bits of turbo blade that the CAC caught most of that.
  14. Wow. And 13 or your total of 14 posts on the FMCA Forum are on this thread. Go to the Attorney General before even listening to how FMCA staff are offering to handle this?????????? Again Wow.
  15. Bill, No changes in viewing signatures for me. Anyone else experiencing this?
  16. Still not aware of the use of GFI on 50 amp RV outlets. Some of you professional electricians pipe in here! When did this become code??????
  17. A 50 amp RV connection with GFI? Now, that is a new one on me. 15 amp-- absolutely. 50? would have to see that one!
  18. Rich, think that was a Freudian slip. Agree, if the turbo doesn't whine, just go wine! Absolutely, if you went from good performance to no performance at one instant, visually check these connections on the intake side of the plumbing: Turbo to connector Connector to CAC IN (Charge Air Cooler) CAC OUT to connector Connector to intake manifold. Also the hose from intake manifold to air compressor. Yes, will likely require access from both top and bottom, but once you gain access, should not take 10 minutes. Make sure hose connections are tight and that there are no holes worn in any of the connectors.
  19. The 1992 Safari TREK is the one that used the Isuzu chassis. Stephen has a diesel pusher.
  20. The hydraulic brake system has a hydroboost system (much stronger than a vacuum boost) to assist in lowering braking pedal effort/boosting brake pressure. The power steering pump provides the hydraulic pressure. Were the engine to quit while driving, there is an electric pump built into the hydroboost to provide the boost so you could safely stop. It only functions in emergency situations. Easy to very that it works: step on the brake pedal with the engine off. You will hear it, as it is under the driver's floorboard. Don't recall if ignition needs to be on or not for this test. Yes, very different than air brakes, but a widely used system on trucks and a few motorhomes.
  21. Byron, My only problem with those portable compressors is that most have no dryer. So, in addition to air you are adding water to the tire. While air follows the ideal gas law (predictable PSI change with temperature change), water does NOT. And not good for tires either. Adding a small dryer makes a big difference.
  22. Not aware of a single deleted post. But, also, can't see the purpose in speculation and "finger pointing" when the FMCA staff explained what happened and will be working to handle the huge workload the new program will entail.
  23. Are you plugged in (i.e. inverter/charger is "passing through the 120 VAC and charging the batteries? OR is it inverting power from the batteries to power 120 VAC in the coach because you have no shore power and generator is off?
  24. Any RV store and even some Walmarts have the adapters. Though rare, there are also 15 amp male to 50 amp female. But most use the two.
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