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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. wayne77590


    I have an update at This Link
  2. Bill, so true. Been in a few straight-line winds and they are something else of being quick.
  3. It is ntr a simple conversion. I had it done to this MH by Sats2go out of Houston. I think I remember around $350 and that included the kit. The LNB's need to be replaced and some distribution equipment needs to be installed inside if I remember correctly. If I don't someone will correct me I'm sure.
  4. The cover that got ruined was factory cheapie. Replaced with a good MaxAir one. Cover was $64 and two days service calls and labor was $120. Feel blessed, for sure. One inch lower on that branch and I would have lost at least one AC.
  5. You are welcome. Worth the trip. Part of the driving test is to see if it is pulling. Once it was adjusted on a flat level stretch I could release my hands (of course keeping them close to the steering wheel) and the MH just held it's course. I kidded with the technician that i was going to get up and make some coffee. Wonder why he said not to do that. All in fun of course.
  6. Had the Safe-T-Plus IFS ZF steering stabilizer installed today. Working great. Posted info under chassis thread.
  7. I posted this on another forum but not everyone go to "other' forums, so: Today was our install of Safe-T-Plus IFS ZF stabilizers. Took a little over an hour for them to install. Didn't time it but it was quick. The staff are THE BEST, with everyone so friendly. Pulled into Jellystone RV Park in Bremen and made the 10 minute trip this morning. Yep, you can boondock in their gated lot overnight..We just prefer hookups with this rig, If you do stay at Jellystone, turn left on Hwy 78 and go to Hwy 100 and turn left on 100, turn left on Golf Course Road. About a mile down on the left side will be Safe-T-Plus..go slow. That is their recommended route to get to them from Jellystone, Okay, here is a kicker for all you future, and recommended, Safe-T-Plus wannabe's. There are future plans for an RV park in the back of their facility. That is going to be such a boon to future customers. Again, FUTURE..not going to happen overnight. After our install today I took a ride with me driving and a technician riding with me. We dropped down to the interstate and I got up to our normal driving speed. We had a very slight pull to the right. Pulled off and on to an off ramp, technician got out and crawled under, made some adjustments and we were off again. One more of those and the MH was tracking puuurrrrfectly If you have the mind to, set up an appointment with Safe-T-Plus and get-'er-done. Well worth the investment and so much more worth for the safety.
  8. My thoughts were that if a piece of steel is over the magnet and the outside toggle is on the step will be extended when time to go. Having two switches in parallel on inside and one outside give the options for both. There I go again, thinking out loud.
  9. My Progressive PT-50C and now my PT-50X have saved me many times. I have had two replaced under warranty and they were very quick to respond. In one instance they sent me a brand new one instead of repairing the bad one. The first on was a fault of the Mfg when the seal at the entry to the protector was not seated correctly and water got in during a rain storm and it shut down, I most certainly used the VOM before plugging directly in. It was only for one day. I now have a spare in a bay...just in case, Don't leave home without it. Great device.
  10. Put a small toggle switch under the step somewhere in reach and hook up the magnetic switch to it. With the piece of steel on the magnet when the switch is open..steps go out. when switch is engaged step goes in...might have to put one inside also.. Double pole double throw....just thinking out loud.
  11. Saw the news yesterday. Terrible. Reemphasizes the need to take shelter in the bath house or other provided shelters. Notice the motorhomes are still standing. Heavier vehicles.
  12. The mobile tech is calling around today. I'll also do some calling, He spent 30 minutes checking yesterday and could not find any in stock. Depending on how much cost is involved I have two years to sue the Basel Hey, it could have been a lot worse. We are blessed.
  13. I posted this on another forum but wanted to share it here also: Well campers, we had a harrowing experience today. We were on Maxwell AFB and following their detour signs to the FAM CAMP (Family Camp for those not in the know). Keeping our eyes peeled for the turn off there was a tree branch that must have been one of Tim's tree family 'cause there was a loud, make that very loud thump and when I looked back through the mirror i saw some debris falling from he MH. I cannot explain the feeling of "grief." No place to stop so we continued on to the FAM Camp (RV PARK for those not in the know) and once here I checked in and got the number for a local mobile repair. Neither Earlene nor I were going to go up on the roof. Earlene did climb the ladder until she was about waist high and took some picture. They did not appear to show any damage but I really thought that was impossible. The Mobile repair man, Tim, (The good one.) came out within the hour and climbed on the roof. This first picture is looking down the driver side of the roof. Really can't see anything. When I zoom in you can now see the MaxAir cover with a piece missing and cracked to the bottom, How can I possibly say how relieved we were when told that was the only damage. Thank you Lord! I'm not sure if any of you have tried purchasing RV parts but according to the good Tim parts are harder and harder to find. Tomorrow the search starts. It really could have been a lot worse. Guess what? Two other RV's caught the same jumpin' Tim's tree branch today and another last week.
  14. We were just driving through. If Kessler policy is like this CB base they all RV have to be able to move with two hours notice
  15. May all your BBQ'ing be great! Happy 4th of July.
  16. Day before yesterday left home and made it to Scott, LA. Traffic was horrendous. Stop and go several time and once it opened up there was no apparent reason. Yesterday was to Gulfport MS and same thing, Encountered some downpours but not long lasting, Staying here until the 7th then Maxwell AFB AL for 5 nights, and then Bremen, GA and have IFS Stabilizers put on by Safe-T-Plus. Happy 4th of July!
  17. If it's sulfur the smell will dissipate after it has stood a while. Also, putting a gallon of sulfur water in the refrigerator will remove the smell, As suggest, and if you can, move to a different park. However, parks in the same area may have the same problem. After finding good water do flush the tanks and sanitize with at least chloride bleach. That should take care of the problem.
  18. Providing the link Rand McNally Motor Carrier's Road Atlas You have to shop around on Amazon..,to many vendors trying to make a buck,
  19. Any delays in the cllimb, BIll. The 450 handle it alright?
  20. Seriously, get Linda one of those canes. I don't think she will regret it. I'm good, mostly, throughout the day it's getting up from laying or sitting that the first few steps give me the probelm. In stores I'm the cart pusher - something to lean on. Mostly okay, just every once in a while I feel that urge to be off balance.
  21. Herman, unlike the picture I'll camouflage it. Think it will work?
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