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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. Enlighten me, does the exhaust brake activate the AF1? I was under the impression that the brake pedal of the coach being pressed applied proportional air pressure to the brakes of the TOAD through the AF1. The exhaust brake does not activate the air system on the coach...or did someone tell me wrong.
  2. Herman, that got a sound chuckle out of me.
  3. On our trip last year we were headed to Scenic Hills RV Park in Berlin, OH. (GPS will say MIllersburg, OH) Well GPS was what I was following and it did take me to Scenic HIlls, but, It took me the shortest route and not the fastest. Talk about some narrow roads and on one of them I came to a 90 degree right hand turn. Had I known it was 90 degrees I would have pulled more to the left to make the turn. As it would be, there was a stone wall about waist high on a man and it followed the road right to the 90 degree turn. As I turned I kept watching the right side mirror and I cleared that stone wall with about 4 inches to spare. I look up and see a sign, Narrow Bridge. We squeezed across. Sometimes one can get trouble. In either case I could have unhooked the TOAD and changed positions. Happy to have a 60˚ wheel cut. Another time in California it was a debate between my wife's iPad and my GPS. My GPS said go up to Hwy 74, hers said take Sage Rd. We took Sage Rd. Most of the time I was doing 15 mph and trying to see if I could read the license plate on the TOAD as we drove some of the turns. When I got to JoJoba Hills Escapee Park I mentioned how I got there and the lady behind the counters said, "You Didn't! No one takes that road in an RV." Yep, I did. There are narrow roads out there. I try and look at Google Earth or Satellite view for my next day's travels.
  4. Have a friend that went into MX from somewhere in AZ. American doctor picked her up at the border and brought her back home as I understand it. She had lots of implants for less than $10k.
  5. Follow up: I should have added that I didn't have dental insurance.
  6. They sure don't respect each other!
  7. I was the ugly one, who where you. Small world. I picked them up in Weathford, TX. I wanted to go to the West Coast and make the whole trip but the accident happened and put riding days behind me. Oh! I won't tell how fast I had to go to catch up with my group! I did keep my mouth shut though, first time ever and last!
  8. How 'bout non-political pile of ..... wood!
  9. Okay! I just have to tell this. Back in 2006 on a Run For The Wall (think hundreds of motorcycles) we were traveling along side by side and there were about 200 or so bikes in 3 different formations, side by side, staggered and trikes. I was in the first formation about 5 back of about 50 or so and side by side. I looked over at my side partner and started to shout something. Picture this; teeth flew out and I watch as it crossed in front of me from wind and was gone - over my shoulder. I pulled over to the side and stopped. I was probably 100 feet or so from where they flew out. I had to wait for the rest of the bikes to go by. I started walking along the side of the road. About 75 feet or so, lo and behold, sitting on a tuft of grass smiling up at me was my full plate. I picked it up and it was covered in sand. No way was I going to put THAT in my mouth. I walked back to my bike thinking I would just put them in my saddle bag when I saw, just across from where my bike was, a little "pull-in park" AND IT HAD a water fountain. Went over, washed the teeth off, stuck them in my mouth and started running my tongue around. Found one tooth on the right side that has a small chip. Must have it the grass hard. Yes, I was very, very luck that I did not have to eat soup for the next week. I subsequently purchases some dental stick-em stuff. True story!
  10. RV Log Book on Amazon Lot of other ones out there also.
  11. MIke, it is such a travesty that you even have to ask that question. Personally I'd say fly whatever you want. You are going to be among other RV'ers and hopefully will not have a problem. If a group does come by and it looks bad you can always take it down, but I would never take down the U.S. Flag, never.
  12. You can satisfy some people some of the time, but you can't satisfy all the people all the time.
  13. Wear big shoes when you reboot the computer. Don't want to stub your toes.
  14. I'd like to see you start grading his posts. Hee hee!
  15. Yep! And I take it out of "overdrive" but if it is still shifting up and down I'll drop it down a gear. Thanks.
  16. Testing edit, okay, edit worked. Now where is the delete button. I may save something I really shouldn't save and would like to delete it. Oh, and now you let everyone know I edited it. I may have wanted to keep that to myself. Sheesh!
  17. Doc, If the grade is consistent and not up and down I use the throttle method, but as you said if the speed and grade are changing it is better to downshift. In my last life I had a Cummins 340 and towing a LIncoln MKX it didn't like the grades to much. Don't remember the specific grade going out west but on one of them I was in 2nd and 20 mph. In my present life it is a Cummins 450. Haven't been on any real steep ones but on the rolling hills it doesn't even hiccup.
  18. You really think I'm supposed to trust Herman!! Carl, glad it worked out. Now just stop ogling the ladies. At least, don't let Linda catch you.
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