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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. "EASY ACCESS". With an RV that is a oxymoron. Herman
  2. Linda, there are flag stands that you roll one wheel on. Might work for your booster. I have seen them at CW but I am sure others have them. One thing you'll don't need is a ladder that so the old cogger can get on top of the coach, pardon me, that the young cogger. I keep forgetting he is younger than me. 😉 Herman
  3. I have noticed a lot of the answers to different Topics and posting are getting a little testy. More so as we have gotten further into this "Shelter in Place". Here on the Forum we are all folks that like to get out and travel. We love to see new places, visit places we have been before, visit old friends and to make new friends. So as we sit in front of our computers or on our Smartphones lets all take a moment to relax, take another sip on the drink of your choice and think about how to respond to a topic and in a nice way, not in a condescending way that is sure to make the other person mad. Remember the Forum is here for those needing help with their RVs and for those with knowledge to help. There have been several thousand good questions asked and answered here. So let's get along and keep helping others. Herman
  4. Google "Samsung", they should have repair location on their websites. Herman
  5. Srous, not trying to be a smart aleck, but do you have power on both sides of the fuse. I have seen spade fuses that looked good but tested bad. Also by some chance does the fuse power a relay that powers the panel? Please let us know what you find. Herman
  6. Astro001, Sorry hear that you may be dropping your membership. That is something only you can decide. I hate to see any member dropping their membership but remember your number is yours and will be ready if you decide to stay or rejoin at sometime in the future. Good Luck and Happy & Safe Travels. Herman
  7. Dennis, not to my knowledge but that is a question that Dan Ball will need to answer. Dan monitors the Forum and should chime in on your question. Herman
  8. Which one do you like? Coke, Dr Pepper, sorry but your question is very subjective. You haven't said what size unit you have, gas or diesel pusher, capacity. That would answer alot of questions. I have very good results towing 4x4 Chevy pickups. Herman
  9. That's right Bill you now have eight TIRES not six on you rig. Congrats again. Herman
  10. In 1955 a toll road was built between Dallas and Fort Worth. 22 years later the debt was paid off and it became a free road. Somewhere in that time frame it became I-30. I-30 begins in North Little Rock, Arkansas (at I-40) and ends just west of Fort Worth where it merges with I-20. What showed in 1955 as several cities in between Dallas and Fort Worth is now one huge mass of business' and homes. You can't see where one city ends and another begins. In early 1956 I was going to Arlington State Junior College, now the University of Texas at Arlington. We drove in the country most of the way in a 1940 For Coupe. Man I wish it was still around. Now you have a bit of DFW trivia. Herman
  11. kt, Welcome to the Forum. Call Dan Ball Director of Membership & Marketing at FMCA. He can help you or direct your call to the person who can. 513-474-3622 or dball@fmca.com Herman
  12. Ray the nice thing about those Rand McNally s was they showed most of the small back roads and smaller towns. And there wasn't a wire binder right through where you want to look. As the song goes, "Those were the good ole Days" Herman
  13. Wayne, we are on the same page. One thing I do is when we have been on the road and have switched locals I will call when getting close to home and have then channels switched back to the home channels. Just saves time when we get home. A side note we live north of Dallas and the home channels for us are out of Sherman Texas and we know everything that goes on north of us mostly in Oklahoma. Since we are close to the Dallas zone I will call and have the locals for Dallas set to our sons address. Now we get all of the information for both DFW and Sherman. Herman
  14. Maybe true Rich, but in my mind that is what the insulation is for, to keep the wiring from being exposed to the elements. JMHO Herman
  15. This might just be the time and place for a examination camera. For me it would be a nice thing to have in my tool box. There are so many areas that are very hard see in or at. I know that both my RVs sinks have P traps like we have at home. Friction secured not glued. But I have no idea as to the other connections. I may just be getting in over my head on how my plumbing is hooked up in an RV. I do know that there is very little space between the top of my tanks and what is on top of them. Herman
  16. We have Dish Network in both the S/Bs and coach. They both work great in both places. When we travel we don't change to the local channel in a location we are in unless we plan on being there for several days. When we are moving the TV at home is recording what we have it set to record. When we set up for the locals when we travel we can record our favorites on those locals. Heaven forbid we should miss just one episode of "BROKE". We would be devastated! Herman
  17. Rich, I wouldn't think so since they recommend it to be used to seal around electrical boxes in homes. Our home, that is only 6 years old, had all the wiring installed then was all foamed in. Herman
  18. Bobby, is there a way you can post a picture of the selector switch? It would help a lot. Herman
  19. Did you run the shower and then look to see if you could see water? Can you see the P trap and does the drain, drain fast or slow? There are lots of things that must be checked before tearing up the floor or pulling the tank. To pull the tank you have to have access to the drain hookups that you are looking for in the first place. Herman
  20. Jon, Home Depot or Lowe's, ask for a can of Foam Insulation. It will be yellow but it will work for a small repair. Herman
  21. Bobby, Welcome to the Forum. Are you talking about duel tanks? If so are these the lines coming from each tanks? If that is the case it shouldn't make a different. Just that you may not know which tank you have selected. That is until you fill only one and then you will know which tank is full. Then you will know which tank you are on and mark the switch accordingly. Just a thought. Herman
  22. Welcome to the Forum, Just be sure and anchor the table down securely. The chairs also when traveling. Again, Welcome
  23. Jerry, I have little to no experience with DEF, however I have a friend that runs a very large truck shop and Roy said that he change the DEF pump on 4 to 5 engines a month. But to be honest, I wouldn't know one if it were in front of me. Joe L. will have a better handle on your question. Herman
  24. Richard, Sorry but when the factories added components to their engine they didn't just stick something on and hope for the best. They took the time to engineer and test their engines to make sure the changes would work and last. Herman
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