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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. Your front slide is hydraulic and the cylinders are push/pulls. The units are HWH and I would give them a call. Please be patient, sometime it takes awhile for the tech to respond. Herman
  2. Oh what a tangle web we weave when we practice to deceive. Herman
  3. The recall was for sticking calipers and would be a safety recall and must be fixed regardless of warranty or age. Herman
  4. Death is the only way to stop accelerated aging when you have children. However Grand Children really slows the process down. Congrats Chris. One or 12 they are all a blessing. Herman
  5. Entertainment? It is akin to the DW harping on you about leaving the toilet seat up. WE GET IT. Herman
  6. No matter which ERS we have it is frustrating when any of us has a break down and need the ERS. All of the companies that offer Road Side assistance have all fallen down on the job. They are so interested in having coverage they are not investigating the company to see if they are capable of handling Large Vehicles such as MH and or Large trucks. this goes even for AAA who has been in road side assistance for so long. When we have a break down and are waiting for the service person to respond the clock slows down to a crawl (or it really seems that way). Herman
  7. Jeff, How many more times are you going to say the same thing. We on the Forum know your thoughts and thoughts and thoughts +++++++ How about letting the member get back to helping those with problem. Sorry for getting so blunt. So before we start to get nasty with one another lets close this topic. What say Brett? Herman
  8. So many thing going through my head that I could say but would be blocked and put in Time Out. Herman
  9. The invoiced price is not what the dealer pays for vehicles. There are a number of discounts off invoice. Such as dated billing, quantiy discounts, delivery adjustments, last year vehicles the list goes on. Herman
  10. Neal, Wonderful family history. You should be very proud. Herman
  11. Has any one heard the rumor the both Norcold and Domectic are bring out Residential 110 volt units??????????? That would fit the current openings. If so then you may hear of a residential catching on fire. I am sorry that isn't fair. Herman
  12. Have everyone in the FMCA Energized, at least 20 sign the petition to Form a Chapter, elect a slate of officers inclding a National Director and walla your group not has recognition and a voice. You only need to have one or two Chapter business meetings a year and they be at each National Rally. Since your membership will be from all over it could be in the INTO Area. Then you would have a VOICE. Herman
  13. I had an appointment for driving portion of my class B here in Texas. I had a friend Ready to do a ride along. The day of my test he was rushed into surgery. I called the testing office and explained my situation. The exact words were "Sir we don't ask how you got here." I drove solo and left with my Class B in hand ? Herman
  14. January 2 is the Six-State Executive Board Meeting. Herman
  15. Ray, you may be correct however lots of folks said the same thing about flat panel TVs. Besides almost all of the coach makers have gone to Residential Units in their coaches. We love the one I installed and it hasn't skipped a beat once. Herman
  16. Good thought Carl however he has all new batteries. Blake getting the switch out could be a bugger due to its location. If he hasn't got it fixed by New Years I will help him out in Beaumont. Herman
  17. Sorry Jeff but the same folks you speak of that are not members of a chapter would still get the information the same way they get it now. Through the Magazine or the web site. All dues paying members have the same chance to get the information as anyone else. It is their choice as whether to read the information or have someone get the information for them and tell them what is happening. You are not going to change human nature. If those unrepresented folks wanted to get a voice they would get involved. FMCA Membership sits at approx. 75,000. If the figures thrown around that only 30% (22,500) are members of chapters while 70% (52,500) are not chapter members then why with 3 months of Notices in the Magazine and on the website only a little over 11,000 took the time to vote. Does that show you how folks care about what happens. The only way to make a change is to get involved. You of all people should know what can happen when you get involved. You did and now there is FMCA Energized. I will continue to repeat myself, "To Be Involved, Get Involved." Herman
  18. On the FMCA Home page. Click on "Members" then "Governance Site" then click on "Committees". Look and see how many committees there are. Herman
  19. I am sorry but what I have seen on two different "votes by mail in ballots" had response on one of less than 1% of the members vote and the last had right at 12% vote. Now you want each Area to divide up the non chapter members (approx 70% of the membership) into regions to vote and elect a representative for them. Can you see any thing wrong with this picture. I sure can. Sorry I got back on the Soap Box. Herman
  20. Kilte, Do you have some particular parks in mind? Herman
  21. 2 brew, I had part of the information correct. The company that did Steve's work is "Precision Painting" in Brenen, Indiana. They did the changing out of his head lights and tail lights then did a full painting of the coach. Precision farms out the interior work to a Amish cabinet shop. Google Precision for contact information. Herman
  22. Jeff, Valid point, however we have National Directors that represent the members of a given Chapter and are to always canvas their members as to how they would like for topics to be voted on. First how do you select a National Director for the non members? How will he know the opinions of those non members. If you have the AVPs select the National Directors then you have the AVPs stacking the deck to suit their own agendas. My feeling is if a person wants to have a say in how FMCA conducts business, then join a Chapter, get involved and become a National Director if they can be elected by the chapter. Too many arm chair quarterbacks. If you want to be involved, Suit Up and get into the game. Sorry, just my Soap Box for the Day. Herman
  23. They found a few issues that will be addressed after the first of the year. Just needs to watch his diet till then. Herman
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