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Everything posted by five

  1. You are in the VA system if you are getting RXs and physicals from them. In order to 'join' you must prove service....DD214 (other than Honorable Discharge can deny benefits), proof if claiming wounded (Purple Heart on the DD 214 or certificate), proof of income if wanting medical care, and other requirements. When I was last in my VA, Nov 2021, my doc was complaining about the VA being so crowded, with many using the system and trying to get disability funds with "flaky" claims....her term, not mine.
  2. Where I store my MH has standard house power. Which is fine for me, all I plug in is my charger, and a few 60 watt old style light bulbs for winterization. If I need more heat (space heater/Aqua Hot), floor heat, or air conditioning, micro wave or similar high power appliances, I unplug the MH and fire up the generator. The OP stated he'd like to run his appliances....just have a qualified RV electrician put in 30 amp service. As noted above be sure the electrician knows that it is for an RV.
  3. It only takes one click to go directly to the forums: https://community.fmca.com/
  4. You can't just "join" the VA. And, if you qualify, they will not just start issuing you potent meds required by the OP.
  5. I bought a dash camera. Read the instructions, tried to apply the instructions to the camera. Turned everything off and tried again...no luck. Took the camera back...and still don't have one.☹️
  6. My manual says to store the MH with jacks down....that's what they are for.
  7. five

    Diesel Club

    I'm a member and visit the forum about every three months....if I remember. Very little activity over there.
  8. My storage spot is 50' x 20' so I can open all slides to work/clean it. I prefer to back it in. I have two parallel 4" red lines painted 18" wider than each side of the coach, plus I have four red cones sitting on the red lines on each side, equally spaced throughout the 50'. As long as I'm inside the red lines I'm okay on side space. I have two 4 x 4s to stop my backing, and tilt both outside mirrors down so I can see the red lines and cones when backing. My space is closed all around with limited lighting. If I headed it in, it would be very very dark inside. However, once backed in, with a 20' opening in the front, it lets in lots of light. I can back in by myself with the set up I have.
  9. If you are members of Good Sam, call them. They'll do the research and find you the best deal.
  10. Discover. Replaced the eight 6V deep cycle AGMs with two 12v Interstate deep cycle AGMs.
  11. Many folks have a hang up regarding DEF. It's the same as the switch from leaded to unleaded gas many years ago. It is the way it is....most 18 wheeler tractors are trucks with DEF and doing fine.
  12. If it is a Freightliner "Oasis" dealer, it should have plug ins for RVs. Oasis dealers are better equipped to handle MHs, they will have power and water.
  13. If you have an Aqua Hot, be sure it does not freeze! There are 65' of copper inside the casing in a 450. If that copper freezes, and splits you must purchase a new unit.
  14. AC made some really good coaches around that year, many on the road. You can always tell an AC coach from a distance....it's one of the very few that has inverted side mirrors. As a benefit, the mirrors have triple glasses, with the bottom oriented on the respective front tire. They are a great help navigating through tight construction zones or small towns that have curbs and no shoulders...you can see exactly where the tire is in relation to the obstruction.
  15. Agree! AGMs are literally install and forget, plus no noxious gasses. My old AGMs lasted eight years.
  16. I think you'll find the REV Group comparable to any other builder cranking out similar class MHs. In today's market the odds for finding a specific year/make/model is virtually impossible.
  17. five

    22.5 tires

    I would not have Michelins on my coach...swapped OEM Michelins due to side wall cracking at five and a half years and low mileage.
  18. It's there, but you may have to pay more than you'd like.
  19. Same here but in an old gym bag, stowed in the MH. It never ceases to amaze me, when I wonder around any campground, the number of RVers who leave tow equipment (safety cables, electrical cord) attached to the RV and hardware that easily comes off, on the toad. I don't worry about theft or the damage the sun and weather do to those expensive items.
  20. A couple of weeks ago, our Wally World had their Prestone on sale for $1 a gallon.
  21. Bing, Google, or check some other forums about Michelin's RV tires. I traded mine at five and a half years due to sidewall cracking....the Michelin dealer didn't want to talk about a warranty, and couldn't find replacements. So I replaced them with two other brands.
  22. I find it hard to believe we are even having a discussion of chaining up these beasts. It would take some type of family emergency to get me to go anywhere in the snow....and most likely it would not be in the MH. Yes, I can drive in winter weather, born and raised in snow country. However, at this point in my life....why do it?
  23. You can use the card at almost any big rig refueling station. However, as noted, most refuelers will be happy to accept your card, but if he/she is not in the TSD program you will pay full pump price and $1...not sure about the $1. The two most popular are Loves and Pilot/Flying J....Loves takes the card, Pilot/FJ does not.
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