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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. There may be other states but they just don't have the TEXAS state of mind. Bill
  2. There are numerous post about insurance/warranty company's not many good ones. Many find it better to take the cost of the policy and self insure. That way you will have some money to make the repairs that the warranty company denies after they have taken your money. Bill
  3. Welcome to the forum. Nice coach. Bill
  4. Just to eliminate it, check the drive shaft for play. Welcome to the forum. Bill
  5. That is an oldie but goody. By the way welcome to the forum. Bill
  6. Look at small ceramic heaters with a fan. Last spring we were in the Grand Canyon after Chandler. and similar temps as OP is looking at, no problem. I did feel bad for the tent campers though. Bill
  7. Good answers, but I would use the propane furnace otherwise you will get no heat to the basement. I have a small ceramic heater I put in the wet bay as added insurance . Just set it to come on at the lower temps to supplement the gas heat. Bill
  8. Welcome to the forum, all good advise. Bill
  9. Still waiting on the checks that I suggested you do. Rich, that is a good possibility. Bill
  10. Didn't you know that is made that way? It is to keep you awake on long trips. Bill
  11. Well I have camped a lot. In more different ways than I care to enumerate. All I can say is Thank God I am now camping in a class A diesel!!! Bill
  12. You might want to do a little research on the warranty issue. Start with this post in Motorhome Extended Warranty. http://community.fmca.com/topic/11615-american-guardian/ Bill
  13. Don't you have an access panel on the outside? Bill
  14. Nice looking coach. Welcome to the forum. If you add your coach information to your signature it will help you get better answers when you ask questions. Bill
  15. I bought a Surge Guard 34850 after trying to get buy with out one and frying the circuit board in the washer. I like the portable one as I can test a power pedestal with out the coach. I Have had to try several spots on occasion (not to often) before finding god power. Keep in mind you can use the 50 amp on a 30 amp outlet and it will still protect you. Bill
  16. Carl, Add your coach to your signature in your profile and it will be added automatically and you won't have to type it every time. Bill
  17. I copied Herman so I didn't have to re type his post. With your inverter and converter on (I just leave them on) Test the current at the refrigerator outlet. Are there 2 outlets behind the refrigerator? Test both of them if there are 2. Test with shore power on and with it off. Lets measure the power with the generator on. What is the voltage of each of the auxiliary (house) battery's? Bill
  18. Yes there must be something else on that circuit. Un plug the refrigerator and check the outlet for power. Bill
  19. What is code E05 ? What does your owners manual say? Bill
  20. wildebill308


    What does your manual say? Bill
  21. Well I wonder if the K&N filters are as good as some think, why hasn't K&N run them on a ISO 5011certified test bead and publish the results? Why because the K&N filters let to much dirt past the filter. If you do a little research you will see the stock filter flows more air than your engine can use at WOT. So where is the benefit? Bill
  22. No coment as it looked goos to me. Bill
  23. I have seen a couple of those. I wonder how far they "off track" behind the coach? It definitely makes for a long rig. Bill
  24. Not unless they are commercial. Like Herman said, you will be in deep dodo if you are caught being licensed as commercial and not following ALL the requirements. Bill
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