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Everything posted by manholt

  1. Bill, thank you for a feel good Link. No false info, no sugar coating, stats & numbers don't lie...numbers change & stats change accordingly! Yes, 37+ minutes is lengthy.
  2. Welcome. Humboldt, land of "Big Foot"! Russian River and North is my favorite part of Ca. Carl
  3. Mike, lot's of RV's rolling in the wine country, on Hwy 16, 290, 281, 29...The blue bonnets are still blooming, not as bright as 2 weeks ago, being slowly replaced by Indian paint flowers. $ weeks ago, we took the coach to Three Rivers, 180 miles, came back home Sunday. The coach is leaving for Galveston in a week for 4 days, then we head to Alto, NM the 10th of May for 2 weeks! My cataract surgery has been post phoned for 8+ weeks! We have to cancel our AIM Rally in MI (June 7). Newmare, has cancelled our appointment in Nappanee IN. for after AIM. On the road or at the house, everything is the same in the coach! At home, slides are out, Jacks are down on full HU, full fuel, empty gray/black tanks, 50-70% fresh water (70 to 90 gal. in a 145 gal tank)! ON THE ROAD AGAIN.
  4. Wish I could get rid of FMCA mailer and Commercial advertising! Notification for that don't work...
  5. Yep, we're back to that again. The first year as ND, I got my travel allowance, the next year it was gone! I can understand where Area VP's are coming from, some area's are huge, like North West. Bill, we have committees that are suppose to make recommendations to the EB each time they meet during the year, most of those make it to Governance for vote each year! There are also recommendations that has to be voted on by General Members, before it gets to Governance! I recommend that anyone who want's to know how your FMCA works, go to main page, scroll to bottom and click on Governance, then click on Constitution and also Policy and Procedure...read it.
  6. I was wondering who would notice that..Too many 22.5 owners, would get the wrong info from that Video and that could become a major disaster!
  7. Bill, in some instances, CEO is merely a title and no bite...in most company's it's a title with real teeth! Brett is 100% correct. Remember I was one of Governance until 12/31/2020, 7 years worth and can tell you...nothing moves until our vote is cast and that's at National Convention once per year!
  8. There is about a 5-10 second delay on the lock plate...just keep holding button down! I have the same on all my 3 slides!
  9. JC, your just gonna have to log in daily! There is no notification, sorry.
  10. Tim, when your on Generator, are you getting full power on both legs (L1 & L2)? Your radio should also work on your ignition switch in aux mode or with engine running!
  11. That's the "Salesman Switch". ATS is what transfers 50 amp from Generator to coach, then switches over from Generator to Shore Power 50 amp, when your hooked up!
  12. Ray, the name of the beer is Sol. My cousin in Norway is glutton intolerant, loves beer and he has 4 cases of Sol imported inn every month from Mexico! Bill, I love that beer...you do know that it's owned by Modelo? They also have a 50% interest in Pacifica beer. I only have 5 bottles left, of Glacier Beer, not exported, you can only get it in Newfoundland..😢 The Forum computer will not let me say what I think about Corona! 😂🤮
  13. So, it would not play on Generator? Just shore power...have the looked at the ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch)?
  14. That's ambitious and quite extraordinary! For me it's overkill but I must say, you have done a great job of converting a school bus! Happy Quarantine! 😎
  15. Under that scenario I agree. However, that's not how it was stated.
  16. Ross. Now, that's a deal...sounds just like what happened with FMCAssist ! I'll stay with Coach Net and Linda has GS.
  17. What circumstances? I'm sure that if a newbie sees this post would like to know.
  18. Did you find yeast for beer? Try making Glutton free beer. I don't need a hobby, so I buy mine at the Market...Sol beer, very good and it's made from corn in Mexico!
  19. I feel the same way about the Engineers! Is that a Newell your on? Or Prevost? Great job!
  20. CandA. Yes for the toilet. On your owners manual there is a picture of the office for Tiffin, with the Red Bay Address and a phone #! I don't have an Allegro Bus anymore. You can also get the phone # by goggling Tiffin RV.
  21. manholt

    Testing your TPMS?

    Mine is programmed in to the SilverLeaf computer and the screen is not removable! I only use the Tire Pressure, Temp=0.
  22. Ray, "constant standing water?" Yea, probably after a couple of years in Panama! 😂
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