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Everything posted by RVerOnTheMove

  1. Members? Owners? Renters? Victims? What are you looking for? Are owners called members? Could you tell us a bit more about the Outdoor Resorts setup? I thought OR declared bankruptcy. If I am correct, how did that effect the owners/members?
  2. 1,849. Wow, that's a long way from the nearly 8,000 coaches in Brunswick, ME (2000?) or the 6,000 coach counts in Perry, GA. The times, they are a changin'.
  3. Lots of vendors! You can see a list here. http://www.fmca.com/...sting&Itemid=64
  4. Looks like the hurricane has drawn a bulls-eye on AR. Are you sure that's where you want to go?
  5. The exception to visiting a vendor on the last day would be visiting any vendor where the equipment you want to buy needs installation on your RV. If you wait until the last minute you are likely going to be disappointed.
  6. Fred, I am sorry to hear that you were disappointed with your first day / first experience. All the setup and all of the parking takes time so the "show" is really not scheduled to begin until tomorrow with early parking beginning as early as yesterday (I believe). The seminars today are designed specifically to give the folks being parked over those 2 days something to do. The events schedule for the FMCA rallies are available on-line if you do plan to attend a future rally. You could take a more detailed look at what will be available and when before you make a decision about when to park. Please don't take this as any kind of a criticism or trying in any way to minimize your disappointment. This just happens to be the way it has been for many years and it's a necessary evil for the proper organization of the event. The seminars today are actually an improvement over the past when literally nothing happened until the show started. This left the early arrivals with literally nothing to do other than walk around and visit the food vendors. It sounds like the rain is gone and the skies will clear. Have a great rally and be sure to report back and let us know what you think about your experiences (if you have the time to do so). Enjoy!
  7. We just finished up 3 days at a KOA in Port Angeles, WA. It was very nice and most importantly, very convenient to the work I had to do in the area. They had a hay-ride Friday that I was not aware of or I would have been on board. It was lit up with Christmas lights, there was singing and they looped throughout the campground. Even though I was not on board it brought a real smile to our faces as they drove by. The kids on board were really having a blast.
  8. Since you have only made 5 posts to this forum you are a newbie to this forum. More posts will change that status. As to your statement "They actually make RV specific Satellite receivers", this information is incorrect. All of the DirecTV and Dish Receivers are made for homes but many are used in RV's.
  9. Reasonable? Ft, Myers "in season"? That's funny. Do you consider $100/day reasonable?
  10. Dollar for dollar your very best choice would be to keep what you have! If you only use it occasionally the ride cannot be that critical and if you are not warm enough you can buy some portable heaters. Even if you are not cool enough you could add an additional A/C unit to your coach for 10's of thousand less than it would cost to trade for another coach. Newmar and CC both have excellent reputations but CC service might be difficult since they went out of business and the "new" CC seems to be having trouble getting traction if they are even still around at all.
  11. The forecasters are wrong more often than they are right. Please, please! remain prepared and if you are any where near water, please move away. It's better to be wrong from a distance! We lived in FL for awhile and the one hurricane they required us to evacuate for never hit. He one they ensured us would not come near kicked out butts. Your coach has wheels but if you wait to long they will not do you any good.
  12. There is always Graceland in Memphis as well as Memphis itself. While not "along the way" St. Louis is a great place to visit with lots to see and do. If you like the casino thing there are also some nice ones in the Tunica, MS area just S. of Memphis.
  13. Either head for the East Coast or go North. Do not stay anywhere on the West Coast that is not inside a category 2 hurricane shelter. If you must stay, leave the coach where you think it might do best and then leave it there and take the appropriate shelter for yourself. You and your family are the only things that matter. "Stuff" can be replaced.
  14. If you must take the shortest route the one stopover I would recommend is Salt Lake City. Very interesting city history, things to tour and Mormons to learn about. If you can detour a bit S. out of SLC you will be able to take I-70 to Denver instead of I-80. It only adds about 100 miles to the trip but the places to go and things to see skyrockets. Moab, Arches and Canyonland, and my personal "never miss this stopover" Glenwood Springs. The drive itself is beautiful and stops are astounding. Hope you get to add this into your trip.
  15. I would suggest that you contact your County building inspector/dept who will be responsible for approving this project as well.
  16. It sounds like it is broken. What did Dometic say when you called them for support?
  17. Pretty much what ever kind of a replacement battery that matches the OEM battery will do just fine.
  18. If you have an external water filter cartridge you can also remove the filter, pour what you like in the housing, reattach it and then run water until it's all gone.
  19. And I am just pointing out that what you are indicating will not apply to 99.9% of the folks reading this forum. Additionally, what can be done by you still does not give you 50 amp service. Your setup gives you 60% more amps whereas 50 amp service is 333% more amps than 30 amp service
  20. If you have a setting for A/C and another for Max A/C (or similar), the Max A/C setting is the recirculate setting.
  21. The softeners are going to be a bit bulky and a bit heavy when full of water. You can drain the water when you are ready to travel and reduce the weight but if you want a good system that you can regenerate you are going to be looking at a bit of bulk. They do work VERY well but generally you are going to need to recharge them every 2-3 weeks which takes a bit of time and I found to be a bit of a pain. However, if I was going to be spending an extended time in some of the areas with extremely hard water I would definitely buy another.
  22. Please so let us know if I am correct about the reflector. I would be very surprised if it was anything else unless you really gave the antenna a huge whacking. That center DirecTV LNB contains 3 LNB's and each one is about the diameter of a tube of lipstick. The signal from the 101 satellite must be able to focus on the center LNB inside and if it cannot you will not get anything.
  23. DD69, I think we all understand that your custom wired coach with a custom wired combiner works with your setup. This is not going to be the case for anyone using a factory wired coach and a mass produced combiner. Additionally, it's important that those reading don't confuse the topic listing (50amp from 30 and 20 amp) with the ability to make a 30 amp coach a 50 amp coach. In your setup you will have 30 amps available on one leg of your wiring and 20 amps available on another. A 50 amp coach has 50 amps available on each leg for a total of 100 amps.
  24. Just remember that a household unit requires that you provide 120V power 24 hour per day. An inverter can handle this but you may have to refresh your batteries with shore or generator power more than you are willing to do.
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