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Everything posted by wayne77590

  1. Wow! I'm PPA, Escapees, FMCA, Good Sam, and a couple more I can't remember, plus retired military. I have used all of them and I have benefited with their discounts. Yes, PPA CGs have restrictions and one can loo at the PPA web site and see what those restrictions are before calling. If the restrictions, don't fit you don't go there. Majority of PPA CGs are valid Sunday through Thursday so planning a stop is really not that big a problem for us. FMCA and GS are 10% discount programs but 10% is 10% and better than nothing. Escapees: We have stayed at Escapees RV parks. The ones I really remember are the ones in Sutherland, OR, Jojoba Hills park in California, and Hollister, MO.(This park is 1/2 mile from The Landing in Branson, MO). Oregon sites were 55 feet wide by 80 feet long. The week cost me $115. I'll do the math for you, that is about $16 a night. Jojoba Hills was much more expensive but location, location, near Temucula, CA. The Hollister (Branson) CG is $159 a week for members or $22 a night. Again that is location, location. FYI there is another RV park, Branson Stagecoach RV Park. It is under new ownership. It used to be $25 a night 7 days a week but the new ownership has it as $25 for four days and Friday and Saturday are full price. Still, for the area the 4 nights at $25 is pretty good. I'm sure there are a lot of other discounts that are just as good and some better. I'll be staying with my discount programs.
  2. Richard, I came close once. I was at a stop sign and at that time running 13'4" and the sign was just around the corner. It said 12' clearance. I cut my wheels in the other direction and did a detour. I did come to a military gate that was closed once and I was on board base. I pulled into a parking lot but was not able to make the cut so I had to unhook. Dead ends are not nearly as bad as low clearances but they deserve some attention. Something to be aware of on Low Clearances. When road work is done and new asphalt laid down the asphalt can be up to 2 inches thick. This will change the Low Clearance but the signs may not have changed yet. Beware.
  3. Yes, that is a malicious web site. FMCA needs to look into what is propagating it to users.
  4. Yellow signs on side of road and on bridge. Watch for the yellow signs, or white. I am very conscious of the yellow warning signs, or white. So far, so good.
  5. Wow! I see a very different screen on the FMCA home page. It is all the way over to the right. The second icon down is the dashboard. The sixth square down on the left is the membership directory. Why is mine so different, or are these two different screens on FMCA. I don't have anything "blue" on the top of my screens.
  6. Sorry folks but I have just the opposite opinion. I have GS ESP and with my previous 2008 MH, which my DW affectionately (NOT) called "Citrus" just to be PC, and over the 10 years we had it I was very happy to have the ESP. I don't plan on dying anytime soon but I have insurance that I have been paying on for to many years. Yep, ESP is expensive but it is just an insurance plan. My ESP covers seals and gaskets so yes the price is up there. But I do have peace of mind.
  7. Kay, sorry but it's only 232 this morning. You'll have to wait until it speeds up again.👺 It's Comcast and they are very$$Proud of their services. Started out cheap 10 years ago and has increasingly gone up. I do love the speed now though. You can sit out at the curb and I'll give you access. Come on down. p.s., I think I'm pretty close to the trunking system.
  8. Have you tried using speedtest.net ? My download speed is 292 Mbps (juar bragging)
  9. It's there. Once you log in to fmca.com (different than than logging straight into the forum) the membership drop down changes. Click on the Member Dashboard and follow the advertisement squares on the left hand side. On mine it is the sixth square down. Happy searching.
  10. I just fired mine up on diesel plugged into 20 amp and it pulled 16 Amps continuous with burner and heat exchanger blowers running.
  11. We tend to eat out more when on the road so that is why I include those costs. There are so many variables. Some like to stay at high end CG's, where others choose the $30 range and then those that stay at discounted RV park, using PPA or similar. Then consider traveling from point A, to B, To C, To D, and you do that in a weeks time then do it all over again the next week. That is a lot of fuel burned whereas if you travel those points and spend a week or more at each the fuel costs go down considerably. My costs for CG's are considerably less when I stay at military RV parks. RV Parks vary in price based on the time of year and that can make a difference. Overall average is about $2500 a month if moving around. FT Stationary would be less. Joe, search on the words "full time rv cost breakdown" without the quotes and you will get a whole bunch of varying answers. Some iin the low $3000 and others in the low $2000. Depends (not wearable) on lifestyle.
  12. I have auto-pay and I'd just stop it at the bank once I notified them. No pay, no service/no service no pay. I would think after a few months they would get the idea.
  13. JIm, that was back then and the change to internet was Nov this year. Things may have changed. WIth that said, I'm fed up with AT&T. Seems they just keep upping their price for service. I'm fortunate that I don't have DirecTV. As for customer service at Dish, yes, it is a hassle to get to talk to some one but once I did I have never had a problem. Speaking to a Supervisor one time she sent me an email that I quote to any representative when I am talking to them. Basically it states that when I am changing my ZIP code for local programing I DO NOT have to give a physical address. This all came about when the very first time using local channel changes they changed my billing address. Other than that one time I have not had a problem with Dish representatives. I always get my local channel change, just takes a few minutes. Had DirecTV back in the early 80's. Switched to Dish and never looked back.
  14. Only time I use electric is for continuous hot water demand, all other heating is diesel only. DW will switch on Elec when she gets up and I turn it off after I shower (if I remember to which is "most" of the time.) Running down the road the engine heats the water. Why do I need hot water driving down the road? If OP smelled burnt wire that is most likely why he doesn't have Elec.
  15. Joe, Seems like you spent just over $2000 a month. I have always figured that traveling would cost up to around $2500 a month, so you did well. My estimate is also based on food. Now, start adding DW's trip to Macy's, Penny's, Walmart, etc. and watch how fast it climbs.
  16. Possibly blocked lines. Have you pulled the outlet line off of the pump to see if water is coming out? Also, check line from the tank to the pump. Disconnecting the in-line at the pump and applying pressure to the tank should force water through it. ????
  17. My new to us 2015 had a traveler for DTV - I had Sats2Go change it out to the DISH. Yep base plate the same.
  18. Check out this KVH Sales/Technical Bulletin
  19. My 2013 Lincoln MKX FWD has been towed since new, 2013 with no problems with one exception. The manual states to stop every 4 hours or so and start and run the engine for 5 minutes and go through the routine for towing again. When did that it seemed the battery did not have enough juice to start the car. I'd just put a charger on it while I was unhooking and 5 or so minutes later it would crank over. With that said I now stop every two hours, need to stretch the legs anyhow, and start the car and run it for 5 minutes. So far so good. Follow the manual and you should have no problems. Ray, everything I have read says that the 2014 MKX 3.7L is towable FWD and AWD.
  20. Wow! If the stop broadcasting SD then all DTV users will be forced to go with an open faced antenna. There is no DOME on the market that I know of that will received DTV HD. Herman, DISH still broadcasts SD.
  21. When running heat with registers in the floor check that they are not under anything when the slides are in. If so, close them.
  22. If you are not an FMCA Member, try this site: Motor Trend Dingy Towing Guide
  23. Also, use the liquid form and not the powder. (Stated in the manual, I think) Tide is good but just about any liquid HE detergent will work.
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