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Everything posted by wildebill308

  1. The rising water will motivate you. Bill
  2. Navigator, Welcome to the forum. As you just got it and don't know the maintenance history, I would change the fuel filters and add a double dose of Diesel Kleen. Then drive it around locally to see if it helps. Bill
  3. I got my account at a walk in facility in New Hampshire but they have on in Maine. http://www.maineturnpike.com/Contact-Us.aspx Bill
  4. I know but I still don't hear of a lot of tickets being written for being to long. Bill
  5. It has been a couple of years but it is not a bad road. It can save some time getting to Bangor Lookes a lot like US-1. Just a heads up US-1 is ok in the coach US-1A only in the toad. Bill
  6. If it stayes in and it is that small amount I don't see a problem driving it. I have a bedroom slide that will stick out that much if you don't sometimes give it an extra bump. See you in Minot Bill
  7. That is a good place to start. I would check the TBN scores to give you a better idea of how the oil is and how it is holding up. The outher thing well 2 things Don't change the oil till you have the report back and try to find out how many miles since the last oil change. The reason is if you change the oil before it comes back and the sample results are out of line/not normal you can't do anouther sample to verify there is a problem with the unit or just a bad sample. Like sticking the sample tube into the crud in the bottom of the pan. The reason you need an idea of how many miles since the last oil change is it will affect how you should interpret the results. Any questions just ask. Bill
  8. Wayne, We have stayed at Smoky Bear Campground and RV Park, smokybearcampground.com Not fancy kind of tight but is easy to get to from the East on 321. It savs fighting all the traffic in Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg in the coach. Bill
  9. Keith, make shure nothing has gotten stuck between the seal flange and the coach. Have you tried to run it out and back in? Bill
  10. Should be unless you are going down some hi center dirt road. Bill
  11. Welcome to the forum. I would be looking for a different shop if they don't know where to buy/have fabricated a hydraulic hose. Don't let them tell you it is hard to find or expensive. Bill
  12. Welcome to the forum. I would talk to someone who can give you better answers as to cost. I would talk to Texas Custom Coach and get a better idea of cost. http://texascustomcoach.com/ Carl probably has the boses home number. Bill
  13. I have never had a problem switching to a quality synthetic regardless of mileage. Current coach started with 48,000 miles now around 98,000. My oil analysis reports look realey good. I would run nothing but full synthetic in any Ford V-10 a 0w20 would be my choice and recommendation. Bill
  14. Well back to what I posted June 28. Meleconn you might want to read it. I seriously doubt that a sunpass will work north of North Carolina. Someday but not yet. I haven't had any bad charges and I keep checking. Bill
  15. Have you heard of or had any experience with Triangle? Bill
  16. DickandLois, That is still good advise. lt1093, Welcome to the forum. That post/thread is almost 10 years old. I have never seen many people having catastrophic problems with the V-10. I think it is one of the most durable engines out there. You can't over rev it as it has a governor and is designed to be a hi revving engine. The onley detractor I can think of was the early engins with the short threads in the spark plug holes. That problem is easily repairable. Bill
  17. I would start at the batteries and work from there. I bet it is near or in the battery control box. Find where both battery cables come together. (house and coach) I am betting it isn't far from the batteries because it will be a heavy duty wire. Bill
  18. Still a popular place to stock up. Been there numerous times. It is a bit far from Texas but hay. Bill
  19. I don't see any reason you couldn't polish everything up with some scotch brite and have it working just fine. Maybe a little tweaking of the contacts to be shure you have a good contact. Bill
  20. Welcome to the forum. What kind time frame for the trip and what are your interest/what do you want to see/do? Bill
  21. hotrod1987, Welcome to the forum. I would tend to follow the advice of jleamont as he lives in that part of the world. Do you have your PassPort with you? The Canadian side of the falls is the most spectacular. Don't miss a ride on the Maid of the Mist. and it is spectacular to watch the sun set and the lights on the falls come on from the space needle. Herman. Yes I was up that way in May, June time frame. The problem is there are no diagonal roads. The falls is on the outher corner of a rectangle from where hotrod1987 is starting from. By the way I am at the top of Raton pass tonight. Bill
  22. You can get the same results using clear polyethylene sheeting over the repair so you can work out any air bubbles and excess resin. With out more knowledge of the damage it would be hard to detail a complete process. I use to work in a fiberglass shop when I was in the AF maney years ago. We had to repair radomes for KC-135 A/C and we got in trouble because when we were done the finish was to slick to get the special coating to stick. The paint shop was mad because they had to rough up the surface. Ray, that sounds like a good idea. Bill
  23. wildebill308

    New Tires

    I should be interesting to see what the experts say. I would think if both tires are balanced it shouldn't make any difference. Bill
  24. My microwave is on a circuit powered by the inverter. That doesn't mean all of them are the same. All good answers but it could be something as simple as the inverter is off or the power cable from the batteries is not making good conection. The simplest thing is to start tracing back down that circuit till you find power. Bill
  25. Here is a video that night help you. Don't worry about weight he is talking about aircraft repairs and they always worry about weight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVYfaTnIsSc Ross, I think the matt comes out a little rougher than I like. I would use a layer or 2 of matt and a cover of fine cloth. Bill
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