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Everything posted by elkhartjim

  1. Thank goodness I have an Oasis system.....Gatorade lime green.
  2. elkhartjim


    When did this start happening? Before or after you started towing 8000#?
  3. I have to chuckle just a bit when I read the title beating the high cost of fuel. I remember when diesel was almost $5 per gallon about 10 years ago so when I fill up today and pay almost $2 a gallon less than that, I'm ecstatic.
  4. I just read the thread and I can't find what you're saying is outdated. Can you please point out which braking system is outdated? Thanks.
  5. I'm not going to comment on the Aqua Hot since apparently my Oasis system is different, ie. 50:50 mixture I guess is what AH uses(?).
  6. Correct, draining or adding rv antifreeze to the water lines but the heating coils are full of glycol, Carl.
  7. Aren't you just winterizing the hot water lines? I have an Oasis system and the only thing in the heater to my knowledge is the glycol fluid. There isn't any water stored in the heater. Maybe I'm all wet, pun intended.
  8. elkhartjim

    Lake Tahoe

    Check out Zephyr Cove Rv Park. Enjoy.
  9. I love it when somebody recommends replacing the 5000# hitch on the motorhome with a 10,000# hitch to increase the towing capacity. That will solve all your towing issues - NOT!
  10. And you were paying dearly for diesel in 2008. As I recall I paid almost $5/ gallon in MS that year. $4.89 or somewhere in that area.
  11. Thanks for the update and glad your slide is working. Safe travels.
  12. At the time, Herman, I had a 250 gallon fuel tank at the ranch but of course it was full of dyed off road diesel but who knew?
  13. Mike, for what its worth, I monitor engine temp, transmission temp and turbo boost. I found a switch on the dash today for the courtesy lights in the bedroom and rear bath. Who knew?
  14. I've gone through two hurricanes and lived in the motorhome for 5 days each time due to power outages. I also powered the s & b refrigerator and freezer with the motorhome genset.
  15. If we ever got .1% of those 77,000 members it would get interesting. Sadly, its probably more like .00001% that even know about the forum.
  16. elkhartjim

    Lake Tahoe

    Yes, but it really depends on what you want to do while in the area.
  17. I'm going to make it easy, the best one is the one you use. I'm amazed how many rv'ers don't use TPMS. I have successfully used TST for the last 10 years.
  18. Herman, Monty told me they didn't go to Gillette this year because Leon always wants to go in his rig and Monty doesn't think it would be safe for him to drive that distance. Monty is scared to death he will have a wreck backing it out of the shop.
  19. I hope Eric reports back what the mobile tech found. On topic.
  20. Monty is probably late 30's. When I was there a few months ago he showed me the demo model of the 2.0 system and yes, he designed it. Good guy.
  21. During the thunderstorm last night, we had several low voltage situations in the Canyon Lake area. My Progressive EMS thankfully did its job of protecting my motorhome but the fifth wheel next to me was not as lucky. He lost one of his A/C units. If you had the same storm, a brown out could have caused your issues possibly.
  22. Y'all better get back on topic before somebody with clout tells you to get back on topic. 😱
  23. I just counted the rollers on my full wall slide - 10 rollers that are 12" long. 3 of the rollers are under the pantry and residential refrigerator. Hopefully thats enough.
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