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Everything posted by hermanmullins

  1. wthreadgill, Welcome to the Forum. If you wanted to change to Dish Network, it can be expensive or quite reasonable. That depends on whose Satellite Dish you have. A friend of mine who had a Winegard Traveler for Directv got a kit to transfer it to Dish Network. I believe the kit was around $350.00. If you have a Winegard dish you might give them a call. Again Welcome. Herman
  2. I just came to a stop and put on air brakes. What you are saying is that you are setting the PARKING BRAKE. By dumping the air bags you are just allowing the coach to settle down and if you have jacks it help the jack by reducing the amount of travel before the jacks touch the ground and can begin to level your unit. One safety caution, "Never try to level if it takes your wheel/wheels off the ground, especially the rear wheels." Herman
  3. TX, I do the same thing in a little different was. I tell them what I will pay. Like I wiil trade my unit and write a check for say $10,000.00. Nothing more. They will repsond but there are Taxes and fees. I tell them they can figure all that out of the $10K. They stammer, they stutter, then they make the deal. Did I get a good deal, how the H do I really know, but I got my deal not theirs. I also hate care sale people and tell them up front that I do. One thing I have allways noticed that most pre-owned RV dealers (sales people) are a lot more laid back and easier to deal with. Never any pressure and they will tell you up front what is or isn't wrong with the RV. JMHO Herman
  4. Joe would you do it again and this time take videos so Carl, myself and other will know how to change out an airbag. Herman
  5. I am still a believer that the Engineers know what is the best power to rate ratios are. But we still have old Hot Rodders out there that all they want is moo power. Overkill is just what it say, OVERKILL. RVs are the same as cars just bigger. When you put in a engine with more HP, then you need a heavier transmission, and then a stronger rear end, and the list goes on. If you don't like dancing with who you brought, take her home and get a different dance partner. Herman
  6. Now inquiring minds know. (they may not know the difference between EDM RVl and TPO Roof material they know what the acronyms stand for) Herman
  7. Jim, Welcome to the Forum. The folks here need a bit more information like Make, year, model and length of your RV. Herman
  8. Eric, I think it is commendable on you for doing this for your parents. Have you thought of buying the RV you would like and just driving your parents down to Florida and have them stay in the same place or place of their choise then going down in the RV and bring them home in comfort. A house or condo should be level with no high steps and there is nothing to remember like dumping and getting propane. Herman
  9. Dan, There a lot of folks that have been using Directv with either NYC or LS stations,-- there are some new issues with respect to the service with Directv on both coast. https://community.fmca.com/topic/15595-loss-of-directv-channels/ was started by a Direct user. If you go to the topic you can PM (Personal Message) him and maybe get the information you would like. Herman
  10. I will be up the middle of June and you can show me how to do it as I watch. Herman
  11. On my Carefree slide awning there are two arms on the awning, one on each end. Facing the awning the arm on the left has the rewind spring. Loosen the left arm, pull it out just enough to clear the slide. Be very careful there is a lot of tension on the arm. With great ease turn the arm counter clock wise. One turn may give you the desired tension. if not turn arm one more turn. This should increase the tension on the Awning. Herman
  12. Carl, just a slight correction they don't refer to the gatherings as Anniversaries. It is just 101st Convention. FMCA was formed 1963 and they had a Anniversary for the 50th year of FMCA in 2013 I believe it was at the convention in Gillette Wyoming. If I remember correctly it was "Mile Marker 50" or something like that. Please, someone correct me if my date are wrong. Herman
  13. Martin, Welcome home Shipmate!! Thank you for your Service. Were you Ships company or an Airedale? Airedale myself. What a Resume, from upstate New York, living in California and retired Navy, wow. And Welcome To The Forum. Herman
  14. Hasn't this been addressed in your last Topic Posting? Herman
  15. Ross, I am not familiar with Direct TV, is this where you subscribe to either the East Coast or West Coast major networks? As mike said, we to have Dish and when we travel out of our zone we can call up Dish and they will set us up with the Local Channels where we are. Then when we return home we revert back to our home channels. Simple as 1-2-3. Herman
  16. Martin, Welcome to the Forum. It would have been nice to have had such insurance. But here we are with perfect hindsight. I am sure that will be a discussion at the next budget meeting. However I am sure the Insurance Industry will be thinking about such policies and the cost may be very high in the future. But it would be nice to have it. Again Welcome! Herman
  17. Mike, having been retired for about ten years, the wife for seven, not much has changed. That is except for not being able to go to Rallies and visit with friends. I know folks will agree with me in saying "LET'S GO RVING!!!!" (I know capitals and bold mean shouting) Herman
  18. docj, I never thought that as a volunteer, it would cost me between 10 & 12 thousand dollars a year to have the privilege to serve. I do it because I enjoy doing it. That being said I am an Officer in the South Central Area, Senior Vice President. I do not get paid for going to our area rally or planning meeting. However there are three officers that do get paid mileage when they go to visit Rallies other than their own. Our Southern Region and Northern Region VPs go to visit chapter in their region. The purpose of those visits are to help chapter that may be going down in size and can use help. I myself travel in both area for the same reason when a chapter need help and one of the other VPs is unable to attend for some reason or to make a presentation to a Chapter celebrating an anniversary. Those visits are made by either our National Area Vice President or myself. So yes some folks may be reimbursed for there travel. Do some abuse it, yes. But the majority of them spend much more than they are reimbursed. So I say to folks, if there is something that you feel is not right or may need corrected don't just sit in front of a computer and complain. Talk to your National Director, Your National Area Vice President or even the President, or better still get elected to be a National Director, an area officer, in other words get involved. I deal with all of the above and must say they are all hard working men and women working together for one cause, FMCA. Just My Humble Opinion. Herman
  19. jchaney12, Do you remember if during your 1,400 mile trip hitting something or a deep pot hole? A deep pot hole or and alligator (tire debris on the road) can do a lot of damage to a front end, more especially when towing. With an auto with 135,000 miles (not to mention miles being towed) on it there are bound to be suspension components that are worn. I would start with an good shop that does suspension work. Herman
  20. Picture from our front porch. As Mr. Rodgers would say, "It's a great day in the neighborhood. " Herman
  21. Rockwell RV Park, They are taking reservations. They will be open at 2pm, after church. 404-787-5992 Exit 143 on I-40 Herman
  22. Ray, I had a tire company tell me the reason that they do not just repair a tire with an inside patch is for the same reason. They put in a plug with rubber cement. Their thinking, and I agree, is that the inside patch works for the leak but the plug works for both the leak and stops possible water penetration that can cause steel belt failure. Herman
  23. Gary, I do not use a filter for using Camp Ground water or for filling my water storage tank. I have a double inline filter setup in our coach. One is a charcoal filter and I am not sure what the second is called. We are not full timers but do use the coach many times all year long. We use to water for making coffee, washing dishes, and showering. We drink bottled water because we can keep it cold. I change the filters twice a year. Herman
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