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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. I'm sure glad you made that clear. No telling what little man running around in my head would have poked up and typed something baaaddddd!
  2. Herman, when you are driving down the road and it starts to rain, can you see out the window where the tennis ball swipes across? Couldn't resist. You can also use those pool noodle. Just cut a 4" or so piece off the end.
  3. DW gets frustrated with me when I walk through the "exit" door. I tell her that if they don't want me to walk through it don't have it automatically open from the outside. I can't for the life of me remember what my leveling panel looks like. I think it is "left, right, front rear" so I'm just glad I know if I'm leveling or retracting. Speaking of leveling systems - here is a tip. I have an extra lanyard for something that hangs around the neck. I don't have anything on it so i put the end throug it's own loop on hooked to the top of the steering when when I am leveling and leave it there. Then when I get in the driver's seat to leave I know the jacks are down because that string is hanging there,. For the satellite antenna I put the ignition key next to the Traveler Controller and if I have to put the key in the ignition I know where it is and the satellite is up - take it down before moving. Y'all can send me $0.10 for the information.
  4. Well, the picture of the controller may help someone else if it doesn't help Thirdrock44. He hasn't been back yet. Most likely mine are newer than yours.
  5. Can you find the control box? If so have you pressed the reset, or whatever it is called button, on the box. The manual is on-line and tells how to perform the manual operation. Instructions are also on the controller. Once the manual operation is engaged all safety systems for that slide are turned off so care must be taken to ensure it is coming in correctly (both sides at the same time.) If the motor is bad one side will try walking in where the other stays out. This is not good as there should be no more than a 2 inch difference. Once the slide is in or out hold the button for 5 second or more to let the motors sync. Once travel is started do not reverse the travel direction - ever. Continue in the same direction and always hold the extend/retract button for a minimum of 5 seconds. p.s., call Lippert. They are very helpful over the phone. Picture of Schwintek controller
  6. He's gone for the army ants! Look out Ray!
  7. Ray, They must have heard you talking about them. Use the Borax recipe.
  8. Do those Beatles sing?
  9. BTW Carl, I made that list for a friend some time ago and said, Hmmm, maybe I should save this. So I put it in "Notes" and just cut and paste now. However, one day I'll have to revise it as more are going in or being remodeled.
  10. wayne77590

    FMCA Dog Tweet

    I can hear the cop, head down as usual, ticket book i hand, asking for a driver's license, then looking up.
  11. Search on "Borax as ant repellent" without the quotes (as if that matters any more!) I think I read one theory that the ants ingest the borax and eventually pop a belly.
  12. Keep them off the ground. Use the pedistal's arm, if it has one, and wrap the hose around it and then tighten the bay side. use the sewer supports for the slinky. Borax works well around the jacks.
  13. Seems like the OP's first post is going to be his last post. Oh well!
  14. I hate busting bubbles but the amount of naphthalene in moth balls really don't deter mice or rats. Also, consider that the scent rises and mice and other rodents are close to the ground/floor. Placing anything by their nest will disturb them and they may go a few yards away and make another nest. For humans, mothballs are dangerous, as for other domesticated animals. Be careful.
  15. Thank y'all for the lesson. I have never had a "mechanical" slide. Last MH was Kwikeep electric and they stopped by controllers monitoring current flow. Present system is Power Gear with Schwintek controller and Schwintek with Schwintek controller. Had a motor go out on on side of the Power Gear slide-out last summer. One of the reasons I asked the question is due to the lessons I learned on our system. Always, Always keep the button depressed when extending or retracting the slide and keep it depressed for a minimum of 5 seconds after the slide comes to a stop. I can attest that when I bring the slide in I can hear one of the motors continuing to run for a few seconds after the slide stops. This is synchronizing the two motors. When extending and there is a need to stop, be sure to continue in the original direction of travel, then reverse if necessary, otherwise the motors could get out of sync - then the problems start. If the "override" of the controller needs to be used be very careful as that does away with all safety items of the slide/controller. On of DW's "prettys" fell down and wen extending the slide it could be heard crunching. Very powerful. The slide motor on my coach is about 2-1/2 inches in diameter and abiout 6 or 7 inches long. Small item with a powerful pull/push.
  16. Rich, I'm curious as to the operation of that slide. I'm not familiar with a "mechanical" slide. When you are extending or retracting the slide and there is resistance at the end of travel, what turns the slide motor off to prevent breaking something. Those motors are very powerful.
  17. I have found LCI very helpful when I have called them. I sent you their number. Keep us informed.
  18. Rich, I'm out of pocket today but I'm about 45 miles South of you. If you need a tool, I might have it. I can deliver tomorrow if needed.
  19. Does this help: Possible manual Oops got PM not the right one
  20. Rich, Bob Jones and RV Masters both have 4-1/2 stars if that means anything. I have not used them personally. If they are busy there are a few more in that area. Bob Jones: (713) 910-2949 RV Masters: (713) 461-2300 What year is your Bounder.
  21. What campground? US-90 runs right through Houston, and you could be in several of the cities South of there. Email me if you need to keep it on the QT.
  22. Rich, it might help if we knew what campground. On the other side: have you done the reset on the electronic controller?
  23. In regards to the OP, pay the fine just in case you travel through that state again. If you don't pay the fine there will be a warrant out for your arrest and that can cost you a bundle in the end.
  24. Prior to having a 50 amp service put in I ran off of 120v in my prior 2007 Montana 5th wheel. I ran 1 AC with no problems. We learned quickly that if DW want to run the vacuum cleaner the AC needs to go off. I used the shortest 12 gauge cord I could from the garage outlet to the RV and used the 50 to 120v adapter. What worked for me may or may not work for you. As Brett stated, measure the voltage with the AC load on it and if it is above 108v you should not have a problem. Also, check with your hand at the power connections for excessive heat. If it is hot to the touch, stop using it. It will not take long to heat up if there is a problem, just monitor it.
  25. I would suggest reading Article 2 and 3 of the UCMJ. It's online. Also. Army and Air Force can be retired after 20 years. Navy and Marine Corps are transferred to the Fleet Reserves and after 30 years. retired. In all probability a member would not be recalled but it has happened in the past. If it is a crime against National Security then a recall and punishment under the UCMJ would most likely happen.
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